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Status of online continuous monitoring system for emissions and effluents CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD DELHI –

2 National Policy on Online Monitoring
In “National Environment Policy- 2006” it is envisaged that to strengthen the testing infrastructure and network for monitoring ambient environmental quality and progressively ensure real-time, and online availability of the monitoring data

3 Goals of Online environmental monitoring system
Improved control over impacts on the environment Higher environmental awareness Increased management responsibility for regulatory compliance Self Monitoring mechanism within the industries Increased cost-effectiveness (minimize inspection) Increased public access to information(Public Domain)

4 Target of Online environmental monitoring system
Directions u/s 18 (1) (b) were issued on February 05, 2014 to all the Chairman of SPCB’S and PCC’s to direct industry for installation of online emission and effluent monitoring system by March 31,2015. Sectors covered: All 17 category industry Units CETPs - 175 Common Hazardous waste Incinerator-25 Common Bio Medical Waste Incinerator- 179

5 Role of the SPCBs/PCCs SPCBs and PCCs are required to ensure installation and regular operation of the requisite pollution control facilities in the polluting industries. SPCBs/PCCs need to inculcate habit of self monitoring mechanism within the industries for complying the prescribed standards and this can be achieved by the methods like installing online effluent and emission monitoring devices. Some of the SPCBs like TNPCB,GPCB have already given specific conditions in consent to operate of 17 categories of highly polluting industries/ and Common Hazardous waste and Biomedical waste incinerators to install continuous emission and effluent monitoring systems. Public authorities will be responsible for assessing the correct implementation of the enterprise environmental monitoring programmes

6 Role of the SPCBs/PCCs contd...
Enterprise environmental monitoring is not meant to replace government supervision. The ground truthing of the values indicated by the online devices need to be done before bringing them in public domain For regulatory purposes and for purposes of actions to be taken against non-complying industries/facilities, the existing methods of sampling, analysis and related procedures under the existing statutes need to be continued

7 Role of Industry Continuous effluent and emission monitoring devices will be installed in those industries which are continuously letting out effluents and emissions out of their premises. Connect and upload the online emission and effluent monitoring data at SPCBs/PCCs and CPCB server in a time bound manner but not later than by March 31,2015. To ensure regular maintenance and operation of the online system with tamper proof mechanism having facilities for online calibration. To submit bank guarantee of 25 % of the cost of online monitoring systems (emission and effluent whichever applicable) for ensuring timely installation of online monitoring systems within 90 days from the date of receipt of directions issued by SPCBs/PCCs

8 Action taken by SPCBs /PCCs
UPPCB has issued the directions u/s 33 A of the Water Act & u/s 31A of the Air Act to the industries. Delhi PCC has issued the directions to the 17 category of polluting industries, CETPs, Delhi Jal Board (for Sewage Treatment plants). Himachal Pradesh SPCB has issued direction to the M/s Shivalik Solid Waste Management Ltd., for installation of online monitoring system in common Hazardous Waste Incinerator. WBPCB has issued directions all the 17 category of industries, CETP,CBMWI,CHWI

9 Action taken by SPCBs /PCCs contd....
Puducherry Pollution control committee has issued direction to the industry M/s Chemplast Sanmar ltd. Tamil Nadu ,Odisha and Uttrakhand SPCB has issued direction to the industries but copy of the same has not been received by CPCB.

10 Issues raised by SPCBs / PCCs/ Industry associations
Complete details of hardware and software configuration of the servers installed at PPCC/CPCB List of names of PPCC/CPCB approved vendors for supply/testing/commissioning of the online system as per direction. Standard procedures and protocols in terms of specific principles and equipments for online effluent water quality monitoring. Viability of online effluent parameters measurement especially for BOD measurement and its legal validity. Installation points of online measurement of effluent parameters. Online data measurement for regulatory purposes. Zero Discharge condition.

11 Follow up of directions with SPCBs/PCCs/Industry Association
Fertilizer Association of India (FAI) has conducted meeting calling the units and suppliers of instruments at Mumbai, Maharashtra on April 21,2014. Alkali Manufacture Association of India (AMAI) has also conducted a meeting calling the units and suppliers of instruments on May 12,2014 at Bharuch, Gujarat. Letter has been issued to all Zonal Officer of CPCB to follow up with SPCBs/PCCs

