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PUTNAM COUNTY SCHOOLS Intervention Equals Prevention March 2013 NDPC SD and WVDE.

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Presentation on theme: "PUTNAM COUNTY SCHOOLS Intervention Equals Prevention March 2013 NDPC SD and WVDE."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUTNAM COUNTY SCHOOLS Intervention Equals Prevention March 2013 NDPC SD and WVDE

2 Our County Rural county with four small town settings No public transportation available Three subsidized housing complexes Little variety in ethnicity One county career and technical center One county high school alternative education center 2,094 students with disabilities out of 10,327 total students in the county 38% of the total student population are on free/reduced lunch 14 elementary schools 4 middle schools 4 high schools Modified to total school population: Buffalo High School 7/314 Poca High School 8/529 Winfield High School 33/851 Hurricane High School 30/1122 Only county that requires passing a Math I/Algebra I exit exam, 2.0 GPA, and 28 credits to graduate

3 Our Team Annette Pratt—Director of Exceptional Education Rachael Parde—School Psychologist, Hurricane High and Hurricane Middle Schools Angie Sullivan—School Psychologist, Winfield High and Winfield Middle Schools Leeann Vaughn—School Psychologist, Poca High, Poca Middle, Buffalo High, GW Middle Schools Phyllis Payne—Diagnostician, Hurricane High and Hurricane Middle School

4 Starting Points (before the project) DROPOUT RATE Dropouts Grade 7-12 Drop Rate AllDrops SWD Grades 7-12 Drop Rate SWD 2007-081082.600.0 2008-09571.400.0 2009-10641.520.3 Data was hard to track Dropout calculation changed throughout the process County had established a Frontline Committee composed of principals and counselors County student survey had been conducted by a contracted company

5 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT NDPC-SD Technical Assistance Putnam County Schools already employed an Attendance Director who actively monitored student attendance and addressed truancy issues by coordinating court and legal measures with schools, parents, and students. SWD Dropout Prevention Committee focused on behavior, course performance-academic content and instruction, student engagement, and parent engagement.

6 Research It was evident in eligibility meetings throughout the county that students and parents were not actively involved in the development of the IEP and selecting course type and servicing options. School staff expressed concern about the number of 9 th grade failures in common core subjects such as Math I/Algebra I and Physical Science. 19% of the Hurricane High School students who were referred for disciplinary infractions resulting in out of school suspensions were SWD. 13% of the Hurricane High School students who were referred to the court system due to attendance issues were SWD. Putnam County Student Voice Survey indicated common factors of student disengagement (need more opportunity to obtain academic help outside of class, less lecture and more project based learning, more caring teachers, more incentives for improvement, increase in parent involvement, and decreased social stress)

7 Dropout Factors Attendance and Truancy Prevention Behavior Course Performance- Academic Content and Instruction Student Engagement Parent Engagement School Climate 19% of HHS students were referred for disciplinary infractions resulting in OSS. 13% of HHS students were referred to the court system due to attendance issues. 2% of HHS students participated in the annual IEP meeting 2011 5% of HHS parents participated in the annual IEP meeting 2011 In 2011-12 out of county total of 36 SWD dropouts, 17 were from HHS

8 Interventions Improve class attendance of students with disabilities by developing optional disciplinary measures to use in lieu of in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, or expulsions. Increase involvement and collaboration with Attendance Director, Asst. Superintendent and Drug Prevention Coordinator Increase county’s knowledge and implementation of the NAVIGATE and Frontline programs.

9 Key Data Data indicated that there were significant differences between the graduation rates of general education students and those with disabilities which suggests that students with disabilities have additional factors limiting their ability to graduate within the four year period.

10 Initial Plan Educate all team members re: NAVIGATE and Frontline Develop anti-bullying group counseling program Review SAT process, required members and appropriate interventions Teams will analyze monthly suspension lists to determine interventions needed for students who are frequently on the list. ISS teacher deliver daily social skill, conflict-resolution, anger management training

11 Final Plan Examination of monthly discipline reports to determine SWD students in need of a Behavior Improvement Plan Emphasis on encouraging parents of modified diploma students to apply for services from the Department of Rehabilitation Examine data concerning servicing options and the pass/fail rate for each option Emphasis on increasing the number of parents and students attending the annual IEP meeting

