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SITUATION ENEMY FORCES 1. Composition The Mahdi Army Al Qaeda Taliban
The Iraqi National Islamic Resistance
ENEMY FORCES 2. Capabilities AK- 47 Assault Rifle
RPG- Rocket Propelled Grenades Truck Mounted Artillery/Mortars IED- Improvised Explosive Device
HIGHER’S INTENT This is the MS III instructor’s second chance to assess land navigation skills for those cadets attending LDAC in This exercise entails land navigation, obstacle course, and FLRC. Success is defined as 90% go on all Land Navigation, leadership evaluation on FLRC and successful completion of the obstacle course.
MISSION Campbell Battalion conducts Land Navigation, FLRC, and the Air Assault course on 6 November 2004 in order to assess the skills and instill self-confidence in all future LDAC attendees.
EXECUTION Concept of the Operation
0630 BN Formation 0645 Movement to the LN site 0700 Cadets arrive at LN committee 0705 LN onsite brief 0725 LN starts 1225 LN ends 1230 Movement to Range 85 1245 Cadets arrive at Range 85 / squads split into two 1300 Rotation one starts 1520 Rotation one ends 1535 Rotation two starts 1750 Rotation two ends 1751 Police call / Site breakdown 1830 BN Formation / Dismissal
Land Navigation
0630 BN Formation 0645 Movement to the LN site 0700 Cadets arrive at LN committee 0705 LN onsite brief 0725 LN starts 1225 LN ends 1230 Movement to Range 85 1245 Cadets arrive at Range 85 / squads split into two 1300 Rotation one starts 1520 Rotation one ends 1535 Rotation two starts 1750 Rotation two ends 1751 Police call / Site breakdown 1830 BN Formation / Dismissal
Campbell Battalion LRC 06 November 2004
CIC: Sanchez-Erazo (UNCP) Asst CIC: Vasquez
77 78 79 76 LEGEND Formation / Parking LN CP LRC / Obstacle Course 92 91 90
Strip Map to LRC LRC Pike Field Range 85 McKellars Rd Bragg Blvd
Butner Rd. Check Point
Site Layout Obstacle 4 Obstacle 3 Obstacle 2 Storage Container
TOC/Briefing area Range 85 Obstacle 1 McKellars Rd.
Strip Map to WAMC LRC Range Control WAMC Gruber Rd Long Street
All American PKWY Emergency Entrance
Emergency Contacts Fort Bragg Military Police 396-0391
Range Control WAMC 911
LRC Annex
Task Organization: Leadership Reaction Course (LRC): CIC, Asst CIC
(8) Obstacle Evaluators: two per obstacle. (2) Alternates/site set up and break down.
1. Situation: Same as BN OPORD.
2. Mission: Campbell Battalion Conducts a Field Leadership Reaction Course (FLRC) on 06 NOV 04 at 0600 hrs. In order to evaluate MSIIIs leadership abilities and prepare them for success at Warrior Forge It will also introduce MSIs and MSIIs to the FLRC course.
3. Execution Commander’s Intent
MSIIIs are given the opportunity to lead, follow and be evaluated while placed in a leadership role in at least one station at the FLRC course and MSIs and MSIIs gain FLRC experience as team members.
a. Maneuver Concept of the Operation
This operation will take place in three phases: Phase One: Planning/ADVON Phase Two: Execution of LRC Phase Three: Site Teardown/Recovery
Phase 1 Begins on 04 OCT 04 when a recon of the training site is conducted. Committee is identified and equipment requests are made. On 06 NOV 04 at approximately 0645 hrs the ADVON party departs Methodist College to Fort Bragg’s LRC course and begins to set up the training site. All the supplies needed for the LRC course are consolidated at the LRC course in a storage container. Two five gallon water cans will be placed at each obstacle. Motorola Radios will be issued to one evaluator per obstacle. Once the site has been set up the CIC and Asst CIC will conduct a final inspection of the training site to ensure all set up instructions have been followed and each obstacle is ready for training. At which time the CIC will contact Range Control and request permission to begin training Phase one ends when cadets arrive to the LRC course.
Phase 2 Begins when cadets arrive at the LRC course. CIC gives the in-brief to cadets. Committee is introduced, cadets are broken into their evaluation squads, and weapons are issued. Training begins at 1315 hrs and ends at 1755 hrs.
