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IERA Faculty Workload Workshop CBM-008 January 21,2005 PVAMU\Presentation\Faculty-WkShop-Presentation-05.

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Presentation on theme: "IERA Faculty Workload Workshop CBM-008 January 21,2005 PVAMU\Presentation\Faculty-WkShop-Presentation-05."— Presentation transcript:

1 IERA Faculty Workload Workshop CBM-008 January 21,2005 PVAMU\Presentation\Faculty-WkShop-Presentation-05

2 System Policy 12.03 (CBM Extract Reports) REPORT A - FACULTY TEACHING LOAD FTE & Compliance Report REPORT B - SEMESTER CREDIT HOURS BY TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REPORT C - COMPARISON OF CUMULATIVE 12th CLASS DAY TO END OF SEMESTER ENROLLMENT HEADCOUNT –Count of students dropping classes or withdrawing. REPORT D - SMALL CLASS REPORT E - Faculty Effort & Source of Funds REPORT REPORT F - 30% Drop Rate Summary by Classes –Excessive drops (= Problems?)

3 How it Works

4 Hire Faculty Complete the Correct Forms Note: IERA & HR Forms are separate IERA forms get you into the SIS+ & Web HR forms get you paid IERA data form must be signed and proper documents attached example: transcripts, contract letter, appointment letter

5 Faculty Data TitleTypeSizeCreatedLast Modified Formula Funding Matrixpdf 67.624023437 5 Kbytes 12:20:37 Oct 09, 200109:01:57 Apr 21, 2003 Merit Pay Procedurepdf 136.2734375 Kbytes 12:20:37 Oct 09, 200109:01:57 Apr 21, 2003 Faculty Workload Form- Spring 2005 xls119 Kbytes09:41:56 Jan 18, 200509:36:34 Jan 18, 2005 Workload Policy-Aug-03doc96.5 Kbytes02:29:27 Jan 19, 200501:43:52 Jan 13, 2005


7 CBM Code RankTHECB Definition 1ProfessorInclude only tenured and tenure track faculty. 2Associate ProfessorInclude only tenured and tenure track faculty. 3Assistant ProfessorInclude only tenured and tenure track faculty. 4InstructorInclude only tenured and tenure track faculty who do not hold the rank of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor. 5Other FacultyIncludes faculty without tenure and not on tenure track including but not limited to adjunct, special, visiting, emeritus, and lecturer. 6Teaching AssistantA graduate student who is teaching and/or assists a faculty member in teaching a class or lab. Exclude those serving as graders or who are included in one of the other ranks. CBM CodeTenure Code THECB Description 1T Tenured at PVAMU. 2TT Tenure Track at PVAMU. 0NTT Not tenure eligible at PVAMU. Extended Tenure Codes for Non-tenure eligible faculty (may impact funding) 3NTT Non-tenured, terminal degree in discipline for course being taught: all instructors with a doctoral or other terminal degree in the discipline, including adjunct professors, visiting professors, lecturers, senior lecturers, and clinical professors. 4NTT Non-tenured, appropriate professional certification for course being taught: part-time faculty with a doctoral or other terminal degree and combined full-time employment comparable to that of other scholars in the field. This would include individuals who hold research or clinical appointments in other organizations, and faculty who teach for another institution, especially a faculty member who teaches a cooperative or partnership program. 5NTT Non-tenured, extensive and recognized accomplishments in field for course being taught: instructors with five or more years of continuous full-time appointments or experience in teaching positions and a master’s degree in the field (i.e., career teachers holding positions such as lecturer, senior lecturer or instructional specialist). All others include part-time appointees with or without a doctoral degree but with otherwise demonstrable capability to teach the course for which they are assigned. Examples of this category are artists teaching art, CPA’s teaching accounting, lawyers teaching business law, senior public officials teaching public affairs or appropriate government courses, practicing professional engineers teaching certain engineering courses, corporate CEO’s teaching certain business courses, or nurses teaching clinical practices, and other licensed professionals.

