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Jeff Beltramo NHTI-Concord’s Community College FRC Team 1922.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeff Beltramo NHTI-Concord’s Community College FRC Team 1922."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeff Beltramo NHTI-Concord’s Community College FRC Team 1922

2  Introduction to LabVIEW  FRC Edition of LabVIEW  FRC Framework  Tricks of the Trade  Resources

3  Graphical Programming Language  Data Flow Programming ◦ Go with the Flow!  High Level

4  Each vi is made up of two windows  Front Panel ◦ User Interface ◦ Indicator(output) ◦ Controls (Input)  Block Diagram ◦ “code” ◦ Data travels in wires from controls thru functions to indicators ◦ Order of execution controlled by data flow

5  While Loop  For Loop  Boolean logic  Arrays  Math functions  Timing  File I/O  PID Control  Signal Processing  FRC WPILib

6  Floating Point  Integers  Boolean  String  Arrays

7  Loops can operate in parallel  Each loop performing a different task at different rates  Data flow programming still applies!

8  Which node executes first? a. Add b. Subtract c. Random Number d. Divide e. Sine

9  Finding Errors ◦ Broken arrow indicates coding mistakes  Execution Highlighting ◦ Data flow is animated and wire values are shown  Probe ◦ Shows data value as it flows thru a wire

10  Help menu>>Show Context Help ◦ Hover cursor over object to see help  Click thru for Detailed Help

11  CompactRIO with custom FPGA image  FIRST specific vi palettes  Custom Getting Started Window  Wizards to create robot and dashboard code  FRC specific examples

12  Available to veteran teams in the Fall of 2011, a bare chassis will cost ~$300, while the chassis with three modules (Analog, Digital, and Solenoid) will cost ~$550.

13  WPI Robotics Library ◦ Sub-palettes for robot drive, sensors, actuators, I/O, Driver Station, Camera…  Vision – tools for managing and manipulating images  MS Kinect SDK?









22  Project Explorer o Like a table of contents of the project o Group like files o Build specifications o Deploy VI’s

23  Begin VI – Called once at beginning, to open I/O, initialize sensors and any globals, load settings from a file, etc.  Autonomous Independent VI – Autonomous code placed here. Called once at startup and terminates on its own.  TeleOp – Responds to Joystick input and other critical functions. Called every 20 ms.

24  Periodic Task VI – Non-critical functions placed here. Can have multiple loops. Called at startup and runs continuously.  Finish VI - Closes all I/O references and save collected data. Called once at end of program.  Robot Global Data VI – Repository of defined global variables.

25  LabVIEW is Polymorphic  Race conditions  Shift when copying or moving  Ctrl drag mouse to make space  Edit»Create SubVI  Right-click terminal»Create  Edit»Make Current Values Default

26  Ctrl-R: Run the VI  Ctrl-E: Swap between front panel and block diagram  Ctrl-H: Turn on context help  Ctrl-B: Remove broken wires  Ctrl-u: Clean up wires  Ctrl-Z: Undo  View»Navigation Window or Ctrl-Shift-N  Tools»CompactRIO Imaging Tool…  Tools»Setup Axis Camera  Tools»Options

27    ◦ Technical>Programming>NI LabVIEW   

28 Questions?

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