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SEN301 Operations Research I

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1 SEN301 Operations Research I
Y. İlker TOPCU, Ph.D. Özgür KABAK, Ph.D.


3 Course Information Credits: 3+0 ECTS Credits: 7 Type: Compulsory
Language: English Web site:

4 Course description Decision making, Model building, Modeling philosophy Linear programming Graphical solution, Simplex algorithm, M method, Two phase simplex, Dual simplex, Revised simplex Lindo and Excel solver, GAMS Duality, Sensitivity analysis, Complementary slackness Transportation models and solving methods, Transshipment, Assignment Network models Project management

5 Course objectives To use different mathematical modeling techniques utilizing Operations Research (OR) methodology To learn various methods that are used for quantitative decision making To find optimal solutions to problems

6 Course learning outcomes
Students who pass the course will be able to use different mathematical modeling techniques solve a problem modeled with LP comprehend the solution of an LP model understand the sensitivity of a solution to the changes at the parameters of the problem use some computer software to model, solve and analyze a linear model identify whether a solution is optimal or not solve and analyze transportation and assignment problems with related methods

7 Relationship between the course and Industrial Engineering curriculum
1: Little, 2. Partial, 3. Full

8 References Text book Winston W.L. (2004) “Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms”, Brooks/Cole – Thomson Learning Web site of the course Up-to-date lecture notes and supplements Solutions to exams and homework Previous exam questions Books “Operations Research”, "Practical Management Science", "Introduction to Management Science“, "Quantitative Analysis for Management”, "Optimization in Operations Research", "Introduction to Mathematical Programming“ Web sites of other courses

9 Assessment Criteria Final exam (40%), 2 Midterm exams (40%),
3 Assignments (20%) All exams will be “open book” If your final exam grade is less than 30 or if your average grade is less than 40, you will receive a letter grade FF If you do not complete the following requirements, you will receive a letter grade VF: One of your midterm exam grades must be more than 30 One of your HW grades must be more than 50

10 Exams Midterm exam 1 Topics covered in the first six weeks
October 21, 6:00 pm Midterm exam 2 Topics covered after week seven December 9, 6:00 pm Final exam All topics

11 Assignments HW1 Modeling September 16 – 30 HW2 Softwares
October HW3 Solutions, Sensitivity Analysis November 11 – 25

12 Cheating and Plagiarism
Do not! Studying together to understand the material is fine, but the work you hand in is to be your own. No cheating will be tolerated: A letter grade of F will be given! You can constitute a group of maximum three students to submit assignments. You may submit a unique report for your group (of course plagiarism among assignment groups is strictly forbidden).

13 Schedule

14 Asst. Prof. Dr. Özgür Kabak
Office address Management Faculty A311, Maçka, Istanbul Phone (212)   /2039 office   /2073 secretary Web site address

15 Asst. Prof. at Industrial Engineering department of ITU (2011)
Post-doc studies at Belgium Nuclear Research Centre (SCK.CEN) ( ) A fuzzy multi attribute decision making approach for nuclear safeguards information management Ph.D. in ITU Industrial Engineering programme (2008) Modeling supply chain network using possibilistic linear programming and an application Research interests Operations Research (Mathematical programming) Supply chain management Fuzzy decision making

16 Prof. Dr. Y. İlker Topcu Office address
Management Faculty C301, Maçka, Istanbul Phone (212)   /2069 office (532) mobile Web site address

17 Professor at Industrial Engineering department of ITU (2011)
Associate Professorship in Operations Research (2005) Ph.D. in ITU Engineering Management programme (2000) Integrated decision aid model for multi-attribute problem solving Ph.D. research at Centre for Decision Research of Leeds University Business School ( ) Research interests Decision Analysis, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Group Decision Making Operations Research / Management Science Logistics Management, Ethics in OR, Business Ethics, Transp’n, Energy, Bidding and Tender Systems, Scheduling

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