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Une leçon par Mme Gareau.  T he i is a mood (not just one tense) which can be used either as a more polite form of speech ( “I would like to order a.

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Presentation on theme: "Une leçon par Mme Gareau.  T he i is a mood (not just one tense) which can be used either as a more polite form of speech ( “I would like to order a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Une leçon par Mme Gareau

2  T he i is a mood (not just one tense) which can be used either as a more polite form of speech ( “I would like to order a drink, please” ) or as a form similar to the English conditional “if, then” statement ( … s something were so, t there would be a result). - If I had money, then I would buy a car. Ex. - If I had money, then I would buy a car. - Si, j’avais l’argent, j’acheterais une auto. conditionnel thenIf Note: L’imparfait often works with the conditionnel.

3 1.T ake the infinitive form of the verb you wish to use. Ex. Acheter, aimer, finir, choisir 2. ADD THE FOLLOWING ENDINGS Je = ais ais Nous = Ils = Vous = Tu = Il = iez aient ions ait ait ais ais Ex. aimer (to like/love) J’aimerais Tu aimerais Il aimerait Nous aimerions Vous aimeriez Ils aimeraient

4 Avoir (would have) = aur… Lire (would read) = lir… Aller (would go) = ir… Être (would be) = ser… Devoir (would have to/should)= devr… Faire (would do/make)= fer… Vouloir (would want)= voudr… Pouvoir (could)= pourr… Recevoir (would receive) = recevr… Voir (would see) ) = verr… ex: j’aurais ex: tu lirais ex: il irait ex: nous serions ex: vous devriez ex: ils feraient ex: elles voudraient ex: je pourrais ex: tu recevrais ex: il verrait

5 1. I would have ______ ____________ 2. Y ou (s.) would like ______ ____________ 3. H e would finish ______ ____________ 4. W e would receive ______ ____________ 5. Y ou (pl.) would read ______ ____________ 6. T hey (f.) would go ______ ____________ 7. I would do ______ ____________ 8.Y ou (s.) would be ______ ____________ 9.S he should ______ ____________ 10.W e would make ______ ____________ 11.Y ou (pl.) could _ __ ______ ____________ 12.T hey (m.) would want to ______ ____________ ∆ Translate the following phrases using the proper subject and conjugate of “le conditionnel”.

6 1. I would have: J’aurais 2. Y ou (s.) would like: Tu aimerais 3. H e would finish: Il finirait 4. W e would receive: Nous recevrions 5. Y ou (pl.) would read: Vous liriez 6. T hey (f.) would go: Elles iraient 7. I would do: Je ferais 8.Y ou (s.) would be: Tu serais 9.S he should: Elle devrait 10.W e would make: Nous ferions 11.Y ou (pl.) could: Vous pourriez 12.T hey (m.) would want to: Ils voudraient Translate the following phrases using the proper subject and conjugation of “le conditionnel”. Translate the following phrases using the proper subject and conjugation of “le conditionnel”.

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