12 Plan Revisions Reconfigure the county SWD dropout team to include all high school administrators, special education department heads, counselor from each high school, drug education coordinator, and attendance director Suggest that the county Frontline Committee include the members of the SWD dropout team Prevention plan to include all high schools Develop professional continuing education program to address servicing options for the Intellectually Disabled population Develop parenting classes to provide resources for parents of newly qualified exceptional education students

13 Plan Evaluation and Adjustments Phase I: Initial Plan was based on inaccurate representation of SWD dropout data Phase II: Revised Plan was based on more accurate Graduation Rates and Dropout Rate Data but incorrect understanding of how it was configured Phase III: Final Plan was based on data that could be collected at the school which directly correlated with factors contributing to the dropout rates of our students with disabilities

14 County Developed Resources/Tools Student-Voice survey Quarterly Parent Resource parent-training seminar Free after-school tutoring with transportation provided Option Pathway Program 8.5 Program AEP for at-risk 8 th graders Analysis of subject failure rates Additional counseling groups Extension of homebound services for new mothers beyond 6 weeks

15 WVDE: Cohort Document and Data The cohort definition of a graduate was difficult to interpret The cohort list does not identify the year in which the student officially dropped out The cohort list does not take into consideration students who return and then drop out a second time (schools have to count them as a dropout again)

16 WVDE: Early Warning System Tool HHS administrator has recently been trained in using the Early Warning System Administrators will be determining their system of utilization within their schools (i.e., providing printouts of at-risk students to counselors, NAVIGATE teachers, and IEP teachers to address on a scheduled basis).

17 Use of Funds 2011 Travel expenses to attend trainings IPads 2012 Travel expenses to attend trainings On Target classes Technology Paid planning time for BD teachers to keep students from being suspended 2013 Travel expenses to attend training sessions NAVIGATE program On Target classes Laptops After-school tutoring

18 Data Trends-Graduation COHORT GRADUATION RATE 2008-092009-102010-112011-12 SWDALLSWDALLSWDALLSWDALL Putnam 53.375.562.180.656.478.260.482.2 Buffalo Hurricane 52.374.666.780.055.977.554.279.6 Poca 51.970.054.874.659.374.762.176.8 Winfield 55.381.650.082.653.981.760.089.1

19 Data Trends-Dropout HURRICANE HIGH SCHOOL—NCLB DATA YEARDROPOUT RATEGRADUATION RATE 2008-092.70%90.20% 2009-101.70%85.71% 2010-11Not provided77.54% 2011-12Around 2%84.48% HHS 2011-12 6.8% of the special education students dropped out (not considering cohort group) 2012-13 at this time 6% of the special education students have dropped out


21 Projected Graduation/Dropout Results Too early to observe effects of increased attendance accountability (at the high school level) Option Pathway program recently educated on the process of qualifying students with disabilities for accommodations in testing Alternative School for middle school and 8.5 program may redirect high-risk over-age students Data at HHS indicates issues with students with disabilities passing Inclusion Algebra I/Math I and Inclusion Geometry

22 Moving Forward and Next Steps Expand implementation in all county high schools Offer special education tutoring during lunch Revising the composition of the SWD dropout county committee Middle school Alternative Education Program Summer Academy for 8.5 students Primary grades—exploring/increasing least restrictive environment options Math Exit Exam modifications Utilizing the Early Warning System and sharing with essential individuals on a consistently scheduled basis

23 Key Components of Plan Development Have a good understanding of the data relating to Graduation and Dropout Rates Careful selection of team members (such as Administrator, Attendance Coordinator, School Counselor, Special Education representative, Drug Education Coordinator, etc.) Identify data that would directly correlate with planned interventions and analyze the data on a scheduled basis to determine effectiveness

24 Key Components for Maintenance Teams should meet on a regular basis to update/review data and reassess intervention procedures District should develop a monitoring and accountability process to maintain momentum

25 Lessons Learned Difficulty determining starting data Did not choose our county dropout team members with invested interest in mind Difficulty determining activities that could be supported by measurable data

26 Contact Information Annette Pratt, Director of Exceptional Education 304-586-0500 ext. 1111 Dr. Penny Fisher, Assistant Superintendent 304-586-0500 ext. 1177 Mr. Richard Campbell, HHS Principal, NAVIGATE program 304-562-9851 ext. 4111 Phyllis Payne, HHS Diagnostician 304-586-0500 ext. 1168

27 Thank you !

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