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Florida State University Department of Computer Science 2014 Honors and Awards Ceremony Friday April 18, 2014 any "xxx" in the file indicates an area that.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida State University Department of Computer Science 2014 Honors and Awards Ceremony Friday April 18, 2014 any "xxx" in the file indicates an area that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida State University Department of Computer Science 2014 Honors and Awards Ceremony Friday April 18, 2014 any "xxx" in the file indicates an area that needs further information and editing

2 Awards Program Recognition of Guests and Opening Remarks, Department Highlights … Dr. Robert van Engelen Computer Science Department Chair ---

3 Special Guests Today Michael Clarke President and CEO, Citilabs Hussain Frosh Engineering Manager, Harris Gov. Comm. Systems Div. Thomas Leonard CEO, Red Rocket Solutions Carl Owenby CS Dept. Chair, Maclay School Kay Stephenson CEO, Datamaxx Ed Tunstall Retired executive, Eli Lilly John Vecchio Domi Ventures Mosley Ventures

4 Federal Grants Submitted & Awarded

5 Recent Grants, Totaling over $6.5M
Dr. Sudhir Aggarwal, Republic of Singapore China, $243,366 Dr. Michael Burmester, FSU Foundation $9,640 Dr. Michael Burmester, U. S. Department of Defense, $53,342 Dr. Michael Burmester, NSF Scholarship for Service, $1,684,662 Dr. Sonia Haiduc, FSU FYAP award, $20,000 Dr. Ashok Srinivasan, Silicon Informatics Inc, $37,143 Dr. Robert van Engelen, SUS Board of Governors Access and Attainment Grant, $3,000,000 Dr. Andy Wang, NSF, $602,569 Dr. Zhi Wang, FSU FYAP award, $20,000 Dr. David Whalley, FSU COFRS, $14,000 Dr. David Whalley, NSF $279,388 Dr. David Whalley, Subcontract University of Pittsburgh, $100,000 Dr. Xin Yuan, Los Alamos, $114,000 Dr. Peixiang Zhao, FSU FYAP award, $20,000

6 Grant Expenditures

7 Board of Governors Access and Attainment Grant $3M Awarded
The Board of Governors awarded a $3 million grant to FSU Computer Science, College of Communication, Electrical and Computer Engineering and FAMU for the joint proposal, "Expanding North Florida's IT Career Pathways," which intends to expand the capacities of the institutions (faculty and staff) to recruit, retain and graduate students in computer science and information technology. This award funds two specialized faculty lines for CS and several shared staff positions at FSU.

8 Technology Fee Awards $224,704.03 tech fees awarded in 2011-2012
Core router project: $57,000 Student NFS server and backup server: $34,000 Projector replacement project: $23,000 Wireless replacement project: $20,000 CS lab (202MCH) PC replacement: $31,000 $9,200 lab switch upgrades

9 ABET Evaluation Fall 2013 BS in CS is an ABET-accredited program (BA in CS is not) Preliminary results of the evaluation visit: No program deficiencies found Weaknesses with respect to: Formulation of the Program Educational Objectives and required periodic review of the PEOs Need a systematic periodic review and continuous improvement cycle of the Student Outcomes Faculty numbers are low, in particular Panama city These contribute to the concern with Criterion I: Objectives and Assessment

10 Faculty Recognition

11 Faculty and Staff CS Department Faculty: 17 in-unit Tenure Track Professors 4 Non-tenure Track faculty CS Department Staff: 1 Office Manager – Jennifer Reed 2 Undergrad Advisors – Esther Diaguila and Betty Stanton 1 Graduate Coordinator – Daniel Clawson 1 Grant Specialist – Position Open 2 System Administrators – Bret Whissel, , Gabriel de la Peña 2 Admin Support Assistants – Scott Wright and Edwina Hall 1 Program Assistant – Eleanor McNealy

12 CS Faculty Head Count In-unit faculty (excludes Emeritus Professors and Deans) *) 2014 projection with new tenure-track faculty

13 Faculty Promotions and Awards 2013-2014
Dr. Zhenghao Zhang Promotion to Associate Professor, effective Fall 2013 Bob Myers Promotion to Teaching Faculty III, effective Fall 2014 Esther Diaguila FSU Undergraduate Advising Award

14 Faculty Hires Faculty Hired : Dr. Zhi Wang: Assistant Professor, Fall 2012 Dr. Peixiang Zhao: Assistant Professor, Fall 2012 Faculty Hired : Dr. Sonia Haiduc: Assistant Professor, Fall 2013 Leigh Fountain: Adjunct Faculty, Spring 2014 Melina Vastola: Teaching Faculty I, Spring 2014 Faculty Recruitment for : Dr. Margareta Ackerman, Assistant Professor, Fall 2014 One position is currently unfilled, recruitment continues

15 Staff Changes and Hires
Staff Changes : Dan Clawson: transitioned from Admin Support Assistant to Graduate Coordinator, Fall 2013 Staff Hires : Gabriel de la Peña: System Administrator, Spring 2014 Maddie Foster: Student Career advisor, Fall 2013 Scott Wright: Adm Support Assistant, Fall 2013 Sarah Yennerell: Grants Compliance Assoc, Fall 2013 Ongoing Staff Hiring for 2014: Grants Compliance Assoc (Sarah Yennerell has left) Technician position in the Systems Group

