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DNA The Genetic Material.

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1 DNA The Genetic Material

The genetic material must meet 4 criteria 1. Information: 2. Transmission: 3. Replication: 4. Variation: 9-3

3 1928 - Frederick Griffith’s Transformation Experiments
Two strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae S  Smooth Secrete a polysaccharide capsule Produce smooth colonies on solid media virulent R  Rough Unable to secrete a capsule Produce colonies with a rough appearance avirulent Two coat types II III Four possible phenotypes IIS or IIIS or IIR or IIIR

4 Griffith’s Experiments
Figure 9.1 Rare mutations convert strains S into R strain & vice versa But mutations do not change coat types II into III or vice versa 9-6

5 Figure 9.2 9-8

6 Griffith’s Conclusions
Something from the dead type IIIS transformed type IIR into type IIIS Called this process transformation The unknown substance was termed the transforming principle 9-9

7 1944 - Avery, MacLeod & McCarty Identify the Genetic Material
Griffith’s transforming principle was the genetic material Transformation assay to identify actual biomolecule Major constituents - DNA, RNA, proteins, carbohydrates, & lipids Made cell extracts from type IIIS cells containing each of these macromolecules 9-10

8 Avery’s Experiments Mixed each extract with type IIR cells to test for transformation Only extract containing purified DNA transformed type IIR to type IIIS Verify that DNA, not RNA or protein, is the genetic material 9-11 Figure 9.3

9 1952- Hershey & Chase Confirm DNA is Genetic Material Using Phage T2

10 Life cycle of phage T2 Figure 9.5

11 Phage Attached to E. coli Cell
Figure: 10-04a Caption: EM of E. coli during infection by phage T2.

12 The Hershey and Chase experiment:
Used radioisotopes to distinguish DNA from proteins 32P labels DNA specifically 35S labels protein specifically Infect non-radioactive E. coli with radioactively-labeled phages Remove phage coats from cells Is 32P or 35S inside bacteria? 9-14

13 Hershey & Chase Experiment
Figure: 10-05a Caption: Summary of the Hershey–Chase experiment demonstrating that DNA, and not protein, is responsible for directing the reproduction of phage T2 during the infection of E. coli.

14 Hershey & Chase Experiment
Figure: 10-05b Caption: Summary of the Hershey–Chase experiment demonstrating that DNA, and not protein, is responsible for directing the reproduction of phage T2 during the infection of E. coli.

15 The Data 9-18

16 RNA is Genetic Material in Some Viruses
In 1956, A. Gierer and G. Schramm isolated RNA from the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) Purified TMV RNA caused the same lesions as intact TMV viruses Therefore, the viral genome is composed of RNA Since that time, many RNA viruses have been found 9-20 Copyright ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display

17 9-21 Copyright ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display

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