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Agenda for January 23, 2008  Macbeth Act IV Quiz. {5 points}  Imagery power point presentation.  Enactment of Act IV Macbeth.  Class discussion. Enjoy!

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda for January 23, 2008  Macbeth Act IV Quiz. {5 points}  Imagery power point presentation.  Enactment of Act IV Macbeth.  Class discussion. Enjoy!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda for January 23, 2008  Macbeth Act IV Quiz. {5 points}  Imagery power point presentation.  Enactment of Act IV Macbeth.  Class discussion. Enjoy! (18 slides)

2 Imagery in Macbeth By: Grace Choo, James Cha, and Sharlene Golshirazian

3 What Is Imagery? Imagery is visually descriptive or figurative writing in literary work. Imagery is a vivid figure of speech that stimulates the reader into seeing a visual reenactment while they read.

4 Clothing Shakespeare uses clothing in Macbeth to illustrate Macbeth is not the rightful King. Banquo, “New honors come upon him, Like our strange garments, cleave not to their mold But with the aid of use.” (Act I, scene iii, lines 160-162) This quote explains how Macbeth is conscience of the fact that the clothes do not belong to him.

5 Blood Cool fact: Shakespeare mentions the word blood, 42 times in the play. Ironically, this is the same number of times the word fear is used. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a brave, honored soldier; however, as the play goes on, Macbeth begins to be associated with death and bloodshed.

6 Blood cont. “For brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name) Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel, Which smoked with bloody execution.” (Act I, scene ii, lines 18-20) The captain reports how brave and courageous Macbeth is. In this situation, blood is used to make Macbeth a hero and honorable person in his country.

7 Blood Cont. As the play progresses, the meaning of blood changes from symbolizing honor and bravery, to symbolizing evil, guilt, treachery and treason. “Make thick my blood. Stop up the access and passage to remorse.” (Act I, scene v, lines 50-51) Lady Macbeth says here, that she wants to have no remorse and to become insensitive to the evil deeds she will soon commit.

8 Blood Cont. “Out, damned spot, out, I say! One. Two. Why then, 'tis time to do 't. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?” (Act V, scene ii, line 37-42) In this scene, Lady Macbeth illustrates her heavy guilt while sleepwalking. Lady Macbeth was trying to wash her hands to get rid of the blood of the people’s murder she partook in. The blood here symbolizes guilt.

9 Lady Macbet h Sleepwalki ng Act V, scene ii

10 Blood Cont. Throughout the play, blood is a symbol whose meaning changes from honor and bravery, to evil and guilt. At the end of the play, when Macduff kills Macbeth, blood goes back to what it symbolized in the beginning of the play.

11 The Witches The witches’ role represents dark powers. More importantly, they represent Macbeth’s inner evil. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair Hover through the fog and filthy air.” (Act I, scene I, lines 12-13) The witches say that good is bad, and bad is good, already revealing evil, a main theme in the play.

12 The Dagger The dagger in the play represents Macbeth’s crossing over to the dark side. “Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.” (Act II, scene I, line 44-47) This is when Macbeth is trying to decide if he is going to commit the evil deed of murder or not. When he takes hold of the dagger he starts his life of evil. He begins to lose control by murdering everyone he is threatened by.

13 Sleep After murdering Duncan, Macbeth can not sleep anymore. Sleeplessness is an image that signifies that Macbeth is guilty. When someone is guilty, they can not sleep at night because of their conscience. This is exactly what Macbeth goes through, because he loses his innocence. “Methought I heard a voice cry, “Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep”— the innocent sleep, Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care, The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath, Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, Chief nourisher in life's feast.” (Act II, scene ii, lines 47-52)

14 Disease Macbeth as the king, spreads “disease” throughout his country. Then when he is killed, Malcolm becomes king. The country is restored and cured from the “disease”. Guilt and remorse sickens Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. When Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo at the banquet, Lady Macbeth says that he is not feeling well and has always acted like this. {Macbeth to the ghost} “Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me.” (Act III, scene iv, lines 61-62) {Lady Macbeth} “My lord is often thus and hath been from his youth. Pray you, keep seat. The fit is momentary; upon a thought He will again be well.” (Act III, scene iv, lines 64-67)

15 Macbeth Sees Banquo’s Ghost

16 Summary Macbeth’s obsession to become king caused him to go crazy. He became a murderer and deceived his friends and the country. Through different types of evil, we see Macbeth’s true nature. When Macbeth meets the Witches, they expose his innermost fears and desires. Blood illustrates the changes in Macbeth’s character, from the start of the play to the end of the play. We see how the blood drawn by Macbeth changed from noble blood, to corrupt blood. This ultimately, led to his own corrupt blood being drawn.

17 Fin

18 Bibliography beth2.jpg beth2.jpg m/2006/10/ellen_terry_at_lady_macbeth.jpg m/2006/10/ellen_terry_at_lady_macbeth.jpg ch_Füssli_030.jpg ch_Füssli_030.jpg Banquo_with_the_witches_JHF.jpg Banquo_with_the_witches_JHF.jpg as_Macbeth_1858.jpg as_Macbeth_1858.jpg http://www.teachnet- ghttp://www.teachnet- g thposter1.gif thposter1.gif

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