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Industrial Pollution Control Prof. R. Shanthini Dept of Chemical & Process Engineering University of Peradeniya September 05, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Pollution Control Prof. R. Shanthini Dept of Chemical & Process Engineering University of Peradeniya September 05, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Pollution Control Prof. R. Shanthini Dept of Chemical & Process Engineering University of Peradeniya September 05, 2010

2 Biodegradable Industrial Waste Wastewater from many industries using biomass as raw materials contains mostly carbohydrates (sugars, starch, cellulose and lignin) and fats and proteins. These organics are biodegradable, that is, decomposed to simple end products by the biliions and billions of microorganisms found nature. Some organics are aerobically biodegraded (by aerobic microbes) and others are anaerobically biodegraded (by anaerobic microbes).

3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Concentration of aerobically biodegradable organic matter (such as sugars, starch and other simple organics) is quantified by the amount of oxygen consumed during the aerobic microbial (mostly bacterial) degradation of the waste under controlled conditions. This measurement is known as the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of the wastewater concerned. To be precise, BOD is written as BOD 5 at 20 o C, which means the biochemical oxygen demand of the wastewater for 5 days of microbial degradation at 20 o C.

4 BOD (continued) The water body is considered to be very clean if its BOD 5 at 20 o C is less than 1 mg/litre (i.e. ppm). The cleanliness of the waterbody is considered poor if its BOD 5 at 20 o C is more than 5 mg/litre. The BOD 5 estimate however excludes complex organics such as cellulose, lignin, chitin, and proteins, which cannot be readily biodegraded by bacteria.

5 Cellulose Cellulose provides strength and flexibility to the plants. It is the most abundant organic compound of natural origin. The molecular weight of cellulose ranges from 300,000 to 500,000 (1800 to 3000 glucose units). Since certain bacteria can hydrolyse cellulose, biological treatment of cellulose containing wastes is possible. However, aerobic treatment of cellulose is slow.

6 Most of the cellulose does not get aerobically biodegraded and will settle to produce sludge during aerobic digestion. The sludge produced during aerobic treatment is separated by sedimentation, filtration or centrifugation, and is either used as a landfill or incinerated. This sludge could also be subjected to anaerobic digestion (in the absence of oxygen) to produce biogas. Cellulose (continued)

7 Lignin, a macromolecular organic compound, is a major structural component of all plant cell walls along with cellulose. While cellulose provides strength and flexibility, lignin supports and protects the cellulose from biological and chemical attack. Lignin is thus very stable against bacterial degradation even though white-rot fungi can degrade it to some extent in a very slow reaction. Lignin

8 Aromatic hydrocarbons and aliphatic compounds like ester are type of organic compounds that are resistant to bacterial degradation of any kind.

9 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Since the BOD measurement includes only the readily biodegradable organics that are decomposed aerobically by simple bacteria, we use the chemical oxygen demand (COD) measurement to indicate the amount of oxidisable material present in the effluent sample that can be oxidised by a strong chemical oxidant.

10 COD (continued) If the COD and BOD measurements are nearly the same then the effluent can be biologically degraded under aerobic, facultative and anaerobic conditions. Any difference between the COD and BOD measurements may indicate the presence of cellulosic matter that cannot be readily biodegraded aerobically by bacteria alone. If there is a large difference between the COD and BOD measurements with very high COD values then it can be taken as an indication of the amount of biologically resistant organic matter such as lignin present in the effluent.

11 Recommended limit for discharges Into inland surface waters - 30 mg/litre of BOD 5 at 20 o C - 250 mg/litre of COD On land for irrigation purposes - 250 mg/litre of BOD 5 at 20 o C - 400 mg/litre of COD Source: National Environmental (Protection and Quality) Regulations No. 1 of 2008 under the National Environmental Act, No 47 of 1980 Into marine coastal areas - 100 mg/litre of BOD 5 at 20 o C - 250 mg/litre of COD

12 BOD = 30 – 250 mg/L COD = 250 – 400 mg/L National Environmental Act, No. 47 of 1980 (1990 & 2008 amendments) Brewery Rice Mills Textile Mills Natural Rubber Processing Desiccated Coconut Sap: BOD = 15,000 mg/L COD = 40,000 mg/L BOD = 5000 mg/L COD = 9000 mg/L BOD = 1500 mg/L COD = 4000 mg/L Wastewater: BOD = 10,000 mg/L COD = 20,000 mg/L COD = 8000 mg/L COD = 1900 mg/L Colour removal

13 Standard: BOD = 30 mg/L & COD = 250 mg/L (inland surface water) 3 to 10 litres of water used per litre of beer produced (Lions Brewery produces 45 million liters of beer per year) BOD = 1000-1500 mg/L; COD = 1000-4000 mg/L Brewery effluents Malted Barley Water Beer Wastewater Spent grain (wet) (may be used as cattle feed) Treated wastewater Brewery Wastewater Sludge (BWS) Compost 2006 Beer manufacture Aerobic treatment

14 Brewery effluents Malted Barley Water Beer Wastewater Spent grain (wet) Biogas Anaerobic treatment Leach the spent grain using wastewater COD increased from 3000 to 50,000 mg/L (Leachate) continued……. Standard: BOD = 30 mg/L & COD = 250 mg/L (inland surface water) BOD = 1000-1500 mg/L; COD = 1000-4000 mg/L Beer manufacture Dry spend grain Leachate

