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Published byKayley Putney Modified over 10 years ago
DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge® Architect – Part I
OpenEdge 10.1A introduces OpenEdge Architect, a new and powerful way to develop applications that are built on OpenEdge technologies. Architect has a set of complementary tools designed to increase developer productivity. This session provides a technical overview of each of these tools including project-based development, OpenEdge Editor, OpenEdge Debugger, OpenEdge DB Navigator, and OpenEdge Meta Catalog and Tools for Business Logic. Examples demonstrate how these tools are used in the real world to develop applications. Demonstrations focus on database connectivity, creating and editing source code, and handling environment and application errors. The session "Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect – Part II" picks up where this session leaves off. Mark Hanley David Lund Sr. Manager Development Tools Sr. Training Program Manager
Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect
Session Goals… Cover the basics Starting up OpenEdge Architect Editing code Database access and modification Debugging DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Agenda Why use OpenEdge Architect? OpenEdge Architect
Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect OpenEdge Architect Services Navigator Database Catalog Meta Why use OpenEdge Architect? Organizing you environment Working with code Managing DB schema Picturing your UI This presentation use the abbreviation ABL for OpenEdge Advanced Business Logic (formerly known as OpenEdge 4GL) DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Why use Architect? OpenEdge Architect provides
It’s about making it easier… OpenEdge Architect provides an open, standards-based, intuitive, extensible toolset that enhances OpenEdge developer productivity Overview ruler Wizard-based configuration Role based perspectives Enhanced Navigation Drag and drop of schema into ABL code Built on Industry Standards View and change editor and UI Customized Perspectives Integrate with 3rd party tools Enhanced Help Generate ProDataSet from model Search multiple code bases Collapsible code blocks Extendable Editor auto-completion Built in change history DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
OpenEdge Architect OpenEdge Runtime Eclipse (foundation platform)
Tools for Business Logic Meta Catalog DB Navigator Debugger ABL Editor Future: New Plug-ins OpenEdge Runtime Data Administration OpenEdge Studio AppBuilder Pro*Tools, ProxyGen WebSpeed Workshop OpenEdge Database OpenEdge Development Server Application Server WebSpeed Transaction Server Client Networking DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
3rd Party Tool Integration
See session DEV-8 for examples of how to leverage your development environment using 3rd party tool integration.. To go to shown web page go to: from Community list in lower left select ‘open source plug-ins’. Another good source for plug-ins is plug-ins at SCM – Source Code Management Hundreds of plug-ins are available Examples include Modeling, SCM, Languages, … DEV-8 - OpenEdge Architect − Extensibility and Third-Party Integration DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Demonstration Lets get started…
DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Agenda Why use OpenEdge Architect? OpenEdge Architect
Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect OpenEdge Architect Services Navigator Database Catalog Meta Why use OpenEdge Architect? Organizing you environment Working with code Managing DB schema Picturing your UI DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Workspaces and Projects
Resources (Programs, Files, Documentation, …) Project 2 Project 3 The workspace is a directory hierarchy containing projects, folders, system files, and plug-in preferences. It is also an in-memory representation of the contents of the workspace. OpenEdge Architect displays and modifies files located in a workspace. Many changes made to the workspace, such as the adding of files to a project, are immediately reflected in the in-memory resource model. However, there are exceptions, such as tasks that do not cause an immediate update of memory. Any changes made outside OpenEdge Architect, such as copying folders or files, are not known to Eclipse until a refresh action is performed. Also, when you start OpenEdge Architect, it goes out and looks for changes at that time (that is, you do not have to do a refresh when you start OpenEdge Architect since it does this automatically at startup.) One way to refresh is by selecting ‘File Refresh’ You can configure more than one workspace. This might be done if the workspace becomes cluttered with too many projects, or if you want to have different plug-in settings for your environment. An important fundamental concept is that OpenEdge Architect is a project-based environment. Resources (files) are meaningful and accessible only in the context of a project. You create resources within a project or import them from another project or from your file system. You can create multiple projects and maintain them in your workspace concurrently. Provides a way to organize your environment Use to set environment settings I.e. ProPath, Startup options, DB connections DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
OpenEdge Editor Perspective
