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Assessment Storyboard. Using this presentation Used to indicate a note on the UI flow A question that is yet to be clarified.This requires inputs from.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Storyboard. Using this presentation Used to indicate a note on the UI flow A question that is yet to be clarified.This requires inputs from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Storyboard

2 Using this presentation Used to indicate a note on the UI flow A question that is yet to be clarified.This requires inputs from stakeholders

3 Home Page for Assessment? Should the home page be similar to Classplan homepage?

4 Hover on the grey bar to view search criteria for filtering results

5 Click View All

6 On hover out

7 Hover on for Filtering the results

8 Click Create Assessment for adding new question/Quiz/Exam

9 Click Question to add new Question

10 Hover on the Question Set title to rename it

11 Text box appears to rename the title

12 Rename the title and hit Enter

13 Question Set Title renamed

14 Hover on the classification row

15 Select the classification needed and hover out


17 Hover on the classification row and click the pencil icon if needed to change the classification selection Hover on the classification row and click – icon if required to remove the clasification

18 Change the filter options and hover out

19 Click add classification to assign one more taxonomy to the Question Set


21 Click the – icon to remove the classification

22 Click add a new Question to add new question

23 Click + icon to add one more answer

24 Click add hint to add a hint

25 Click – icon in the text field to remove the corresponding hint/answer

26 Entering the answers

27 Click the tick icon to mark the correct answer

28 Explain answer option appears Marked as correct answer

29 Click the x icon to chnage the correct answer marked if needed


31 Click the second row tick to mark the second answer as correct answer

32 Click explain answer

33 Explaining the correct answer

34 Click – icon to remove the explanation if not needed

35 Click Save button to save this question

36 Question gets added to the question set

37 Multiple questions can be added to a Question Set

38 Click add new set of questions to create another Question Set

39 New Question Set created

40 Click Quiz to create a new Quiz


42 Hover on the Untitled Quiz to rename it

43 Rename and hit enter


45 Hover on the classification row to assign a classification


47 Click here to add a new question to the Quiz

48 Is it the right place for Question Duration and Difficulty Level?


50 Click Save to add the question to the Quiz

51 Question added to cthe quiz

52 Give the search text and hit enter to search for the questions

53 Can filter the results based on Question Type and difficulty level of the Questions

54 Click add to add the corresponding question to the created Quiz

55 Selected question gets added to the Quiz and the next question gets loaded in the search results Loads the next set of questions on click of this

56 What should 'x' do here?

57 Multiple questions can be added either through search or directly

58 Is it the right place for Quiz Duration ?

59 Since each question will be saved then and there on save of add new question itself,wouldn't the Save link here confuse the user that all the questions created will be saved only on click of this?

60 Should the Publish be done at Quiz level or question level? Click Publish to make the quiz accessible to the user

61 Quiz will be visible for the creator always.For others,it will be visible only after Publish.

62 The author can click here to edit the quiz.


64 Hover on the question box to edit the question

65 Should the click of x icon remove the question from the Quiz or delete the question itself?

66 Click the pencil icon to edit the question

67 Make the changes required and Click save

68 Changes done to the question are saved

69 Click the x icon visible on hovering the grey bar to delete the quiz

70 Click OK to proceed with the delete

71 The Quiz gets deleted.

72 Should we need to have a delete at this level in the search screen for deleting EXAM or QUIZ?

73 Click Create Assessment to create Exam

74 Click Exam to create a new Exam


76 Hover on the title to rename it

77 Hover on the classification row and select the classification

78 Hover on the Segment title to rename it

79 Click add a new question icono to create a new question under the segment


81 Click Save to add the question to the segment

82 Multiple questions can be added to the segment

83 Click to add another new Segment

84 New Segment added

85 Drag the question from the 'Earthquake Segment' and drop in the second segment

86 The question gets added to the second segmentsLike the questions can be moved from one segment to other

87 Search for the questions to add to the segment

88 Click add to add the question to the segment

89 Currently,we have the search box at the 'Exam' level.When 'Add Question' is clicked from the Search results,which segment should the question be added to when there are multiple segments?.Please refer the previous slide

90 Is this the place from which we navigate to the 'Take Quiz'?

91 Take Quiz Home Page?

92 Click 'Hint' to show the hint for the question Indicates the total time left for the user to complete the exam

93 Click 'Next Hint' to get one more hint.Since one more hint is available 'Next Hint' is enabled

94 Next Hint gets turns disabled since there is no more hint available

95 Choose the answer Click Check Answer after choosing the answer to validate it

96 The answer chosen is wrong Choose another answer again

97 A different answer is chosen again Click Check Answer to validate the chosen answer

98 The answer chosen is correct

99 Click 'Show Correct Answer' to view the correct answer

100 The system shows the correct answer to the user Click the forward icon to navigate to the next question

101 Click the backward icon to navigate to the previous question

102 Thank You

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