8 1 - Professor (T OR TT at PV only)…………………………………………………..1 2 - Associate Professor (T OR TT at PV only) ………………………………….2 3 - Assistant Professor (T OR TT at PV only)……………………………………3 4 - Instructor (T OR TT at PV only)…………………………………………………...4 5 - Lecturer/Other Faculty (NTT)…………………………All others below are 5 6 - Teaching/Graduate Assistant 7 - Visiting Faculty 8 - Adjunct Faculty 9 - Special Faculty Temporary, Part-time, Teaching Associate Graduate Assistant Teaching, ARMY/NAVY Faculty 10 - Distinguished Professor (= Professor T OR TT ONLY)…………………….1 11 - Professor (NTT) 12 - Assoc. Professor (NTT) 13 - Asst. Professor (NTT) 14 - Instructor (NTT) 15 - Distinguished Professor (NTT) 16 - Staff/Administrators (without faculty rank) 17 - Advisors/Staff (non-teaching) (SIS purposes only not reported to the Coordinating Board) 18 - Research Scientist RANK CODING:CBM Codes

9 ActivityAbbrev.Dept. Limits Department HeadDPHDNot > 6 Program or Level CoordinatorPGCDNot > 3 Program or Curriculum DevelopmentCUDVNot > 3 Department Funded Research ActivityDBARNot > 3 Thesis or Dissertation ChairTHECNot > 3 Thesis or Dissertation Committee MemberTHECNot > 1 CodeActivityDescription 1TeachingClassroom teaching activity 2Teaching RelatedTeaching-related activity, dept. admn, DPHD, supervising & enhancement activity 11Academic Support Academic deans and directors; librarian 12Research Organized basic/applied research externally funded by grants, contracts, etc. Note: Department research funded from state sources including OCR funds is reported as part of appointment code 02—teaching related. 13Institutional Support Public Service, Student Services, Institutional Support, Operation & Maintenance of Plant, Auxiliary Enterprise Operations. Includes activities associated with admissions, records, financial aid, student affairs, executive direction and control, business and fiscal management, personnel, administrative computing, campus security, purchasing and intercollegiate athletics.

10 Instructional TypeCodeAbbrev.Teaching Load Credits Formula Lecture1LECSCH Laboratory2LABContact Hours X 0.5 Practicum3PRA(ENR X SCH)/12 Large Practicum 13+ Students3LPRSCH Seminar4SEMSCH Independent Study5IND(ENR X SCH)/15 Private Lesson6PRLContact Hours X 0.5 Group TV Instruction 1 1 or 2TEISCH Thesis (Chair)8THE(ENR X SCH)/6 Doctoral Dissertation (Chair)9DIS(ENR X SCH)/3 Lecture – Laboratory1 or 2LCLLec Hrs + (Lab Contact Hours X 0.5) Intensive Practicum (Nursing, Med. Tech.)3IPRSCH X 2.0 Intensive Laboratory (HUPF)2ILBSCH Group Music Instruction2GMUSCH X 0.5 Overload 51+ Students-OVLSCH X 1.33 2 Graduate Level Course-GRDSCH X 1.33 2 Web/Distance/Electronic Classes (except TTVN) -DISNormally based on course type (Lec, etc) see about weights. If same Faculty is teaching the same course Both as on campus and off campus As the same section (web, distance, electronic), then workload credit is only applied for the on-campus portion If taught as separate sections or as off Campus only, then workload credit May be given for each section if justified by Dean and approved by VPAA. 1 Multiple televised sections of the same course shall earn workload credit only for the originating course section. 2 Part-time faculty = 1.25 Note: Instructors of organized classes that are team-taught will proportionately share the workload credits allowed for those classes in accordance with their distribution of responsibilities.