Resources view Outline view The OpenEdge Editor is at the heart of the functionality in the OpenEdge Architect. The goal of the OpenEdge Editor is to significantly improve the productivity of developers when writing OpenEdge ABL code. The central component in the OpenEdge Editing perspective is the OpenEdge Editor, which offers code-entry shortcuts, syntax help, and color-coding and formatting options. The OpenEdge Editor is optimized to support the ABL. The Editor consists of a tabbed list open resources (files) with the name of the resource given in the tab. Resources can be selected and opened in the editor using the Resources view. Supporting use of the Editor, the Outline view aids analysis and navigation of the existing code, and a Databases view shows the schema of connected databases and offers drag-and-drop capability for entering table and field references. The Editor is central to the workbench and, unlike a view, it cannot be closed. There are a number of editors available. The Editor selected in the editor view is based on the resource file extension. For example a .p, .i, or .w extension will open the OpenEdge Editor, whereas a .sql extension will open the SQL Editor. A perspective defines the initial set and layout of views in the Workbench window. Each perspective provides a set of functionality aimed at accomplishing a specific type of task Perspectives are customizable Editor Aware of extension types Associated with different types of files based on extension Views support editors provide alternative presentations Support navigation Databases view Console view Problems view Tasks view DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Demonstration Projects…
DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Agenda Why use OpenEdge Architect? OpenEdge Architect
Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect OpenEdge Architect Services Navigator Database Catalog Meta Why use OpenEdge Architect? Organizing you environment Working with code Managing DB schema Picturing your UI DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Navigating Source Code
Includes Functions Procedures Outline view Provides overview of your code Filters provide focus Synchronized with Editor Clicking navigates to the location in your code Variables Triggers The primary navigation of resources (files) is done by selecting them in the Project using the Resources View. The primary navigation of the source code is done using the Outline View. The Outline view is linked with the file selected in the Editor. For a OpenEdge ABL file it shows code sections for a number of areas. Some of the areas that appear in the Outline view are internal procedures, user defined functions, triggers, include files, variables, TempTables, ProDataSets. Each of these sections only appears if they exist in the code. For example in the above screen shot there isn’t a Triggers section shown in the Outline view, since there aren’t any triggers in the source code that are associated with the outline. Selecting items in the Outline view shows that area in the OpenEdge Editor. The design of the screen decorators used in the Outline view, and in other places in OpenEdge Architect, takes into consideration that some people are color blind. With this in mind, the decorators and icons have different shadings and shapes so that there isn’t a reliance on just color to show the type and status of an item. Accessing ABL Include files using the Outline view The Includes section list the immediate include files for the current source file. Click on an include file reference once to position the cursor to where it is referenced in the source code. If there’s more than one reference to the same include file then only the first reference will be listed. Double-clicking the include file opens it in the Editor. Plus more not listed here TempTables ProDataSets DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Navigating Source Code
Arrows to navigate to Recently accessed resources Last edit location Browse buttons provide… Previous, Next, List, Last Edit etc. DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Text Hover - ABL Statements
ABL coding aids Information on DEFINE VARIABLE is displayed Cursor hovers over ‘DEFINE VARIABLE’ (2 words 1 statement) Text Hover - ABL Keywords; ABL Statements, … Progress treats many of the keywords as multiple parts belonging together to form a statement. One example is “DEFINE” which by itself has no help, but coupled with the type gives meaningful help, such as for “DEFINE VARIABLE”. Many of optional parameters on ABL statements have different meaning depending on what statement they belong to and also different help text. FOR is a sample of such. It can be a statement by itself, but can also be an optional parameter for 10 other statements in the ABL, COPY-LOB, DEFINE BUFFER, DEFINE DATA-SOURCE, DEFINE DATASET, DEFINE PARAMETER, DEFINE QUERY, DO, FUNCTION, OPEN QUERY and REPEAT. Architect recognizes these contexts and provides coding aids based on the context. DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Auto Completion - Database schema
ABL coding aids Auto completion provides a list of options from which to choose based on the text typed so far. Use auto-completion to assistance manually by CTRL+SPACE, but it will also automatically pop up after half a second when you enter the "." in a database field or ":" for a widget handle. After you select it will insert the selected option into the source code document. List of available DB schema selections Column information for selected column DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Text hover - Includes Hover over include to ‘peak’ into include file