Phase 3 Begins when the last rotation ends, weapons turn-in is conducted. The breakdown of the training site begins, the cadets at the last rotation will also assist the committee breaking down the obstacle at which they finished. This phase ends when all equipment has been turned in, the CIC has inspected the site and Range Control has cleared the site.
b. Tasks to Subordinate Units
Cadets Vasquez, Johnson, J. assume duties of evaluators for obstacle 1 Cadets Miyagi, Tapia assume duties of evaluators for obstacle 2 Cadets Choe, Weaver, A. assume duties of evaluators for obstacle 3 Cadets Creammer, Garret assume duties of evaluators for obstacle 4 Cadets Grover, Tringo will be alternates and will help set up and teardown the site 1) Obstacle OICs will set up their lane and place two five gallon water cans in their obstacle. Ensure that radio communication is established and maintained throughout the entire exercise. 2) UNCP S-4 will arrange for road guard vests which are to be used during the movement from the LRC course to Range 85. 3) UNCP S-4 will request BN S-4 for 1 FM radio. 4) Obstacle OICs will issue and receive weapons.
c. Coordinating Instructions
When the cadets arrive at the LRC training site, the CIC will conduct an orientation brief of the site and a safety brief. The first rotation will begin NLT 1315 hrs. and the last rotation will end at 1830 hrs. The squad rotation from range 85 to LRC and vice versa will be between 1530 hrs and 1540 hrs.
Time Schedule TIME Event 1300-1315
Briefing by CIC, Break down into squads, and Weapon Issue Evaluator Issue OPORD Phase Line Green Squad Negotiates Obstacle Phase Line Brown AAR Phase Line Red Movement to Next obstacle Phase Line Blue Squad Rotation
TIME EVENT 1540-1545 Phase Line Green 1545-1605 Phase Line Brown
Evaluator Issue OPORD Phase Line Green Squad Negotiates Obstacle Phase Line Brown AAR Phase Line Red Movement to Next obstacle Phase Line Blue 1755-UTC Site Breakdown
4. Service Support: a. Material and Services: (1) Supply:
I. (12) five-gallon water cans: two posted in the vicinity of each obstacle, and the remaining four will be held at the CP. M16 Dummy rifles: one issued to each cadet. (7) Radios: (1) for CIC and (1) for asst CIC. (1) for each obstacle. (1) for the alternate/tear down personnel (1) FM Radio Medical: same as BN OPORD.
5. Command and Signal: a. Command:
(1) Location of c/LTC Hedrick and LTC Campagna: same as BN OPORD. (2) Location of CIC c/1LT Sanchez-Erazo: LRC CP. (3) Location of assistant CIC c/CPT Vasquez: Obstacle # 1 Succession of Command: LRC CIC, assistant CIC, c/1LT Creammer. b. Signal: Handheld radios will be used by MSIVs IAW BTN SOI.
Obstacle #1 Task: Negotiate obstacle
CONDTION: Given two ammo boxes weighing 40 pounds, a 2”x 8” x 8’x9” plank, a 2’ x 8’ x 6’ 2” plank, and current environmental conditions. STANDARD: The squad will successfully negotiate the obstacle without falling or jumping in the pit or touching the white areas. SITUATION: The squad's mission is to mortar ammunition to the gun position. Enroute you discover a culvert with a minefield between the squad and gun position. The white painted areas and the ground are mined. No member or piece of equipment must touch the ground. No member is allowed to jump between posts. The squad has 18 minutes to cross the obstacle. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: ENSURE PLANKS ARE CENTERD ON THE POSTS. MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF ONE SPOTTER.
Obstacle # 1
Obstacle # 2 TASK: Negotiable Obstacle
CONDITIONS: Given two 40 pound simulated demo charges, a 8’ piece of 5/8” hemp rope, a 2”x 12”x 10’ plank, and current environmental conditions. STANDARD: The squad will successfully negotiate the obstacle without falling or jumping in the pit or touching the white areas. SITUATION: The squad’s mission is to mine the entrances of bunkers at an enemy ammo dump that is secured by a seven-foot wire fence. You discover a rope and a plank that may assist you in crossing the wire obstacle. The white painted areas and the ground on both sides of the fence are mined. All squad members must cross into enemy lines, taking the explosives, and all equipment with them. No member or piece of equipment must touch the fence. The squad has 18 minutes to cross the obstacle. INSTUCTOR NOTE: ENSURE PLANK IS CENTERED ON THE POSTS. HAVE A MINIMUM OF ONE SPOTTER.
Obstacle # 2
Obstacle # 3 Task: Negotiate obstacle
CONDTION: Given a 2”x 8”x 8’ plank, a 2”x 8”x 10’ plank, a 2”x 8”x 12’ plank, a 55 gallon drum, and current environmental conditions. STANDARD: The squad will successfully negotiate the obstacle without falling or jumping in the pit. SITUATION: The squad’s mission is to deliver supplies to an ADA position on the other side of the river with a destroyed bridge. All squad members must cross the river, taking the supplies and all equipment with them. Two members must control the drum. The squad has 18 minutes to cross the obstacle. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: ENSURE MEMBERS FALL TOWARDS THE PIT.