15 Brewery effluents Malted Barley Water Beer Wastewater Spent grain (wet) continued……. Standard: BOD = 30 mg/L & COD = 250 mg/L (inland surface water) Beer manufacture Spent grain slurries using wastewater COD increased from 3000 to 14,000 mg/L (slurry) BOD = 1000-1500 mg/L; COD = 1000-4000 mg/L Slurry

16 Brewery effluents developed by Dr. K. Kanagachandran Manager, Special Projects, Lions Brewery has a Bachelors Degree in Microbiology and PhD in Biotechnology from Herefordshire University, UK reduction of 3150 litres per day furnace oil, and thereby 30% in fuel bill ($80,000 saved per year) continued……. Standard: BOD = 30 mg/L & COD = 250 mg/L (inland surface water) BOD = 1000-1500 mg/L; COD = 1000-4000 mg/L

17 Standard: BOD = 50 – 60 mg/L & COD = 400 mg/L (inland surface water) 40-50 litres of wastewater produced per kg of rubber produced (Sri Lanka produces 115 million kg of rubber per year) BOD = 1000-5000 mg/L; COD = 2000-9000 mg/L Natural Rubber Processing Industrial Effluents

18 Anaerobic treatment Biogas Covered Activated Ditch (CAD) - concrete reinforced cement block ditches - lined with UV stabilized polythene sheet for waterproofing - covered with odour filters to control odour emissions - equipped with stationary bio-brush media to retain biomass coir-fibre arranged in bottle-brush configuration bounded by a novel plastic binding technique Natural Rubber Processing Industrial Effluents developed for the industry since 1991 by M. Thurul Warnakula continued……. Standard: BOD = 50 – 60 mg/L & COD = 400 mg/L (inland surface water) BOD = 1000-5000 mg/L; COD = 2000-9000 mg/L

19 Natural Rubber Processing Industrial Effluents Taxing the polluter Rs. 26/= of tax per 100 gm of COD per year Still Polluting (in 2006) continued……. Standard: BOD = 50 – 60 mg/L & COD = 400 mg/L (inland surface water) BOD = 1000-5000 mg/L; COD = 2000-9000 mg/L

20 Adsorption by burnt-brick and other selected materials Textile Mill Effluents good treatment in all sense Up-flow anaerobic attached-growth bioreactors filled with pre-treated coir fibres Fe and Mn removal in SO 4 2- reducing conditions Standard: BOD = 60 mg/L & COD = 250 mg/L (inland surface water) COD = 400-1900 mg/L; colour removal

21 Use of water hyacinth at the Veyangoda Mills Textile Mill Effluents good; effluent requires further polishing Water hyacinth with rubber factory effluent Water hyacinth for N and P removal from synthetic effluents continued……. Standard: BOD = 60 mg/L & COD = 250 mg/L (inland surface water) COD = 400-1900 mg/L; colour removal

22 Desiccated Coconut Industrial Effluents 40,000 – 60,000 litres of sap + wastewater per day in a 50,000 nuts per day capacity industry Sap: BOD = 13,000 - 15,000 mg/L; COD = 40,000 mg/L Wastewater: BOD = 6000 -10,000 mg/L; COD = 17,000 - 20,000 mg/L Standard: BOD = 30 mg/L & COD = 250 mg/L (inland surface water)

23 Desiccated Coconut Industrial Effluents continued……. Up-flow anaerobic floating filter (UAFF) system good; effluent requires further polishing - three anaerobic filter reactors in series - coir fibre as the bacteria growth media - a sedimentation tank and a biogas filter developed by M.D.A. Athula Jayamanne used with DC mills, distilleries, breweries, textile mills, garment factories, rice mills, hotels, bakeries, piggeries, farms and slaughterhouses Standard: BOD = 30 mg/L & COD = 250 mg/L (inland surface water) Sap: BOD = 13,000 - 15,000 mg/L; COD = 40,000 mg/L Wastewater: BOD = 6000 -10,000 mg/L; COD = 17,000 - 20,000 mg/L Standard: BOD = 30 mg/L & COD = 250 mg/L (inland surface water) Wastewater: BOD = 6000 -10,000 mg/L; COD = 17,000 - 20,000 mg/L

24 Rice Mill Effluents Up-flow anaerobic floating filter (UAFF) of Athula Jayamanne Wetlands with common cattail (Typha latifolia) Paddy husk charcoal as adsorbent ongoing Wastewater: COD = 3,000 - 8,000 mg/L Standard: BOD = 30 mg/L & COD = 250 mg/L (inland surface water)

25 Electrochemistry in effluent treatment Electrodialysis treatment of black liquor from pulp mill Electrodialysis treatment of photographic effluent Electrocoagulation treatment of oily wastewaters Published in 2010 Microbial fuel cell treatment 96.5% COD removal 84% lignin removal 81% phenol removal was 81% 2.3 W/m 3 power produced

26 anode cathode Source: wastewater Microbial Fuel Cells

27 To the Water BOD COD oil and grease Suspended particles Colour Chemicals Toxic materials Heated water

28 GOOD GRIM State of freshwater in 2000 We want the pointer to be here But, the pointer is here

29 State of freshwater in 2000 Water consumption has increased 35 times in the last 300 years Population rose only sevenfold in the last 300 years

30 no-electricity, no-maintenance anaerobic treatment methodologies which generate biogas are available – innovated by Sri Lankans Concluding Remarks Yet, industrial pollution persists Pollution tax is suggested Modelling is not done (most of them are laboratory studies; some are with synthetic effluents) Sustainable process technology are not researched Life cycle analysis are not done

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