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Broc Kundert Christopher Faull Gabrielle Ethier Joe Vogt.

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Presentation on theme: "Broc Kundert Christopher Faull Gabrielle Ethier Joe Vogt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broc Kundert Christopher Faull Gabrielle Ethier Joe Vogt

2 Service  Winnebago Middle School Winnebago, IL 61088 Contacted by ○ James Burns Principal Interested in: -Bullying -School climate -Unmotivated learners

3 More Concerns  Patrick Brûlé Asst. Principal Interested in ○ locations of bullying ○ student & staff perceptions of bullying ○ Ways to improve the problem ○ Student & staff perceptions of school climate

4 Statement of the Problem  Unmotivated Students Identifying causes Techniques to counteract these causes and motivate all students  School Climate Student & Teacher perceptions Identifying the school’s current climate Programs to improve school climate

5 Statement of the Problem ( cont )  Bullying Identify ○ “hot spots” ○ Targets ○ Bullies Programs to reduce bullying  Provide resources for each of these areas of concern


7 Low Self Esteem  Symptoms  Causes  Solutions

8 Low Expectations  No Goals  Setting Goals Short term Long Term

9 Challenging/Meaningful Tasks  Too easy too hard?  Current Events  Homework


11 Four Areas of School Climate  Safety  Relationships  Teaching and Learning  External Environment

12 Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI)  Provide information about- Staff perceptions of school climate Student perceptions of school climate Parent Perceptions of school climate

13 Dimensions of the CSCI System  Safety  Teaching and Learning  Interpersonal Relationships  Institutional Environment  Staff

14 Sources of Information  Parent Surveys  Student Surveys  Staff Surveys

15 School Improvement  Improvement in core areas  Leads to especially high improvement in high poverty schools  Creates positive school experiences

16 Improving School Climate  Cyclical five step Process 1. Preparation 2. Evaluation 3. Understanding and Action Planning 4. Implementation 5. Re-evaluation

17 Preparation  Form leadership team  Acquire resources  Begin convincing school and community  Reflection

18 Evaluation  Identify Strengths and weaknesses  Use any measuring tool  Develop a reporting system  Reflect

19 Understanding and Action Planning  Agree on findings  Prioritize team goals  Research  Develop an action plan  Reflect

20 Implementation  Implement the action plan  Document any challenges or successes  Parents knowledge  Reflect

21 Re-evaluation  Re-evaluate strengths and weaknesses  Record what has changed  Reflect on the whole process

22 School Community  Community climate improvement  Positive improvements filters upward


24 The identification, minimization, and the prevention of bullying is of vital interest to all school systems and the community that surrounds them.

25  Hulya Kartal and Asude Bilgin analyze the perceptions of safety in locations of school grounds by comparing teachers and students. This is a short extract of Figure 5 from their article, “Bullying and School Climate from the Aspects of the Students and Teachers”: Places Where Bullying Happens “…the school building, on the school grounds, or on a school bus.”


27  Recess Perceived as a student break from learning Critical foundation for building: ○ social concepts ○ Peer relationships ○ Problem solving ○ Participation in physical activities

28  Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) By Nancy M. Bowllan Discusses school-wide bullying prevention programs Involves: Teacher questionnaire to assess perspective on the problem Biweekly to monthly on-site consultation Ongoing teacher and support staff team discussions School-wide launch assembly Posting of school rules in all classrooms Increased supervision in “hot spots” System of positive reinforcement and disciplinary processes

29 Resources  Bowllan, Nancy M. “Implementation and Evaluation of a Comprehensive, School-wide Bullying Prevention Program in an Urban/Suburban Middle School.” American School Health Association. 2011.  Kartal, H. & Bilgin, A. “Bullying and school climate from the aspects of the students and teachers.” Egitim Arastirmalari- Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 36, 209-226. 2009.  Leff, Stephen S. “Assessing the Climate of the Playground and Lunchroom: Implications for Bullying Prevention Programming.” School Psychology Review, Volume 32, No. 3, pp. 418-430, 2003.  Meyer-Adams, Nancy & Conner, Bradley T. “School Violence: Bullying Behaviors and the Psychosocial School Environment in Middle Schools.” National Association of Social Workers. 2009.

30 Resources  National School Climate Center  National School Climate Council  National Association of Independent Schools

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