11 Clarification of workload calculations for NEW FACULTY HANDBOOK What are the intended results? SAMPLE WORKLOAD: FACULTYCOURSE TYPE COURSE SCH Student Count SCH Generated WKLD HRS Generated John SmithGRAD 5003 001LEC3412 4 GRAD 5333 001PRAC3551654 GRAD 5993 001IND3131.2 TOTALS 9 SCH960180 9.2 Formulas: LectureLEC: SCH = TLC Large PracticumPRA: SCH = TLC Independent StudyIND: (ENR X SCH)/15 = TLC Graduate LevelGRL: SCH X 1.33 = TLC NOTE: formulas use SCH not TLC (TLC = TEACHING LOAD CREDIT only -- NOT a SCH change) SCH-METHOD 1: Faculty Workload for John Smith TLC FWL Grad-level lecture: SCH x 1.33 = TLCGRAD 5003: 3 X 1.33 = 3.99 4.00

12 1F3 Faculty Member Profile Faculty, Teaching Screen: ___ Faculty ID: 99999999 Course: Term: 051 Name: Faculty, Teaching Delete? _ Col Dept Rank Status 1. ED HHP 14 A1 ACTIVE - BUDGETED 2. ___ ____ ______ __ 3. ___ ____ ______ __ Born: 03-1938 Sex: M Ethnic: B Black, non hispanic. Citizen: US UNITED STATES FY 2004 Budgeted FTE: 1.00 Tenure: 5 Non-tenured, Extensive and reco Highest Degree: M.ED. Degree Origin: 1003630 PRAIRIE VIEW A&M Spring 2005 Degree Field: PHED Teaching FTE: 0.72 ***************** Web Info ****************** Non-Teaching FTE: 0.00 PIN Number: PIN Assigned: _ Calculated FTE: 0.72 Login attempts: _ Last attempt: 12-17-2004 CWID Notify: _ ? 100% Last Maint: 10-12-2004

13 125 Course Inventory Maintenance CREATIVE ENGR I Screen: ___ SID: _________ Course: MCEG1213 Term: 051 Function: _ A=Add; D=Delete Main Campus Title: CREATIVE ENGR I Col: EN College of Engineering Terms: 989 thru ___ Dept: MCE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TSI: __ Core Competency: _ CREDIT OFFERED Cross Listed Courses CONTROLS Levels: U _ _ _ ________ Status: _ Maximum: 3.00 ________ Grd Rule: __ Minimum: 3.00 ________ Grd Type: __ Connector: F ________ Offered: _____ Max Repeat: 3.00 ________ Sess Dup: Y Financial: 3.00 Doctoral Fund: __ Ac/Tech: _ Sched Prty Rule: _ OmitFrmRpt: _ Approval: 1419010006 CBM003: _ 0 1 Roll Control: A Contact Hours Max TCAL Remedial: _ Activities Group Indiv Credit Enr C 1 2 Replacement Course ID: _________ 1st: LAB 2.00 _____ 3.00 30 2 __ __ Replacement Crs Term: ___ 2nd: LEC 2.00 _____ 0.00 ____ 1 __ __ Subgroups 1 & 2: __ __ 3rd: ___ _____ _____ 0.00 ____ _ __ __ Core Curriculum: ___ ___ Next ID: ___________ Date Last Maint: 11-26-2001

14 132 Section Faculty Assignments INTRO PHARMACOLOGY 051 Screen: ___ SID: _________ Course: NURS3003001 Term: 051 Contact Hrs CREDIT OFFERED ORGANIZATION SCHEDULE NAMES Activities Group Indiv Credit 1st: LEC 3.00 _____ 3.00 Maximum: 3.00 College: NU Faculty, Teaching 1 2nd: _____ _____ _____ Minimum: 3.00 Dept: NUR Faculty, Teaching 2 3rd: _____ _____ _____ Connector: F Instructor Pct. Contact Hours Act ID Load Group Indiv Credit Instructor Name T LEC 100-52-435 50 1.50 1.50 Faculty, Teaching 1 _ LEC 101-03-038 50 1.50 1.50 Faculty, Teaching 2 _ ___ ___________ ___ _ Date Last Maint: 01-18-2005

