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Helicopter Hover Control VDM1-project F10 Lasse, Christian, Frederik.

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Presentation on theme: "Helicopter Hover Control VDM1-project F10 Lasse, Christian, Frederik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helicopter Hover Control VDM1-project F10 Lasse, Christian, Frederik

2 Purpose The purpose of the model is to maintain hover by actuators on the basis of data about position and orientation of the helicopter acquired from sensors. 2

3 Req’s A control-system used to maintain hover- position of a helicopter. The pilot puts the helicopter in hover before the system can be activated. When in hover, the pilot activates the system. 3

4 Req’s The set position must be maintained: ▫Hover-position compromised -> System reacts -> Hover-position is regained. ▫Hover-position cannot be maintained -> System gives an alarm -> Controls are handed over to the pilot. ▫(sensor -> system -> “actuator”) 4

5 Req’s (verbose) The set position must be maintained: ▫When the system gets a sensor-value indicating that hover-position is compromised, the system must react to regain hover-position by manipulating the actuators. ▫If a hover-position cannot be maintained, an alarm must be given, and the controls must be handed over to the pilot. 5

6 Req’s (actuators) Five actuators are needed to adjust the following parameters: ▫Cyclic (lateral)  Adjust side-ways horizontal movement ▫Cyclic (longitudinal)  Adjust forward/backwards horizontal movement ▫Collective  Adjust height and vertical speed (v.speed must be zero) ▫Anti-torque  Adjust heading of the helicopter ▫Throttle  Adjust RPM of main rotor 6

7 Req’s (sensors) Sensors needed for surveillance of the before mentioned parameters. ▫Altitude ▫Horizontal position ▫Gyrometer (heading, attitude (pitch), roll) 7

8 Next time Refine requirements. Identify possible classes and operations. UML class diagram 8

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