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Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Module 4:1. What is a Septic System? Module 4:2 Photo credit: MOEE.

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Presentation on theme: "Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Module 4:1. What is a Septic System? Module 4:2 Photo credit: MOEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Module 4:1

2 What is a Septic System? Module 4:2 Photo credit: MOEE

3 Septic tank Soil absorption Ground water Filtration and Treatment Leaching bed Evapotranspiration Streams, lakes Well Waste to Water Module 4:3

4 The Septic Tank  Inlet pipe  Baffles  Water & anaerobic bacteria  Chambers  Partition wall with holes  Effluent filter  Outlet pipe Module 4:4

5 Inlet Baffles Module 4:5

6 Flow Through the Tank Module 4:6

7 Partition wall Module 4:7

8 Flow Through the Tank (cont’d) Module 4:8

9 Effluent Filters Zabel Effluent Filter OSI Biotube Filter Module 4:9

10 The Distribution System  Pump  Distribution box  Distribution pipes Module 4:10

11 Distribution Box Module 4:11

12 The Leaching Bed Module 4:12

13 The Importance of Soil Module 4:13

14 Septic System Capacity Determined by:  House size  Bedrooms  Sinks, tubs, toilets  Dishwashers, washing machines, water-using appliances Module 4:14

15 Location of a Septic System Module 4:15

16 Causes of Failing Systems  Improper siting or installation  Undersized tank or leaching bed area Module 4:16

17 Causes of Failing Systems  High groundwater table  Broken piping and compacted soils  Distribution box or header is off level  Faulty pumps Module 4:17

18 Causes of Failing Systems Poor maintenance:  Compacted soils and cracked pipes  Poisoning of bacteria by chemicals  Saturated leaching bed Module 4:18

19 How Do You Know If You Have a Problem? Module 4:19  Lush patches of grass  Soft & spongy ground  Pools of dark water  Toilets & drains gurgling or backing up  Odours

20 The Dangers Bacterial contamination of drinking water 1. Bacterial contamination of drinking water Module 4:20

21 The Dangers 3. Costly repairs and replacement 2. Nutrient loading Module 4:21

22 Proper Maintenance 1.Regular pump-outs 2.Regular inspections 3.Protect the leaching bed 4.Control your inputs Module 4:22

23 1. Regular Pump-outs Every 2-5 years (Depending on system size and load) Module 4:23

24 2. Regular Inspections  Be present for pumping  Check scum and sludge depth  Look for cracks  Check seal on tank lids  Listen for water  Check interior of tank DO NOT ENTER THE TANK AT ANY TIME Module 4:24

25 3. Protect the Leaching Bed  Avoid compacting soils  Avoid damaging pipes  Avoid saturating leaching bed  Avoid planting trees near bed Module 4:25

26  Conserve water  Reduce chemical use  Reduce solid waste 4. Control Your Inputs Module 4:26

27 Unfriendly Items  2-3 ply toilet tissue or facial tissue  Hair, dental floss, medicines  Kitchen scraps (eg. fats, oils or greases)  Chemical cleaners (eg. toilet sanitizers)  Paints or solvents (eg. nail polish remover)  Antifreeze, gas, motor oil  Cigarette butts Module 4:27

28 Additives 1.Starters 2.Feeders 3.Cleaners Look for an Environmental Choice Program seal of approval or better yet… Save your money! Module 4:28

29 Take Action  Know your system  Where it is and how it works  Be alert to changes  Prevent problems before they start  Regular pump-outs and inspections  Protect your leaching bed  Control what goes into your system  Research, learn & share information Module 4:29

30 Sources of Information Module 4:30

31 Alternative On-Site Technologies  In use in Ontario since the 1970s  Include secondary and tertiary treatment units as well as other technology Module 4:31

32 Favourable Site Conditions For Alternative Technology  Cottages to full-time residences  Proximity to lakes and rivers  Shallow bedrock & high groundwater table  Clay soils  Sloped sites  Large concentration of houses on private services Module 4:32

33 Norweco Unit Discharging to a Shallow Buried Trench Bed Module 4:33

34 Shallow Buried Trench Disposal Field Module 4:34

35 Clearstream Unit Discharging to an Area Bed Module 4:35

36 Waterloo Biofilter Installation: In-ground Module 4:36

37 Waterloo Biofilter Installation- Above Ground Module 4:37

38 Ecoflo Biofilter Treatment System Module 4:38

39 Ecoflo Distribution System Module 4:39

40 Various Ecoflo Installations Module 4:40

41 Improving Performance Aerobic Treatment Units Module 4:41

42 The Wastewater Garden  Treats all household wastewater (black + grey)  Treats wastewater using water-loving plants  Water removed by evapotranspiration)  Zero discharge = no release of nutrients or pathogens Module 4:42

43 Composting Toilet Module 4:43 Photo courtesy of: BioLet Composting Toilets

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