16 Student Recognitions

17 Assistantships & Fellowships
165 graduate students (100 MS, 65 PhD) 27 Research Assistants 57 Teaching Assistants 8 Scholarship for Service fellowships 5 GAANN fellowships 1 Harris scholarship 658 undergraduate students 4 Harris scholarships 2 Owenby scholarships 8 Undergraduate Research Assistants 3 Lab monitors 4 System group technicians (up from 2) 8.5 (12) undergraduate teaching assistant graders (up from 7)

18 CS Student Head Count

19 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards… Mr. Robert Myers
Sharanya Jayaraman Martin Brown Carlos Sanchez John Nguyen Rajat Raychaudhuri Daniel Porrello Tathagata Mukherjee “Good teachers get apples, Great teachers get chocolate” R. W. Hamming

20 ACM Recognitions…Dr. Zhang
FALL 2013 ACM Programming Contest (1st Place) Team Lambda Clinton Powell (2nd Place) Team ~Competition() Adam Gorman, Andrew Rosenberg (3rd Place) Team acm99 Ryan Baird (4th Place) Your Team’s Name Yue Chen, Xiaoguang Wang, Xiangmin Xu

21 ACM Recognitions… Dr. Zhang
SPRING 2014 ACM Programming Contest (1st Place) Team Derpity Derp Adam Gorman, Lauren Pearce (2nd Place) Team Splines Biswas Parajuli, Avishek Mukherjee, Rajat Raychaudhuri (3nd Place) FACULTY TEAM Zhi Whan, David Whalley, Xin Yuan (4th Place) Team Dragon Shuanglong Zhang, Xiangmin Xu

22 ACM Programming Organizers
Abdullah Raiaan Angela Gibbens April Byrne Clark Wood Connor McLaughlan Dhaval Kashyap Emily Morehouse Eric Daniels Frank Valcarcel Nigel Hagan Sharanya Jayaraman Preston Hamlin

23 Student Publications ACM Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems, June 2013, pages "Reducing Instruction Fetch Energy in Multi-Issue Processors" by P. Gavin, D. Whalley, and M. Sjalander in ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, vol 10, no 4, December 2013. “Programming Trends on Smartphones,” by F. Sposaro, Z. Wang, and G. S. Tyson, CSI Journal of Computing, 15-18, 2013. "Speculative Tag Access for Reduced Energy Dissipation in Set-Associative L1 Data Caches" by A. Bardizbanyan, M. Sjalander, D. Whalley, P. Larsson-Edefors in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, October 2013, pages "Designing a Practical Data Filter Cache to Improve Both Energy Efficiency and Performance" by A. Bardizbanyan, M. Sjalander, D. Whalley, and P. Larsson-Edefors in ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, vol 10, no 4, December 2013. "Reducing Set-Associative L1 Data Cache Energy by Early Load Data Dependence Detection (ELD3) by A. Bardizbanyan, M. Sjalander, D. Whalley, P. Larsson-Edefors in the Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference, March 2014.

24 Student Publications (cont)
“Systematic Audit of Third-Party Android Phones,” Michael Mitchell, Guanyu Tian, Zhi Wang, Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2014), San Antonio, TX, March 2014 Jenkins, J., & Burmester, M. (2013). Chapter 6, Protecting infrastructure assets from real-time and run-time threats. In Butts, Jonathan, & Shenoi, Sujeet (Eds.), Critical Infrastructure Protection VII (pp ). Springer. Burmester, M., & Redwood, O. W. (2013). Dynamic Trust Management: Network Profiling for High Assurance Resilience. In Evangelos Kranakis (Ed.), Mathematics in Industry, Advances in Network Analysis and its Applications (pp ). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Ho, S. M., Timmarajus, S. S., Burmester, M., & Liux, X. (2013). Dyadic attribution: A theoretical model for interpreting online words and actions. In 2014 International onference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction (SBP14) (pp. 8). Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LCNS). Jenkins, J., Easton, S., Guidry, D., Burmester, M., Liu, X., Yuan, S., Laurence, J., & Ty, S. (2013). Trusted Group Key Management For Real-Time Critical Infrastructure Protection. In 32nd annual Military Communications Conference, MILCOM 2013 (pp. 6). IEEE Communication Society.

25 Student Publications (cont)
Burmester, M., Laurence, J., Guidry, D., Easton, S., Ty, S., Liu, X., Yan, X., & Jenkins, J. (2013). Towards a Secure Electricity Grid. In IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) (pp. 6). Melbourne, Australia. Jenkins, J., & Burmester, M. (2013). Trusted Computing for Critical Infrastructure Protection Against Real-time and Run-time Threats. In Jonathan Butts, & Sujeet Shenoi (Eds.), Seventh Annual IFIP WG International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection (pp. 12).Washington, DC, IFIP. X. Yuan, S. Mahapatra, M. Lang, and S. Pakin, "Static Load-balanced Routing for Slimmed Fat-trees," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 74(5): , May 2014. Z. Gu, M. Small, and X. Yuan, "Protocol Customization for Improving MPI Performance on RDMA-enabled Clusters," International Journal of Parallel Programming, 41(5): , October 2013. X. Yuan, S. Mahapatra, S. Pakin, and M. Lang, "LFTI: A New Performance Metric for Assessing Interconnect Designs for Extreme-Scale HPC Systems," the 28th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Phoenix, Arizona, May 19-23, 2014. M. Small and X. Yuan, "A New Design of RDMA-based Small Message Channels for InfiniBand Clusters," IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Sept , 2013.