Obstacle # 3
Obstacle # 4 TASK: Negotiate Obstacle
CONDITION: Given a 30’ piece of 1” OR 1 ¼” rope, an ammo box weighing 40 pounds, and current environmental conditions. STANDARD: The squad will successfully negotiate the obstacle without falling or jumping in the pit. SITUATION: The squad has been assigned the mission to pick up a re-supply of ammo and return. Enroute the squad encounters two obstacles with booby-trapped ground in between. All squad members must touch the ground at one time, secure the ammo, and return. The rope must be returned with the ammunition. The squad members may not jump between the fence and the wall. The squad has 18 minutes to complete the mission. INSTUCTOR NOTE: DO NOT ALLOW THE SQUAD TO JUMP BETWEEN THE FENCE AND THE WALL. MUST HAVE A MUNIMUM OF TWO SPOTTERS.
Obstacle # 4
0630 BN Formation 0645 Movement to the LN site 0700 Cadets arrive at LN committee 0705 LN onsite brief 0725 LN starts 1225 LN ends 1230 Movement to Range 85 1245 Cadets arrive at Range 85 / squads split into two 1300 Rotation one starts 1520 Rotation one ends 1535 Rotation two starts 1750 Rotation two ends 1751 Police call / Site breakdown 1830 BN Formation / Dismissal
Air Assault Obstacle Course (Range 85)
CIC: c/CPT Chandler Asst. CIC: c/CPT Brisson
Mission Campbell Battalion conducts Confidence Course NOV04 to NOV04 vicinity of Range 85 to assess cadets’ confidence, motivation, and physical abilities.
Execution Commander’s Intent
Each cadet successfully negotiates every obstacle without sustaining physical injury. Personal courage and motivation are demonstrated by all cadets to encourage others. MSIII’s teach effective and clear hip-pocket training.
Tough One Hurdles High Step Weaver Inverted Wall Vertical Ladder Formation Area Swing, Stop, Jump Low Crawl Up, Belly Over LRC
Task to Subordinate Units
Asst CIC: Ensure medic and emergency vehicle is on standby Ensure water is provided at the break area Coordinate with CPT. Collins for safety equipment. Ensure chow is provided Demonstrators/Evaluators: Rehearse and execute a demonstration for each rotation Shadow squads and evaluate squad leaders during obstacle course and hip pocket training Report to CIC at the completion of each obstacle Ensure safety is strictly adhered to
TIMELINE: 1000 MSIV Recon/Rehearsal
1300 Site Orientation: Safety Brief and Demonstrations 1320 Confidence Course / Hip Pocket Training 1500 Lunch (MRE) 1520 Movement to Next Training Site 1535 Lunch (MRE) 1555 Site Orientation: Safety Brief and Demonstrations 1615 Confidence Course / Hip Pocket Training 1750 Confidence Course Complete; Police Call begins.
High Risk Obstacles Weaver Jacob’s Ladder Tough One
One safety per person on obstacle Jacob’s Ladder Four safeties at all times: two on each side of ladder Designated height is 2 steps lower than total height Tough One One lane (rope) active Six safeties at all times Gymnastic pads for specified high risk locations
Service Support a. Material and Services: (1) Supply:
I. Six 5-gallon water cans posted in formation area at all times MRE for chow II. Two 2-way radios VII. Medical aid bag located on-site (2) Transportation: By foot to and from LRC training location. (3) Medical Evacuation: The maroon van is located on-site for evacuation to Womack Medical Center
Command and Signal Command Signal OIC –CPT Collins
CIC – c/CPT Chandler Asst CIC – c/CPT Brisson Succession of Command OIC, CIC, Asst CIC Signal SOI: Same as Bn OPORD Womack Emergency Room Info Center – Range Control – 3 Horn Blasts for inclement weather
Obstacle Breakdown Police Call BN Formation / Dismissal
SERVICE SUPPORT General Material and Services Supply Class I Class II
Class VII Class VIII 2. Transportation 5. Medical Evacuation
1. Location of OIC – LTC Campagna will be in the following areas throughout the training. a) First formation b) LN – Will either be at the CP or roaming the Course c) LRC – Will be either at the LRC CP or Walking the area. d) Obstacle Course – Will be observing and overseeing the training. 2. Location of CIC – c/LTC Hedrick will be accompanying LTC Campagna or c/MAJ McCormick to during the operating of each cycle of training. 3. Succession of Command is Battalion Commander, XO, S-3, LN CIC, LRC CIC, OC CIC
b. Signal 1. SOI: none a. Communication during LN, LRC and OC will be established using two- way radios b. Cadre will have PRC radios 2. WOMACK a. EMERGENCY ROOM – (910) 907 – 6559 b. INFO CENTER – (910) 907 – 6000 3. Range Control – (910) 432 – 1161 4. Three horn blasts indicates inclement weather, two horn blast indicates the ENDEX for land Navigation
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