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INTERFACES. Morphology and phonology phonetic representation allomorphs/morphophonemic alternations phonological representation.

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2 Morphology and phonology phonetic representation allomorphs/morphophonemic alternations phonological representation

3 1 Allophonic/morphophonemic rules Allophonic rules are exceptionless while morphophonemic rules are not. 1 cat[s] – dog[z] – match[Ez] 2a. knife – knives b. chief – chiefs Morphophonemic rules often include affix boundaries while such boundaries are not required in allophonic rules. 1a. electric – electrical – electricity b. kick – sick cf trafficking

4 2 Deriving allomorphs Allomorphs are derived in much the same way as we derive allophones, with the elsewhere allomorph as the underlying representation (UR). AllomorphUR cat[s]cat-z dog[z]dog-z match[Ez]match-z

5 Vowel lengthening in English  N C V → [+long] / C [−long] [+voice] [−sonorant]

6 English schwa epenthesis   → E /

7 Voicing assimilation  C C → [−voice] / [−voice]

8 Derivat’ns of English plurals UF kAt-z dRg-z mAtF-z Schwa epenthesis ----- ----- mAtF-Ez Voicing assimilation kAt-s ----- ----- PF [kAts] [dRgz] [mAtFEz] UF: Underlying Form (=UR) PF: Phonetic Form

9 The f → v alternation Rule PL: f → v / z plural UF waif-z [+Rule PL] tFi:f-z f → v (Rule PL) waiv-z ----- Voicing assimilatn ----- tFi:f-s Vowel lengthening wai:v-z ----- PF [wai:vz] [tFi:fs]

10 Derivat’n of electric & electricity UR ilektrik ilektrik-iti Stress ilektrik ilektrik-iti k → s rule ----- ilektris-iti Flapping ----- ilektris-idi PR [ilektrik] [ilektrisidi] NB: the morphological information that triggers the change


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