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CSIRO John King Security Adviser. CSIRO Minister Education, Science and Training– Hon Julie Bishop MP Corporate Support - Science Planning - Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "CSIRO John King Security Adviser. CSIRO Minister Education, Science and Training– Hon Julie Bishop MP Corporate Support - Science Planning - Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSIRO John King Security Adviser

2 CSIRO Minister Education, Science and Training– Hon Julie Bishop MP Corporate Support - Science Planning - Communications - Finance & Governance & CFO - People & Culture - Business Services - Leadership & Cross Organisation Development CSIRO Science Forum CSIRO Board Ms Catherine Livingstone (Chairman) Professor Suzanne Cory– Dr Terry Cutler– Dr Geoff Garrett Dr Eileen Doyle – Mr Brian Keane– Deborah O’Toole Prof Alan Robson– Mr Peter Willcox Executive Management Council Executive Team * Joint venture with the Australian Food Industry Science Centre (Afisc) Ms Lisa Paul– Food Futures - Agribusiness Entomology - Livestock Industries - Plant Industry - Food Science Australia - Textile & Fibre Technology - Ensis JV - P-Health - Marine & Atmospheric Research - Petroleum Resources - Sustainable Energy & Environment Energy Technology - Land and Water - Sustainable Ecosystems - Energy Transformed - Water for a Healthy Country - Wealth from Oceans - Info., Manufacturing & Minerals - Australia Telescope National Facility - Exploration & Mining - ICT Centre - Industrial Physics - Manufacturing & Infrastructure Technology - Minerals - Mathematical & Information Sciences - Molecular & Health Technologies - Light Metals

3 CSIRO Food Futures Agribusiness Livestock Industries ENSIS JV Food Science Australia Plant Industry Australia Telescope National Facility Info., Manufacturing & Minerals Molecular and Health Technologies Mathematical and Information Sciences Light Metals Industrial Physics Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology Energy Technology SUSTAINABLE Energy and Environment Water for a Healthy Country Exploration and Mining Petroleum Resources Executive Management Council CORPORATE SUPPORT People and Culture Science Planning Communications Finance, Governance and CFO Business Services Leadership and Cross Organisation Development Entomology Textile & Fibre Technology P-Health Exploration & Mining ICT Centre Minerals Land and Water Marine and Atmospheric Research Sustainable Ecosystems Energy Transformed

4 CSIRO Darwin Alice Springs Atherton Townsville Davies Lab Woodstock Rockhampton Belmont Rendal Brisbane Cannon Hill* Indooroopilly* Pinjarra Hills Samford St Lucia* Cleveland Toowoomba Gatton Griffith Armidale Chiswick Arding Narrabri Siding Springs Parkes Lucas Heights Culgoora Sydney North Ryde Lindfield Marsfield Macquarie Uni Newcastle Canberra Black Mountain Campbell Gungahlin Yarralumla Acton/ANU Ginninderra Belmont Geelong Werribee Albury Melbourne Aspendale Clayton Clayton ( Blackburn Rd) Highett Parkville (HSN) Preston Collingwood Syndal Adelaide Urrbrae Woodville Adelaide (Kintore Av) Mount Gambier Merbein Perth Floreat Park Waterford Marmion Bentley Baker's Hill Hobart Sandy Bay

5 CSIRO Priority Send Date: 24 May 2002 Number: THR3606 Ref: THR1488 of 28/7/2000 John King Security Adviser SECRET THREAT ASSESSMENT This assessment draws on information available as at 1130 hours, 24 MAY 2002. Update: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) facilities - Australia Wide Key points ASIO, AFP and relevant state police services have no information of a specific threat to CSIRO facilities. For some time, genetically modified (GM) materials have been a side issue for most issue motivated groups (IMGs). Recent incidents however suggest the issue is beginning to attract increased attention. [R] CSIRO holds national security classified material (NSCM) and sensitive material that is likely to be of interest to a range of foreign states and commercial entities. [R] AS10 assesses that the threat from Foreign Intelligence Services (FIS) is medium. [R] Access to information within the CSIRO should be limited to those with a specific need to know and team members should remain aware of and acknowledge their security responsibilities. Staff should be mindful of the harm which may be caused should sensitive information be either deliberately or accidentally compromised. [S] The implementation of effective security measures and vigilance to possible threats will deter most foreign intelligence services. [C] Since 11 September terrorist attacks in the US, the assessed level of threat of chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) terrorism in Australia has increased from low to medium and the likelihood of CBR hoaxes has increased from low to high. There is no information to indicate CSIRO is at threat from CBR Terrorism. [R] Threat level  The threat to CSIRO facilities from protest is assessed as LOW. [R]  The threat to CSIRO from Computer Network Attack as HIGH. [R]  The threat to CSIRO supporting infrastructure is LOW. [R]  The threat to CSIRO from FIS is assessed as MEDIUM. [C] Distribution List John King ASA CSlRO Ifrquirics to: Tlrrcds @icer (02) 6234 1278 BH or Mobile 0414831310 AH CAVEAT: This document is the property of the Commonwealth of Australia. Its contents must not be copied or disseminated without approval from the Australian Security Intelligence Qrganisation. FOI WARNING: Exempt document under Freedom of information Act 1982 Section 16 (2) and Section 25 (may apply to this document. Refer related FOI requests to Attorney-General’s Department, Canberra SECRET









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