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XTrain Basics: Training Grants & Fellowships Margaret Gardner, Education Coordinator Research Development and Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "XTrain Basics: Training Grants & Fellowships Margaret Gardner, Education Coordinator Research Development and Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 xTrain Basics: Training Grants & Fellowships Margaret Gardner, Education Coordinator Research Development and Administration

2 What is xTrain? National Institutes for Health (NIH) electronic Research Administration (eRA) Commons for National Research Service Award (NRSA) Training Grant management module (xTrain). Also known as: NIH eRA NRSA xTrain

3 Getting all our Ducks in a Row  Access to Commons  Check Grant Data  Manage Training Grants  Troubleshooting  OHSU Requirements  NIH Resources

4 Access to Commons: Who? Training Grant: Principle Investigator (PI role) PI Delegate/Assistant (ASST role) Trainee (TRAINEE role) Fellowship: Sponsor (SPONSOR role) Sponsor Delegate (Sponsor Delegate role) Fellow (PI role)

5 Access to Commons: How? PI, Sponsor, or Administrator: Grants & Contracts Fastlane Form New Trainee choices:  Invitation from PI or ASST via xTrain (preferred)  RGC Fastlane Application (link above) Fellow’s access status: Access would have been set up after award commenced.

6 Check Grant Data Notice anything fishy here? Gaps in the grant record need to be reconciled.

7 Check Grant Data Solution: If actions submitted by paper or otherwise are not populating in xTrain, contact your NIH Grants Management Specialist listed in the latest notice of award.

8 Manage Training Grants Who can initiate actions such as Appointments, Re-Appointments and Terminations?  The Grant’s PI or Delegate (ASST role). *  The Fellow’s Sponsor or Delegate (ASST role). * * Final submission of any action must be performed by the PI or SPONSOR, not the Delegate.

9 Manage Training Grants Follow NIH instructions & examples.  Trainee Account Set-Up – pages 13 - 21  Statement of Appointment – pages 42 - 65  Termination Notification – pages 66 - 91 How are these submitted electronically?

10 Troubleshooting Project year Trainee’s name & Commons user ID Business Official - James Trotter Paper records as back-up Be prepared. Know your facts:

11 Troubleshooting  Often caused by duplicate Commons accounts.  Sometimes caused by human error in filing. Where is the grant in my PI’s list of grants? Contact eRA Commons Support at 1-866- 504-9552 or to investigate and reconcile

12 Troubleshooting  Usually caused by delays in transitioning to electronic filing.  Sometimes caused by human error in filing. Where is that appointment I submitted? If actions previously submitted are not populating in xTrain, contact your NIH Grants Management Specialist listed in the latest notice of award.

13 Troubleshooting  Commons email links are valid for only a few days; these can get caught in Spam filters.  NIH is ironing out bumps in the electronic system regarding email notifications. Why hasn’t the Trainee gotten the Commons email invitation to sign up? Use (or the Trainee may use) the RGC Fastlane form to sign up for eRA Commons.

14 OHSU Requirements Statements of Appointment (2271):  Email copy/PDF version to your SPA Analyst. Post-Docs in first 12 months of support:  Signed Payback Agreement  Certification of Residency Status (if applicable)  Send both to NIH and SPA Analyst House Officers:  Send PDF of Statement of Appointment to OHSU Graduate School of Medical Education (GME).

15 OHSU Requirements Scheduled Disbursements:  Route Disbursement Memo to your SPA Analyst. services/forms/forms-policies.cfm Please note: For some departments, SPA Analysts provide assistance with Scheduled Disbursements Memos.

16 OHSU Requirements All Termination Notices (TN)  Notify Trainee to respond to Commons TN email as soon as possible. (Links expire within 3 days.)  TN is electronically routed to Business Official, James Trotter for SPA Analyst review.  Incorrect forms are electronically routed back to PI for corrections.

17 NIH Resources  eRA Commons:  xTrain: Modules, User Guides & Documentation:  Policy information, stipend levels, FAQs:

18 Questions? Further Research Administration resources: Get the latest news about changes and updates by joining the Research Administration Information Network (RAIN), a monthly forum for researchers and research administrators. Learn more at: Margaret Gardner, Education Coordinator Research Administration Training and Education 503-494-8990

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