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Salford Royal Foundation Trust Julie Gorton Nurse for Young Adult Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Salford Royal Foundation Trust Julie Gorton Nurse for Young Adult Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salford Royal Foundation Trust Julie Gorton Nurse for Young Adult Service

2 Renal YA mentor programme  Been through the trust formal induction and a local induction is performed by myself on the ward and in the clinic area  The renal mentors who are patients themselves working as volunteers on the ward and dialysis units  At present we have 5 young adults who are mentors  1 Dialysis patient  3 transplant patients  1 Pre dialysis whom is diabetic These mentors are available as a support for other young adults within renal services

3 Meet and great  Mentors have completed a video that will be sent to all new patients referred to the YAC  Mentors now meet and greet all new patients they will make arrangements to meet at the hospital entrance and then walk them to the clinic area and show them around the clinic area.

4  For all new transition patients one of our mentors is going to come to the joint appointment and meet the patients in the out patients area at Central Manchester explaining the young adult clinic at Salford  She will also make arrangements for the meet and greet when they first cone to a clinic at Salford

5 How the clinic is set out

6 Case JF 24 years  Newly Diagnosed with good pastures syndrome: Attached to prison officers all the time  Received plasma exchange and dialysis and is now on long term renal replacement therapy Haemodialysis at SRFT  No contact with other patients or visitors while an in patient or out patient due to security only staff were allowed in his room  Patient not coping will illness asked if he would like to speak to a mentor he declined the offer  Had suicidal thoughts accepted to speak to young a adult volunteer came to the ward and spoke with him  When he comes in for dialysis other young adult mentors speak to him, he finds this helpful  I attend the prison on a monthly basis to discuss fluid management and diet control

7 AN 18 years  Known to the YAC previously declined mentor support (Buried her head)  October 14 commenced haemodialysis at Oldham unit  November 14 Fistula clotted and de clotting arranged  November 14 emailed asking for support as she was not coping  Mentor arranged with voluntary driver and a visit was arranged  Now feels she can cope with dialysis

8 What's planned for 2015  Employment of a youth worker  Workability event by young adult mentor  Quarterly events for all young adults in the network  Meet and greet at Manchester Children's  ng-adults-renal-clinic ng-adults-renal-clinic

9 Thanks for listening

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