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1 INTERPATH PTY LTD & CeCC Global Web Communication Strategic Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "1 INTERPATH PTY LTD & CeCC Global Web Communication Strategic Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 INTERPATH PTY LTD & CeCC Global Web Communication Strategic Plan

2 2 Currently websites can be divided into 3 different categories  CORPORATE WEBSITE - Interpath x 1 (Australia)  VETERINARY PRODUCT WEBSITES - Sashas™ x 6 (Australia, New Zealand, Sth Africa, Canada, USA, Netherlands)  HUMAN PRODUCT WEBSITES - Jointforce™ / XL x 2 (New Zealand, USA) Interpath currently has a total of 9 websites being managed by CeCC Web Management Requirements:  Encompass both our Domestic & Internationally registered websites  Be applicable for each of the different web categories (Corporate, Veterinary & Human)  Simple content management system  Premium customer support and training on management products

3 3 IDENTIFY THE NEED FOR CHANGE  Websites to reflect the global capacity of Interpath & our products  Revamp the general look & feel of websites  Features such as forms, images & news not functioning at required level  Embrace technology & use our website for marketing

4 4 CORPORATE WEBSITE - Interpath Minor improvements to: The background, style sheet, index, search options & general page layout VETERINARY PRODUCT WEBSITE – Sashas™ Major Overhaul (using existing graphics) to: All aspects of the website - background, style sheet, index, animation, search options, general page layout HUMAN PRODUCT WEBSITES – Jointforce™ / Joint XL Minor improvements to: The background, style sheet, index, search options & general page layout TM

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6 6 Hover Index Web Background Colour Global Position Map Login Area Latest News Area Heading Styles Content Style Sheet & Colours Interpath logo with tag

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9 9 Old Product Page

10 10 Focus branding on Sashas™ Included Sashas tag Clear link to Interpath Content background style & colour Updated Index & Product logos Clearer search area Home page links to other pages – ordering, news etc

11 11 Clearer focus on product branding Product specific index

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14 14 Upgrading features of websites CORPORATE WEBSITE - Interpath  Search area on each web page  Corporate enquiry form  Client login access to specific information VETERINARY PRODUCT WEBSITE – Sashas™  Search area in conjunction with index  Animated header  Online Sashas Club forum  Information summary for each web page  Online customer forum  E-Newsletter  Customer enquiry form  Sashas club membership form  E-Newsletter

15 15 TRANSFER  Final check of websites & content - make necessary changes HOST   CeCC to arrange the transfer of web hosting

16 16 For a successful web communication strategy remember: IDENTIFY:  Be aware of what you need in a web management & content system  Continuously review your website structure & identify the need for change (even its not broken) DESIGN A STRATEGIC PLAN  Divide the process into stages, this will also assist in helping you set goals & timelines  Prioritize the work – you can’t do everything at once IMPLEMENT YOUR STRATEGIC PLAN  Work through the stages of your plan  Ensure you keep evaluating the strategies, goals & timelines within the plan as these WILL change as you progress RE VISIT THE PROCESS  Remember to continuously re-visit this process every 6 – 12 months or as you see fit to ensure your web strategy is still the best possible for your company


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