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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Young Adult Outreach and Education.

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Presentation on theme: "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Young Adult Outreach and Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Young Adult Outreach and Education

2 Uninsured Young Adults  26.9% of US residents 18 - 34 are uninsured  Overall national uninsurance rate is approximately 15.7%  25.6% of Illinois residents 18 - 34 are uninsured  Overall statewide uninsurance rate is approximately 15%

3 Who are Young Invincibles?

4  How does the ACA affect young adults  Young adult outreach Overview

5 What Parts of the ACA Affect Young Adults?

6  Under 26 can stay on parent’s plan  Expanded Medicaid  Exchanges and Subsidies Coverage for Young Adults

7 Young People and the ACA Who qualifies for Medicaid and subsidies?

8 Other Important Benefits  Pre-existing conditions  Women’s health  Well-woman visits, mammograms, contraception  Student Health Plans  Previously unregulated, now subject to standardized ACA requirements  80/20 Ratio  Catastrophic plans  Marketed to the young  Targets those with financial hardship

9 Outreach and Education for Young Adults

10  Health Care Outreach  Mobile Technology  Social Media  Challenges  Timeline Overview

11  Traditional Outreach  Tabling  Group Presentations  Hosting events  New Outreach Strategies Health Care Outreach

12  Your Healthcare Finder  Find doctors in the area  For Android and iPhoneAndroidiPhone  Mobile Website  Text Message Services  QR Codes  Can be scanned and direct users to your website Mobile Outreach

13  Facebook  Create events  Send news updates  Twitter  Connect with new people  Coordinate plans  Retweet  Be fun! Using Social Media Picture Source: Wikimedia Commons

14  It’s expensive  ACA offers new options  I’m young and healthy  Injuries can happen to anyone  Make it personal  I don’t believe in health insurance  Uninsured drives up health care costs  Individual mandate requires insurance Why do I need Insurance?

15  Present – end of 2012:  Educate young adults about ACA  Ensure young adults are on dependent coverage  Jan 2013 – Oct 2013:  Educate young adults about the upcoming Exchanges  Oct 1 st, 2013 – March 31 st, 2014  Open enrollment for exchanges  Ensure young adults are getting subsidies and Medicaid Timeline: What to Look For

16  Important parts of the ACA that affect young adults  Outreach and education  Traditional outreach  Social media and mobile technology  Big changes in 2013  Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter Key Takeaways @YI_Care

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