ABL coding aids Hover over include to ‘peak’ into include file Double click to open the include file DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Handling Errors Red circle with white X identifies an error location
Overview ruler: red box indicates number of errors and red rectangles indicate location Navigate to error by selecting line in the Problems viewer The Problems view gives a list of compile errors and warnings. You can click on the rows in the table and it will position the editor to the error location in the source file. To clear errors, right-click on the project name in the Resources view, then select OpenEdge →Errors → Clear Errors. DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Debugger OpenEdge supports both
Support for two similar Debuggers (Coexistence) OpenEdge supports both OpenEdge Architect Debugger OpenEdge Stand-alone Debugger New Architect Debugger implemented as a plug-in The OpenEdge Debug perspective includes a set of views that help you test and debug ABL applications. OpenEdge Architect Debugger ignores the following ABL settings: Debugger System handle methods INITIATE, DEBUG VISIBLE attribute Methods still supported SET-BREAK, CANCEL-BREAK, and DISPLAY-MESSAGE Steps to use OpenEdge Stand-alone debugger to debug TTY applications: Remove parameter "-ide" from the Default startup parameters in the Preferences -> Editor page. Set "Use TTY for runtime" option at the Runtime page in the project properties. [ The Progress session re-starts using _progres. ] Change the properties of the command prompt session where _progres is running such that it is 80x25 so no scrollbars are needed. Save the properties for future windows with the same title. Launch the Stand-alone Debugger from the Start Menu. Use Debug -> Attach to connect to the _progres process. Dismiss the message so that the Debugger is ready to debug. Run the program from the IDE. DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
New Features Source code debugging Some dialogs are now views
Navigation into programs and includes .p, .w, .cls, .i Contrast with debug listing used by Stand-alone Debugger Some dialogs are now views Increased Flexibility (i.e. movable views) Debugger Not Working? For the debugger to work the debugger startup option must be set prodebugenable -enable-all Code must be saved and compiled The project context menu has an option to compile everything in the project OpenEdge → Compile Check to see that the date on the compiled code is current DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Debugging Perspective
Navigate using Stack view OpenEdge Debug Perspective Breakpoints This screen shot shows the default layout for the OpenEdge Debugger perspective. The screen shot shows two breakpoints in the code, as blue circles, and the list of all break points that are set in the Breakpoints view. A large advantage of using the OpenEdge Debug perspective, over the OpenEdge Studio version of the Debugger, is the ability to arrange and display the eight views while the debugger is running, as opposed to opening and closing dialogs in some cases. Ease of use with 8 views that can be kept open and arranged Using Source, not listing files DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Demonstration OpenEdge Editor
DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Agenda Why use OpenEdge Architect? OpenEdge Architect
Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect OpenEdge Architect Services Navigator Database Catalog Meta Why use OpenEdge Architect? Organizing you environment Working with code Managing DB schema Picturing your UI DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
DB Navigator Perspective
DB Structure Connection Info DB Details Connections Perspectives define the initial set and layout of views in the Workbench. A perspective is made-up of a set of views. They provide a set of functionality aimed at accomplishing a specific type of task or working with specific types of resources. Typical tasks for a database administrator using the DB Navigator perspective include: Viewing database schema Making schema modifications Access to multiple databases at once Executing SQL queries on the database meta-schema DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
DB Navigator Integrated to development environment Non Modal
Benefits Integrated to development environment Allows drag-drop of schema elements into code / graphical views Non Modal Intuitive, hierarchical data schema view Allows navigation of multiple vendor databases Provides advanced SQL support DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Database Meta Schema Database meta schema
Represents the schema of the connected database(s) The DB Navigator functionality Browsing the schema Modifying the schema DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Demonstration DB Navigator
DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Agenda Why use OpenEdge Architect? OpenEdge Architect
Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect OpenEdge Architect Services Navigator Database Catalog Meta Why use OpenEdge Architect? Organizing you environment Working with code Taming DB schema Picturing your UI DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
