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1 Andrea Renwanz Boyle Martin Steven Linder Darlene Yee-Melichar ASCSU Committee and Plenary Meetings Chancellor’s Office Long Beach, California January.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Andrea Renwanz Boyle Martin Steven Linder Darlene Yee-Melichar ASCSU Committee and Plenary Meetings Chancellor’s Office Long Beach, California January."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Andrea Renwanz Boyle Martin Steven Linder Darlene Yee-Melichar ASCSU Committee and Plenary Meetings Chancellor’s Office Long Beach, California January 18-20, 2012

2 Academic Affairs New Items: ONLINE EDUCATION WHITE PAPER January, 2012

3 Academic Affairs Resolutions: AS-30566-12/AA /First Reading Recognizing the Integration of Sustainability into California State University (CSU) Academic Endeavors AS-3957-12/AA/First Reading Calling for the Creation and Review of Online Education Policies

4 Academic Affairs Statewide Committee Reports: 1. SB1440 A. Intersegmental Curricular Workgroup (ICW) B. Implementation and Oversight Committee (IOC) 2. Compass Steering Group 3.Give Students a Compass Engaging from the Start (Better GE and Transfer in California) CSU Los Angeles February 13-14, 2012

5 FGA Resolutions – Enrollment Management in the CSU Enrollment be limited by our capacity to provide a quality education Self-support options be explored Managed in a way so as to not disproportionately impair smaller campuses – Investing in Excellence in the CSU Plan to raise faculty salaries to levels which allow the CSU to retain faculty and to compete on the national level in the recruitment and retention – Opposition to SB 755 (Liu) and SB 967 (Yee) Opposes the bills on executive compensation and asserts the Board of Trustees’ role in setting policy for the CSU.

6 FGA Fiscal : Karen Yelverton-Zamarripa, Asst. VC for Advocacy and State Relations, and Robert Turnage (Asst. VC for Budget) – Lowest base in history, restricted to no more then 4% growth Cannot raise fees more then 4% per year – “Unlikely” legislators will make decision on budget until after June primary – “Skeptical” that voters will pass the new taxes – Politicians do not see UC and the CSU as any different (Revenue) – Current politicians have not read the Higher Ed Compact – Retirement (Calpers) shift from state to institutions – Debt service on bonds shifted to each institutions budget – Discussion on tuition free education for people making under 150,000 – Cal Grant proposed cut by 300 mil based on higher GPA requirement – Affordable learning: Digital text books and online learning 6

7 Advocacy – Brochure Revision – Talking Points – Meet with Campus Governmental Offices – Meet with Legislators – Reach Parents of Future Students GEAC – Adding Creative Thinking Learning Outcomes to general Education Committee Projects

8 Meeting Agendas Meeting Minutes Meeting Highlights  ASCSU Extended Executive Committee met for a one-day retreat on 1/6/12 in Sacramento to discuss the work of the Senate for Spring 2012. While issues of budget and the working relationship with the Administration dominated most of the discussion, the major topic of the retreat was to ensure that the Senate continued its essential role in the shared governance of the CSU and not overwhelm its agendas with other matters.  As a result of Senate budget decisions to accommodate our 2011-2012 allocation, a reduced 0.10 (from 0.20) assigned-time was offered to all 2 nd year senators for Spring 2012. With these reductions in budget dedicated to assigned-time, the Senate should be able to fund its “normal” operations for the spring. “Normal” is now defined as in-person plenary meetings, virtual interim meetings, tight limits on travel, and the other constraints that have been in place the past year.  ASCSU Chair Postma, Faculty Trustee Cheyne, and former Chair and Trustee Goldwhite met with Chancellor Reed, EVC/CAO Smith and AVC Vogel on 1/18/12 to discuss the Senate’s need for some long-term stability in its budget. Results of this discussion has yielded us a base budget for 2012-13 to include assigned time for two Senators per campus, no assigned time for 1 st year senators, assigned time for the Senate leadership (Executive Committee and Committee Chairs), ASCSU chair is a FT, year-round position, Senate office staff will be reduced by half a position, support for travel and other expenses will continue at the current rate, and total base budget proposed is about $50,000 more than the Senate’s current year allocation. Executive Committee

9 Meeting Highlights (continued)  ASCSU Constitution (Article II, Section 1-a) states that the elected members of the Academic Senate shall consist of two senators per campus plus an additional senator from each of the seven largest campuses apportioned on the basis of FTEF. At this time, there are no plans to amend the ASCSU Constitution. It is important to note that SF State is one of the seven largest campuses and entitled to an additional (albeit unfunded) third senator. Resolution  Acceptance of Online Education White Paper/EX (First Reading) acknowledges receipt and/or endorsement of the Online Education White Paper including recommendations regarding online education policies, faculty consideration of online policy components, and best practices for faculty teaching online courses. Executive Committee

10 Meeting Agendas Meeting Minutes Meeting Highlights  Reports were submitted by the ASCSU Chair; Standing Committee Chairs; Faculty Trustee; and other Committee Chairs.  Discussions were held with Chancellor Charles Reed; EVC/CFO Ben Quillian; EVC/CAO Ephraim Smith; AVC Ron Vogel; State University Dean Christine Mallon; Calstate Online ED Ruth Black; CFA Liaison John Travis; CSSA Liaison Jeremy White; and ERFA Liaison William Bliscke.  See detailed notes below Resolutions  Early Faculty Involvement in CSU Initiatives/FA (Second Reading; Passed) expresses concerns about recent curricular initiatives that have moved forward without appropriate faculty involvement. It asserts the faculty’s primacy in the curriculum, expresses support for the Board of Trustees statement on collegiality, and asserts that faculty must have meaningful involvement in all curricular initiatives.  Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights Pertaining to Sponsored Research/FA (First Reading) encourages campuses to develop and/or review related policies. Plenary Sessions

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