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Circolo Didattico “Don Milani” Via Giovanni XXIII, 57 – 90049 Terrasini – (PA) Cod. Simpi: PAEE10700G – Cod. Fisc. 80056310826 Tel. 091 861 9715 Fax :

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Presentation on theme: "Circolo Didattico “Don Milani” Via Giovanni XXIII, 57 – 90049 Terrasini – (PA) Cod. Simpi: PAEE10700G – Cod. Fisc. 80056310826 Tel. 091 861 9715 Fax :"— Presentation transcript:

1 Circolo Didattico “Don Milani” Via Giovanni XXIII, 57 – 90049 Terrasini – (PA) Cod. Simpi: PAEE10700G – Cod. Fisc. 80056310826 Tel. 091 861 9715 Fax : 091 8684279 e-mail PAEE10700G Web Site:


3 Terrasini is a village with 11.341 inhabitants in the Province of Palermo in Sicily. It is situated 30 Km far from Palermo on the direction to Trapani. It is a little jewel in the Castellammare Gulf. The main activities are turism anf fishing.

4 Beatiful in its natural environment preserves a heritage of incomparable value starting with the sea: exclusiv areas, fascinating beaches, seacaves and enchanting light shows, shadows and colours.

5 Rows of palms, picturesque narrow streets, street crosses, ancient houses of tuff and stone double the beauty of this enchanting part of the island. Its name comes from Latin, from “Terra Sinus” (land of the gulf) or, according to another interpretation, from “Terra Sinorum” (land of inlets), exactly because of its rugged coastline. Its name comes from Latin, from “Terra Sinus” (land of the gulf) or, according to another interpretation, from “Terra Sinorum” (land of inlets), exactly because of its rugged coastline. Terrasini is characterized by low houses that overlook roads straight and parallel that go down from the mountains towards the sea. The intense smell of orange flowers, jasmine, mixed to the sour perfume of the saltiness the air hover.

6 Attractive scenery, white beaches, the red colour of the coast full of rocks, marine bottoms and the variety of the shoreline are all to be discovered. The caves include underground lagoons, interplay of light and colours. Enchanting show is the sea at sunset. Difficult is not to fall in temptation and to remain in contemplation of these marvellous waters, at the gloaming, kissed by the sun that slowly goes falling through in warm and gold shades, more and more rose till the fall of the night when the lights of the fishermen boats enlighten one by one in the frame of the imposing stacks.

7 Particular attention deserves the nineteenth- century building of Palazzo D’Aumale, an ex wine production plant founded by Henri d’Orleans. It, majestic and impressive with its arches and merlons, overlooks the sea. In it are placed three sessions of the civic museum which houses the most important entomological, palaentological and geological collections with the relative library and a large number of rare birds. The tour goes on to the Museum of the Sicilian Carts that hosts collections of carts in their different styles once used for the transport of people and goods. They are painted scenes ispired the “Chanson de Roland The tour goes on to the Museum of the Sicilian Carts that hosts collections of carts in their different styles once used for the transport of people and goods. They are painted scenes ispired the “Chanson de Roland “

8 Terrasini also preserves its celebrations and traditions. The feast “DI LI SCHIETTI”, the only one of its kind, takes place on Easter Sunday but its ritual starts the day before when a bitter orange tree is cut and taken along the main streets of the village on a cart hauled by a horse “decorated for the occasion" :he unmarried men have to demonstrate their strength to the town girls by lifting the tree, decorated with colored ribbons, "ciancineddi" and "aineddi", weighting 50 kg, on one hand. It is a spectacle that attracts hundreds of tourists. Of pagan origin, it dates back to the Eleusinian mysteries in the cult of the goddess Demetra, goddess of the Earth, the Great Mother. A celebration in which sacred and profane are mixed together. Terrasini also preserves its celebrations and traditions. The feast “DI LI SCHIETTI”, the only one of its kind, takes place on Easter Sunday but its ritual starts the day before when a bitter orange tree is cut and taken along the main streets of the village on a cart hauled by a horse “decorated for the occasion" : the unmarried men have to demonstrate their strength to the town girls by lifting the tree, decorated with colored ribbons, "ciancineddi" and "aineddi", weighting 50 kg, on one hand. It is a spectacle that attracts hundreds of tourists. Of pagan origin, it dates back to the Eleusinian mysteries in the cult of the goddess Demetra, goddess of the Earth, the Great Mother. A celebration in which sacred and profane are mixed together. The most fascinating of the traditions is the "night of the first September" when at midnight, at the continuous sound of the bells of the Mother Church, people are used to put small candles on balconies and windows. People do this for three evenings in memory of the terrible earthquake that stroke Palermo in 1726. People do this while singing the "Te Deum" in order to thank God for the escaped danger

9 A way for greeting Terrasini, at the end of your journey, is to stand still for a moment at sunset observing the faraglioni rocks that are springing up from the sea, the white beaches where the fresh and light breeses caresse your faces, the weaves of the sea on the red cliffs, spectacle that impresses in your heart the sweet memories of Sicily, a land of sun, sea and poetry.

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