AppBuilder Integration
Architect provides some additional functionality when using the AppBuilder For example Use History to go back to previous versions Synchronization with the OpenEdge Editor Jump to code using Outline view Set bookmarks to quickly go to a code section DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
AppBuilder Perspective
AppBuilder Designer ABL Windows shown in Designer The AppBuilder, which is also available in OpenEdge Studio, can run in the OpenEdge Architect environment. The AppBuilder perspective provides graphical editing capabilities for UI development. Changes made in the AppBuilder are synchronized with the OpenEdge Editor, and vice versa. The OpenEdge AppBuilder Support provides functionality that allows developers using OpenEdge Architect to launch an AppBuilder session for their ABL project to visually edit Progress .w files or access ABL tools available from the AppBuilder. Synchronization takes place between the AppBuilder and the OpenEdge Editor when you leave the editor, leave the AppBuilder Designer view, or save the program. AppBuilder opens in DesignView of the OpenEdge project DesignView is associated with a project Project name shows in the title area of the DesignView Windows visible in DesignView AppBuilder main window Palette window ProTools window Visualization of GUI .w design window Visual and Code changes are synchronized OpenEdge Editor Capabilities available to AppBuilder users DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Demonstration AppBuilder
DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
In Summary OpenEdge Architect provides a set of tools for developers of OpenEdge applications that increases their productivity Join us for part 2 Right here after lunch DEV-3 – Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect – Part II DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Relevant Exchange Sessions
DEV-3: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect – Part II DEV-8: OpenEdge Architect − Extensibility and Third-Party Integration MOVE-13: Adopting OpenEdge Architect INNOV-9: OpenEdge Development Products Roadmap INNOV-14 A Look Inside the OpenEdge UI Research Lab DEV-3 Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect – Part II OpenEdge 10.1A introduces OpenEdge Architect, a new and powerful way to develop applications that are built on OpenEdge technologies. Building on the session entitled "Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect – Part I", this session goes into more detail on the set of tools that make up Architect. Examples demonstrate how to use Architect in the real world to develop applications. Demonstrations include re-factoring ABL (formerly OpenEdge 4GL), doing impact analysis across a code base using the Meta Catalog, generating ProDataSets using Tools for Business Logic, and modifying schema using the SQL Editor. DEV-8 OpenEdge Architect − Extensibility and Third-Party Integration During this session we'll introduce and demonstrate the third-party tool integration that is possible with OpenEdge Architect, a new OpenEdge development environment. Application developers should come and see how they can plug-in third-party Source Code Management (SCM) tools and other modeling tools like Enterprise Architect (EA). INNOV-9 OpenEdge Development Products Roadmap This session provides the roadmap and future direction for the OpenEdge products used in application development such as OpenEdge Architect, Tools for Business Logic, and OpenEdge Advanced Business Logic. This session provides an outline of the guiding concepts, medium-and long-term technology investigations, and insights into your influence on the evolution of the product. We highlight specific changes made to the product based on input from customers and key technologies that can improve the performance or flexibility of your applications as well as work that can reduce your overall development effort. MOVE-13 Adopting OpenEdge Architect This session focuses on considerations for migrating your existing AppBuilder development environment to OpenEdge Architect, our new development environment. Existing AppBuilder users should come and learn how to adapt the new environment to achieve higher productivity for their common development tasks. During the session we'll focus on common use cases like moving from a file-based environment to project-based environment, how to capture common IDE events, new approaches to debugging, moving across environment configuration settings, and much more. INNOV-14 A Look Inside the OpenEdge UI Research Lab Come to our preview of the future User Interface for OpenEdge. This session covers the architecture and features of the new UI. The new UI will build upon Microsoft .NET controls to allow OpenEdge developers to build competitive state–of–the–art applications, all while staying in the OpenEdge development environment and language. Preview the Visual Editor where you will visually build and test your new UI forms. DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Education / Documentation References
Courses What’s new in 10.1A : OpenEdge Architect DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
Questions? DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
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DEV-2: Getting Started with OpenEdge Architect, Part I
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