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University of Baltimore Law Library Circulation Desk Assistant Training Bijal Shah Circulation/Interlibrary Loan Librarian May 30, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Baltimore Law Library Circulation Desk Assistant Training Bijal Shah Circulation/Interlibrary Loan Librarian May 30, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Baltimore Law Library Circulation Desk Assistant Training Bijal Shah Circulation/Interlibrary Loan Librarian May 30, 2006

2 Circulation Desk Assistant Training: Overview Welcome and Introductions Basic Policies Job Duties Scheduling Staffing of the Circulation and Reference Desks Administrative Information Tour of Library

3 Desk Asst. Training: Basic Policies Be punctual, responsible and attentive Complete all duties No laptop use permitted Silence cell phones Limit conversations with friends while on duty Limit Internet surfing on circulation desk PC Snack foods and beverages with closed containers are permitted, but store meals in staff lounge refrigerator Students not employed by Law Library are not allowed behind circulation desk Don’t spend an inordinate amount of time behind the desk when not on duty

4 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Retrieving reserve items  Materials cannot leave library (unless otherwise specified) Faculty can check out  Anyone can request (unless otherwise specified)  Items have green or yellow card inside depending on type of reserve  Attach picture ID to card and keep on file until patron returns item  No time limit

5 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Types of Reserves Faculty  Belong to faculty – we have books, copies and videos  Have green “Faculty Reserve” cards  Books have no identifying marks (usually); filed by professor, then course  Copies consist of exams & course readings; kept in file cabinets behind work table  Copies filed by course, then professor

6 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Types of Reserves (cont’d) General  Belong to library  Filed according to Library of Congress call number system  Have yellow card in pocket on inside back cover  Have identifying marks: call number at bottom of spine; property stamp at top and bottom; location sticker at top of spine

7 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Other items on reserve: Journals – recent issues kept on reserve until entire volume received; then they get bound  Technical Services staff takes care of receiving, processing and binding  Circulation desk assistants shelve issues once they are delivered by Technical Services staff  Issues shelved alphabetically by title, then chronologically by volume/issue of each title Floppy disks, CD-ROMs, videos and DVDs (shelved by call number) Cassette player, headphones (kept in supply cabinet)

8 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Looseleaf filing Library owns many looseleaf titles Releases (sets of pages) published with varying frequencies, depending on title Each release has its own filing instruction sheet Some titles have call numbers, some don’t Assignments usually on work table when you come in for your shift Complete all filing assignments during your shift! (All filing must be done at the desk) Covered in more detail during individual training

9 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Checking out/returning items UB is a member of USMAI – statewide consortium consisting of 16 campuses  USMAI Libraries share books with each other – patrons can place holds via online catalog  Hold shelf behind circulation desk houses books our patrons have requested from other USMAI libraries Who is allowed to borrow our books?  Current faculty/student/staff from any USMAI institution  UB and UMBC alumni  All borrowers must have a 14-digit library bar code

10 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Checking out/returning items (cont’d) Use automated library system, Aleph Different loan periods for different patron types  Faculty and Students have fixed due date Faculty/Staff – May 20 Students – semester (currently it’s Sept. 30)  Alumni – 3 weeks (renewal limit of 3) Watch Aleph screen for due dates when checking out books! Date stamps already set at desk, but may need to handwrite due dates; different USMAI schools have different loan periods Individual training will cover this in more detail

11 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Shelving Books throughout library filed according to Library of Congress (LC) Classification System Need to become familiar with this to locate and shelve books Call numbers have hierarchical structure: general subject designation, then specific subject, then author representation

12 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Shelving (Cont’d) Example of an LC call number: KF 8840.F72 2005 Breakdown: KF – Law of the United States 8840 – Civil procedure.F72 – Coded representation of author’s last name (Friedenthal) 2005 – pub. year (not on all books) Interactive program on circulation desk PC provides good introduction

13 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Answering phone Console phone at front desk Circulation number: 410-837-4554 Answer calls on x4554 at all times Reference number: 410-837-4559 Answer calls on x4559 when there is no reference librarian on duty (during summer: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. nights; Sun. all day) Do not answer any lines other than those above Can use circulation line for local outgoing calls, but keep them to a minimum

14 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Other Photocopying for faculty or interlibrary loan Shelving books on reserve and return carts Helping reference librarians with special projects Opening and closing shift have additional responsibilities

15 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Other Opening shift (including weekends, unless otherwise specified):  Logging on to circulation PC (info. is at desk)  Picking up newspapers from train station (not on weekends)  Delivering newspapers to other law school departments (not on weekends)  Recording security gate count and checking its functionality  Checking paper supply in all photocopiers and paper cabinet and restocking paper if needed  Delivering law school mail and picking up library mail from Dean’s Suite (not on weekends)

16 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties Other Closing shift:  Shelving books on return cart  Straightening carrels, tables and chairs on third and fourth floors  Reshelving any books sitting on tables and carrels on both floors  Turning off carrel lights  Making closing announcements 30 mins. prior to closing, 15 mins., and at midnight  Logging off circulation PC

17 Desk Asst. Training: Job Duties When you come to work you should:  Check for photocopying requests – need to complete first using staff copier  Complete all filing assignments  Reshelve any reserve items  Check bookdrop a couple of times during your shift for any returned books and return books on Aleph  Make sure circulation desk area is presentable Once everything is completed, you may study or read (but don’t keep your head buried in a book!)

18 Desk Asst. Training: Scheduling Substitution slips – use these to pick up extra hours or post your hours if you need off Don’t procrastinate in posting slips! Posting a slip is not enough! Follow-up: check that hours have been covered; may need to call or email other students If no substitute can be found, let me know a day or so in advance 3 unexcused absences=termination (i.e. not showing up for work and not informing anyone that you can’t make it in)

19 Desk Asst. Training: Staffing of the Circ. and Ref. Desks One student on duty until 5 or 6 pm on weekdays; two students on duty all day on weekends Circulation supervisor (Gina Harris) works part- time-- Mon. & Tues. evenings and Thurs. Reference librarian on duty the following hours:  Mon., Wed.: 8am-10pm  Tues., Thurs., Fri.: 8am-6pm  Sat.: 9am-5pm More reference hours during fall and spring semesters

20 Desk Asst. Training: Staffing of the Circ. and Ref. Desks If you’re running more than 5-10 mins. late, call circulation desk (410-837-4554) Do NOT leave desk unattended!! If you’re working alone and need to leave the desk, let me know; if I’m unavailable, let reference librarian know If no one is available and you need to leave the desk, return as quickly as possible

21 Desk Asst. Training: Staffing of the Circ. and Ref. Desks Opening and closing shifts have 1 hour premium attached If you work alone after 6pm on weekdays with no supervisor (Gina or me), you get time and a half If you work alone anytime on weekends with no supervisor, you get time and a half Allowed a 15-minute paid break for 4-6 hour shifts If shift > 6 hrs, you can take a 30-minute unpaid break or the 15 minute paid break

22 Desk Asst. Training: Administrative Information Timesheets accessible via MyUB account Enter hours as soon as you work them – don’t wait until the last minute! Be accurate when reflecting time worked; notify me of any modifications Pay period runs from Wednesday to two Tuesdays later Once timesheets go in, you’re paid for those hours the following week (bi-weekly pay schedule) Pick up paychecks at business office after 3pm on Tuesday of pay week Can set up direct deposit at H/R office

23 Desk Asst. Training Feel free to ask questions anytime! Contact me via phone at 410-837-4578 or via email at

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