15 132 Section Faculty Assignments FUND OF BASIC MOVE Screen: ___ SID: _________ Course: HUPF1082001 Term: 051 Contact Hrs CREDIT OFFERED ORGANIZATION SCHEDULE NAMES Activities Group Indiv Credit 1st: LAB 2.00 _____ 2.00 Maximum: 2.00 College: ED Faculty, Teaching 2nd: _____ _____ _____ Minimum: 2.00 Dept: HHP 3rd: _____ _____ _____ Connector: F Instructor Pct. Contact Hours Act ID Load Group Indiv Credit Instructor Name T LAB 100-44-175 100 2.66 2.00 Faculty, Teaching _ ___ ___________ ___ _ Date Last Maint: 01-19-2005

16 1F5 Faculty Teaching Schedule Faculty, Teaching Screen: ___ Faculty ID: 99999999 Course: Term: 051 wkld Pct. Section S Act Days Time Room Col Dept Hrs Cred Load Enr FTE HUPF-1082-001 LAB TR 1100-1220 DELC 00327 ED HHP 2.6 2.0 100 37.22 HUPF-3033-001 LEC MWF 0200-0250 NICK 00199 ED HHP 3.0 3.0 100 33.25 HUPF-4033-001 LEC TR 0930-1050 DELC 00243 ED HHP 3.0 3.0 100 28.25 Totals 8.6 8.0 98.72

17 1F4 Faculty Non-Teaching Activities Faculty, Teaching Screen: ___ Faculty ID: 99999999 Course: Term: 051 Term Begin End FTE Type Dept Description Del 049 __________ __________ 0.03 02 HHP IDPHD 6 HRS _ 049 __________ __________ 0.47 13 HHP ATHLETICS _ 041 __________ __________ 0.16 13 HHP ATHL ADMN, MEN'S TRACK _ 041 __________ __________ 0.41 02 HHP DEPT HEAD (6 HRS) _ 039 __________ __________ 0.16 13 HHP ATHLETICS, MEN'S TRACK _ 039 __________ __________ 0.34 02 HHP DEPT HEAD - 6 HRS _ 031 01-07-2003 05-07-2003 0.41 02 HHP DPHD, MEN'S TRACK 6.71% _ 031 __________ __________ 0.12 13 HHP ATHLETICS _ 029 __________ __________ 0.30 02 HHP INTERIM DPHD 6 HRS _ 029 __________ __________ 0.18 13 HHP ATHL 2.23 HRS 18.57% _ 021 01-10-2002 05-08-2002 0.19 13 HHP ASST DIR ATHL 2.3 HRS _ 021 __________ __________ 0.25 02 HHP CURR DEVL _ 021 01-10-2002 05-08-2002 0.32 02 HHP ASST DPHD 4 HRS(2 FROM 019) _ 019 08-16-2001 12-04-2001 0.10 02 HHP ASST DPHD 3 HRS _ 019 08-16-2001 12-04-2001 0.19 13 HHP ASST ATHL DIR/ATHL 19% 2.3 HR _ 011 01-05-2001 05-11-2001 0.19 13 ____ ATHLETICS _ Non-teaching FTE: 0.00 Spring 2005 Last Maint: 10-12-2004

18 1F8 Faculty Member Profile - Texas Faculty, Teaching Screen: ___ Faculty ID: 99999999 Course: Term: 051 NAME: Faculty, Teaching SSN: 999-99-9999 Service Date: 08-25-1989 Service Other Inst: 00 Hire Date: __________ Handicap: 0 No handicap CBM Flag: 1 Compliant Manual Update: _ High Degree: 4 Masters Degree Appoint Len: 00 Last Maint: 10-12-2004

19 1F9 Faculty Member Salary Faculty, Teaching Screen: ___ Faculty ID: 99999999 Course: Term: 051 Type Amount 01 19,639 04 3,537 __ ______ __ ______ 01 - State Appropriations __ ______ 02 - Designated 03 - Restricted 04 - Auxiliary 05 - Overload 06 - Flexible Entry Last Maint: 10-12-2004

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