26 Student Publications (cont)
X. Yuan, S. Mahapatra, W. Nienaber, S. Pakin, and M. Lang, "A New Routing Scheme for Jellyfish and its Performance with HPC Workloads," ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC), November 18-21, 2013. X. Yuan, S. Mahapatra, M. Lang, and S. Pakin, "RRR: A Load Balanced Routing Scheme for Slimmed Fat-trees," IEEE IPDPS CASS Workshop, 2013. Guanyu Tian, Zhenhai Duan, Todd Baumeister, Yingfei Dong, "Thrawting Traceback Attack on Freenet". In Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2013, Atlanta, USA, December , 2013 (Acceptance Rate: 37% (841/2272)). Guanyu Tian, Zhenhai Duan, Todd Baumeister, Yingfei Dong, "A Traceback Attack on Freenet". In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy, April 14-19, (Acceptance Rate: 17% (280/1613)) S. Zhou and Z. Zhang, “L2Relay: Design and implementation of a layer 2 Wi-Fi packet relay protocol,” to appear in Proc. of IEEE ICNP, Gottingen, Germany, October pages. Acceptance rate: 18% (46/251). W. Hu, J. Xie and Z. Zhang, “Practical opportunistic routing in high-speed multi-rate wireless mesh networks,” in Proc. of ACM Mobihoc, Bangalore, India, August pages. Acceptance rate: 10.3% (24/234). Z. Zhang, S. Bronson, W. Hu and J. Xie_, “Employing the one-sender-multiple-receiver technique in wireless LANs,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 21, no. 4, pp , August 2013.

27 Student Career and Award Recognition
GAANN Fellowships Harris Corporation Awards Carl and Emine Owenby Sr. Scholarships Latin Caribbean (LAC) Scholarships Science, Mathematics & Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarships Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service (SFS) S-STEM Scholarships

28 Student Career and Award Recognitions
2013 – 2014 GAANN Fellowships Ashleigh David Britton Dennis Randy Flood Chris Ogden William Thrasher

29 Harris Corporation Awards
Presented By Hussain Frosh Graduate Fellowship Daniel Voss Undergraduate Scholarship Myles Anderson Ian Barrick David Perez Thomas Clayton

30 Carl and Ermine Owenby Sr. Scholarships
Presented By: Ms. Ermine Owenby & Mr. Carl Owenby Thomas Clayton Rafael Mendoza David Perez

31 The Latin-Caribbean (LAC) Scholarship
Other Scholarships The Latin-Caribbean (LAC) Scholarship Leon Brown Martin Brown Jeremy Hatcher The Science, Mathematics & Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship

32 Other Scholarships (cont)
Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service (SFS) Lindsay Barlett Jacqueline Carter (Undergrad) Nicholas Clark Andre King John McLaughlin Lauren Pearce Thomas Rollinger (Graduated Fall 2013) Matt Share Adam Steele Tyler Travis Scott Wallace Clark Wood Doug Wussler when they are some, put the Dept of Defense Information Assurance Scholarship Program (DOD-IASP) here

33 Other Scholarships (cont)
Scholarships for Science Technology Engineering and Math (S-STEM) Timonthy Barao Aaron Kemmer Jennifer Yarboro Nikolas Goetzke Marquise Rosier Delponja-Rai Howard Emilio Figueroa William Goble Jared Bennett Alissa Ovalle-Marquez Connor Christian Simon Baduy Robert Jensen Matthew O'Hagan

34 Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society Electees Spring Semester 2014
Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest honor society in the United States, founded in 1776 Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society Electees Kendall Clark Elizabeth Collins Alexander Fehr Alicia Gambill Brian Hague Clinton Powell Richard Tilley The PBK Induction ceremony was held Sunday April 6th

35 UPE Inductees Upsilon Pi Epsilon is the Computer Science Honor Society, founded in 1967 Derrick Bacon Manal Sarhan Bayousef Justin Evan Block Alexander Damiani Tomas de Jesus Celaya Timothy Green Daniel Timothy Hoekman Shiva Houshmand Jonathon Lee Javier Lores Robert Massicotte Joe McMillian Jeremy M. Noel Kaman Pavlov David Perez Abdullah Rajaar Todd Ryks Sheena Salmon Carlos Sanchez Edward Skrod Kayla Smith William John Thrasher John Cameron Wheeler Steven A. Williams Jr. Doug Wussler Chuanglong Zhang

36 Reception Following Please join us now in Room 151 of the Love Building for our Celebratory Reception And… to all of the CS department faculty, staff and students who helped out in many ways too numerous to list here

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