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Credits Count Program September 12, 2014 Prepared for the CSCC Success Summit.

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Presentation on theme: "Credits Count Program September 12, 2014 Prepared for the CSCC Success Summit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Credits Count Program September 12, 2014 Prepared for the CSCC Success Summit

2 Our Partnership & Our Progress

3 Planning Team Credits Count @ West High School  Jason Johnson, Principal  Lucas Cech, Asst. Principal  Jay Poroda, Director, CCS  Aaron Moore, Instructor, West HS  Kathryn Hanigan, Instructor, West HS  Erica Kennedy, Freshman Counselor  Amy White, Sophomore/Junior Counselor  Daniel Roberts, Junior/Senior Counselor  Kelly Hogan, CSCC College Transitions  Sherry Minton, CSCC C&T Pathways  Lori Brown, CSCC Academic Advisor  Joel Nelson, Academic Program Manager  Diane Jones, Coordinator of Advising and Student Services

4 Progress Points  Curriculum Plan & Pathways Rationale by school  High School Teachers & Dual Enrollment Opportunities  Engaging Partners  CSCC Project Staff Structure  Marketing & Communications  Challenges & Lessons Learned  What’s Happening Now Credits Count Partnership Accomplishments and Plans

5 Curriculum Plan @ West Expanding upon the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Foundation Intro to Engineering Design BMGT 1008 Principles of Engineering 9 th grade Civil Engineering & Architecture 12 th grade (2014) Machine Tools 12 th grade (2015) Digital Electronics 11 th grade Manufacturing Operations Pathway (11 th & 12 th grade) 2015 Grade 11 Sem A: Intro to CAD Grade 11 Sem B: Manufacturing Operations 2016 Grade 12 Sem A: Machine Tools Grade 12 Sem B: CNC Technology w/Industrial Mills & Lathes 10 th grade General Education & Other Program Offerings planned as Dual Enrollment ENGL 1100/2367

6 Curriculum Pathways Rationale  The Civil Engineering & Architecture Pathway provides college credit if student passes final exams in certain courses, pending West’s national certification Pathway: Civil Engineering & Architecture Intro to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Digital Electronics Civil Engineering & Architecture Composition I ENGL 1100 (3 cr) Composition II ENGL 2367 (3 cr) Technical Math MATH 1113 (5 cr) 21 st Century Workplace Skills BMGT 1008 (2 cr) Earn 12-25 college credits

7 Curriculum Pathways Rationale  The Engineering Technician Pathway through Machine Tools is a track that provides employment opportunity in Automation Maintenance field or option of continuing post-secondary college credit work Pathway: Engineering Technician Intro to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Digital Electronics Machine Tools Composition I ENGL 1100 (3 cr) Composition II ENGL 2367 (3 cr) Technical Math MATH 1113 (5 cr) 21 st Century Workplace Skills BMGT 1008 (2 cr) Earn 12-25 college credits

8 Curriculum Pathways Rationale  The Manufacturing Operations Pathway offers immediate option for new students at 11 th grade and is a Certification Track for CNC Machine Operator upon HS graduation; post-secondary could lead to supervisor role Pathway: Manufacturing Operations Intro to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Grade 11 Sem A: Intro to CAD Grade 11 Sem B: Manufacturing Operations Grade 12 Sem A: Machine Tools Grade 12 Sem B: CNC Technology w/Industrial Mills & Lathes Composition I ENGL 1100 (3 cr) Composition II ENGL 2367 (3 cr) Technical Math MATH 1113 (5 cr) 21 st Century Workplace Skills BMGT 1008 (2 cr) Earn up to 30 college credits and a certificate

9 High School Teachers & Dual Enrollment  Orientation was held April 16, 2014 –Intro to Dual Enrollment –Intro to Teaching College Classes –Discussion time with Lead College Faculty  PLTW required Training Summer 2014  ENGL & MATH for 2014-2015  On-going professional development planning for 2014-2015 –Advisory group to be developed; faculty engaged as of Su14 Initial and On-going Professional Development

10 Engaging Partners  Project Lead The Way (PLTW)  COSI  Honda  Campus groups (faculty/staff ERG & students STEM Club)  Upward Bound  Leadership Columbus  Alumni Association  PAST Foundation  I Know I Can  Learn for Life  Learning Circle Groups to Target

11 CSCC Staff Structure Staff Design Plan The Credits Count @ West High School planning team serves as an oversight committee for all work with the school; membership includes HS principal, asst. principal, guidance counselors, teachers, staff, and college dual enrollment directors, advisor, and staff. Coordinator of Academic Projects: Placement Test Prep, Summer Experiences, Middle School Experiences, & Tutoring Dual Enrollment Office – oversight of dual enrollment for the college Project Director – oversight of building and maintaining dual enrollment opportunities with Columbus Schools Coordinator of Student Support Projects: Admissions, Advising, Testing, Parental Communication, Registration, Disability Services, non-academic barriers, and Financial Aid Advising Services – Oversight of work associated with academic advising and other student services at the college

12 Marketing & Communication  Middle School Students  High School Students  Parents  Community  College Community  K-12 Community Target GroupsMeans of Communication  Teachers (ENG, ENGL, etc.)  Fliers/Activities  Social Media  Parent nights  Parent Consultants  Websites  Counselors/Advisors

13 Challenges & Lessons Learned  Attendance and mobility of student population  Facilities challenges in older buildings  Building teacher capacity for Dual Enrollment credentialing  Impact of school allocations on Dual Enrollment course offerings  Timeline for planning, communication, and implementation  Strong curricular alignment of PLTW and college courses  Teacher and community engagement from outset  Collaboration is key! Addressing Potential Barriers to Success

14 What’s Happening Now?  Advisor embedded @ West  Classes in session  Addressing readiness in mathematics  Marketing strategies being developed –Middle schools, parents, students, community  Scholarship committee being formed  Equipment installation  A strategy to support CCS students before and during their CSCC experiences The first cohort

15 Questions… Credits Count @ West High School is only the beginning…

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