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Version 6.4 New Features By Olatz Iturbe. Prodiver -Menu and Toolbar Changes - Save quickview sets and graph templates -Save Excel and PDF icon -Graph.

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Presentation on theme: "Version 6.4 New Features By Olatz Iturbe. Prodiver -Menu and Toolbar Changes - Save quickview sets and graph templates -Save Excel and PDF icon -Graph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Version 6.4 New Features By Olatz Iturbe

2 Prodiver -Menu and Toolbar Changes - Save quickview sets and graph templates -Save Excel and PDF icon -Graph Changes -Gantt Charts -Report Changes - Keyboards shortcut for bottom of page -Quickview Changes - Quickview dialogs redesigned -QV Population order options -QV Load Value options -List QV added -Free Entry QV -Blank QV

3 Prodiver Menu and Toolbar changes Save Quickview Sets

4 Prodiver Menu and Toolbar changes Save to Excel and PDF Icon

5 Prodiver Graph Changes Gannt Chart

6 Prodiver Report Changes Paging to the End of a Report Use Ctrl-End to automatically page to the end of a Report or Report Palette.

7 Prodiver Quickview Changes Quickview dialogs redesigned

8 Prodiver Quickview Changes Population Order

9 Prodiver Quickview Changes Load Value

10 Prodiver Quickview Changes List Quickview

11 Prodiver Quickview Changes Free Entry Value

12 Diveport -General Improvements for the Administrator -Page Editing Improved -Printing Changes -User Interface enhanced -Image Portlet Changes -Document storage and organisation improved -Image Portlet Edit dialog Improved -Hotspots added -Measures Portlet Changes -Change Dimension Option added -Stacked Columns added -Even row colour added -PDF and Excel Click action added -Marker Portlet Changes -Change Dimension option added -page Selector placement option added -Quickview Portlet Changes -Desktop mobile preview added -Slope Indicator added -Bookmarks added -Custom macros added -New Portlet Types -Table of Contents -Lookup Manager Portlet -Document Display Portlet

13 Diveport General Improvements for Administrator Page Editing Improved -Type of portlet information -Right or double click ot Edit Portlet -Click on the background to add new portlets -New Portlets are size appropiate - The us of Ctr+C, Ctr+V, Ctr+X and Ctr+A to copy and paste portlets -Select multiple portlets and right click to display menu -Etc.

14 Diveport Printing

15 Diveport User Interface Changes - List Dialogs now have menus on the left -Clearer indication that Paste was successful -Temporarily hide a Portlet -Placement of new Portlets in manual layouts -Sizing of new Portlets on a Page -Temporarily Hide Title and Logo Bar

16 Diveport User Interface Changes - Choose between XLS and XLSX output -Download Graphics to Excel -Changes to the Page Setting edit dialog -Change to Page load dynamics -Diveline Server displayed in Portal Settings dialog -Control Placement of Page Selector -Launch Prodiver or NetDiver directly from Edit dialogs

17 Diveport Image Portlet Changes Document Storage and Organisation improved DI_Solution/webdata/ /doc-libraries/Portal Media $(PORTAL_MEDIA_URI) -When you upload the image you can save it to the default library -If you use the same file in multiple locations, you can change the single file to make multiple changes

18 Diveport Image Portlet Changes Image Portlet edit dialog changed

19 Diveport Image Portlet Changes Hotspots added where mouse hover presents text

20 Diveport Image Portlet Changes Hotspots added where mouse hover presents text

21 Diveport Image Portlet Changes Hotspots added where mouse hover presents text

22 Diveport Measures Portlet Changes Change Dimension option added

23 Diveport Measures Portlet Changes Stacked Columns added

24 Diveport Measure Portlet Changes Even Row Colour added

25 Diveport Measure Portlet Changes PDF and Excel Click Actions added

26 Diveport Marker Portlet Changes Change Dimension option added

27 Diveport Marker Portlet Changes Page Selector placement option added

28 Diveport Marker Portlet Changes Scrollbars, fixed header added

29 Diveport Quickview Portlet Changes Free Entry Quickview

30 Diveport Desktop mobile preview

31 Diveport Slope Indicator

32 Diveport Bookmarks

33 Diveport Custom Macros

34 Diveport New Portlet Types Table of Contents Portlet

35 Diveport New Portlet Types Lookup Manager Portlet

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