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Regional Workforce Development in Southeastern Wisconsin.

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1 Regional Workforce Development in Southeastern Wisconsin

2 Generation 1 = Red Generation 2 = Grey Generation 3 = Gold Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development Total of 39 WIRED Regions funded by US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

3 November 15, 2006 Source: Excerpt from letter to WIRED Regional Leads, November 15, 2006 Asst. Secretary Emily Stover DeRocco Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development

4 Source: Letter to WIRED Regional Leads, November 15, 2006 Asst. Secretary Emily Stover DeRocco Elements of Workforce Investment System Transformation Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development

5 Source: Letter to WIRED Regional Leads, November 15, 2006 Asst. Secretary Emily Stover DeRocco Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development Elements of Workforce Investment System Transformation

6 ▲ Align the education, economic development and workforce systems with a focus on the talent pipeline: 1.Cultivate workforce talent, 2.Deliver demand-driven talent development services, and 3.Catalyze systems integration for seamless solutions. ▲ Target investment in M7 driver industries - every driver industry job creates 5 other jobs in the economy Align for a Regional Win

7 Workforce Innovation Fund of $2.5 million total by RWA for Milwaukee 7 Region To be announced at April 11, 2008 Workforce Innovation Forum event A Different Mindset from Traditional Funding GrantInvestment Deficit-basedAsset-based Funder at arms’ lengthFunder as co-innovator Risk-adverseRisk-tolerant Highlights of RWA’s Workforce Innovation Fund

8 Three Funding Tiers 1.Exploratory Investments: $250,000 total for awards up to $20,000 Supports research & development and partnership formation through a small investment to develop concept 2.Demonstration Investment: $1 million total for awards up to $100,000 Supports innovative pilot program or training 3.Implementation Investment: $1.25 million total for awards up to $250,000 Brings innovative pilot program or training to a regional scale, leverages / coordinates with additional funding sources Highlights of RWA’s Workforce Innovation Fund

9 Demand Side For Employers One point of contact via Milwaukee 7 website Demand-driven business services Proactive in forecasting, yet as responsive as possible to immediate workforce needs Implement industry council workforce strategies Innovative pilot projects

10 Supply Side For Job Seekers Recreate the talent pipeline by funding innovative approaches Prepare more to enter Science, Technology Engineering, and Math fields Collaborate across K-16 education following Milwaukee 7 economic framework Promote careers in driver industries Local pilot programs for specialized needs

11 Transformation Workforce Infrastructure Workforce system transformation Alignment of workforce board training funds Connection with private foundation investments

12 Milwaukee 7 RWA Steering Committee Next Generation Manufacturing Water Industries Financial Services (Feb 2008) M7 Industry Councils Demand Side Supply Side Workforce Development Board (WDB) K-16 Education Committees Chief elected officials from 7 counties Ad hoc (TBD) Staff Milwaukee 7 RWA Steering Committee Next Generation Manufacturing Water Council Financial Services (Feb 2008) M7 Industry Councils Demand Side Supply Side Workforce Development Board (WDB) K-16 Education Committees RWA Leadership Team RWA Oversight Board Ad hoc (TBD) Regional Workforce Alliance Governance Structure

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