12 List of Common Hazardous Waste Incinerators
Name of the State/UT Name of the Facility Andhra Pradesh 1 M/s Hyderabad Waste Management Project (Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd) Survey no. 684/1, Dundigal village, Qutbullapur Mandal, R.R. Dist (A.P.) 2 M/s Coastal Waste Management Project, Jawaharlal Nehru Pharma City, E-Bonangi, IDA, Parawada, Vishakhapatnam (A.P.) Gujarat 3 M/s Nandesari Environment Control Ltd, 519-P, GIDC, Nandesari, Dist. Vadodara (Gujarat) 4 M/s Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd. Plot no , GIDC, Ankleshwar (Gujarat) 5 M/s Gujarat Env. Protection & Infrastructure Ltd., Village Gabheni, Near Sachin G.I.D.C. Surat (Gujarat) 6 M/s Gujarat Eco Textile Park, Palsana Crossing NH-8, District Surat– , (Gujarat) 7 M/s Saurashtra Enviro Projects Pvt Ltd. Survey no. 415, 417 & 418, Vill Juna katariya, Tal-Bhachau, Dist-Kutch (Gujarat) Haryana 8 M/s Gujarat Env. Protection & Infrastructure Ltd, Pali, Haryana Karnataka 9 M/s Haat Incinerators India Pvt Ltd, #35 B & C, Jigani Industrial Area, Bangalore – 10 M/s Gomti Incinco, # 3 – B-2, 1st Phase, KIADB Indl Area, Kumbalgodu, Mysore Road, Bangalore – 11 M/s Century Refineries (P) Ltd, # 17 A & B, KIADB Indl. Area, Hoskote Taluk, Bengaluru 12 M/s. Bangalore Incinerator Pvt. Ltd., No. 28, KIADB Industrial Area,Kallanayakana Village, Huthridurga Hobli, Kunigal Taluk, Tumkur 13 M/s. E Nano Incintech, Plot No.,342-B, of Harohalli Industrial Area,2nd Phase, 2nd Sector, Ramanagar

13 Name of the State/UT Name of the Facility Madhya Pradesh 14 M/s Madhya Pradesh Waste Management Project , Plot No. 104, Industrial Area No.-II, Pithampur, Dist- Dhar (M.P.) Maharashtra 15 M/s. Vidharbha Enviro Protection Ltd. , Butibori Industrial Area, Mouza- Mandawa, Taluka- Hingana, Distt- Nagpur. 16 M/s. Maharashtra Enviro Power Ltd. , Plot No. 56, MIDC Ranjangaon, Taluka- Shirur, Pune. 17 M/s Mumbai Waste Management Ltd., Plot No. P-32, MIDC Taloja, Tal: Panvel, Dist. Raigad Rajasthan 18 M/s Continental Petroleum Ltd., Plot No. A-166 & , RIICO Industrial Area, Behror , Distt- Alwar Tamilnadu 19 M/s. Tamilnadu Waste Menagement Ltd (M/s Ramky Agencies, Hyderabad) Gummidpoondi in Thiruvallur District Uttar Pradesh 20 M/s Bharat Oil & Waste Management Ltd. Gate No. 672, Vill. Kumbhi, NH-2, Kanpur Dehat 21 M/s Bharat Oil Company (India) Regd., E-18, Site IV, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Ghaziabad, 22 M/s Uttar Pradesh Waste Management Project (M/s Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd.,) Plot No. 672,Village – Kumbhi, Dist – Kanpur Dehat Uttarakhand 23 M/s Bharat Oil & Waste Management Ltd. Mauza Mukimpur, Roorkee-Laskar Road, Roorkee, Haridwar West Bengal 24 M/s West Bengal Waste Management Ltd. J.L. no. -103, Mouza- Shrikrishnapor, P. S. -Sutahata Dist- Purba Midnapore, Haldia- W.B.) Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 25 M/s Gujarat Enviro Protection & Infrastructure (D&NH) Pvt Ltd, Survey no. 9/1, Mota Randha Village,Silvassa

14 Status of the online Monitoring systems installed at Common Hazardous Waste Incinerators
S.No Name of Common Hazardous Waste Incinerator Facility Prescribed Online Monitoring systems as per CPCB’s Guidelines for Common Hazardous Waste Incinerators, 2005 Online Emission systems Installed at the facility based on CPCB study during Dec 2012 – Feb 2013 1. M/s Hyderabad Waste Management Project Dundigal village, Hyderabad Temperature, CO, Excess Oxygen, Pressure, PM, HCl, SO2, NOx, TOC SPM, NOx, SOx, CO, CO2, O2, HCl and TOC 2. M/s Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd. Ankleshwar(Gujarat) O2, CO2, SO2, NO and PM (opacity) 3. M/s Saurashtra Enviro Projects Pvt. Ltd. (SEPPL), JunaKatariya, Distt. Kutch O2, CO2, SO2, NO, NO2, HCl 4. M/s Gujarat Enviro Protection & Infrastructure Ltd, Pali, Faridabad (Haryana) PM, SOx, NOx, CO, CO2, O2, HCl, HF, HC, Cl2 5. M/s Gomti Incinco, Bengaluru NIL 6. M/s Century Eco Solutions (Old name : Century Refineries (P) Ltd), Bengaluru 7. M/s Bangalore Incinerator Pvt ltd, Bengaluru 8. M/s Madhya Pradesh Waste Management Project (MPWMP) Ltd. SPM, SOx, NOx, CO, CO2, O2, HCl, TOC,HF, Temperature sensors

15 Status of the online Monitoring systems installed at Common Hazardous Waste Incinerators
S.No Name of Common Hazardous Waste Incinerator Facility Prescribed Online Monitoring systems as per CPCB’s Guidelines for Common Hazardous Waste Incinerators, 2005 Online Emission systems Installed at the facility based on CPCB study during Dec 2012 – Feb 2013 9. M/s. Maharashtra Enviro Power Ltd., Ranjangaon, Distt- Pune (Maharashtra) Temperature, CO, Excess Oxygen, Pressure, PM, HCl, SO2, NOx, TOC PM, CO, NO2, SO2, HCl 10. M/s Mumbai Waste Management Ltd., Taloja, Distt Raigad (Maharashtra) PM, CO, NO2, SO2, HCl, CO2, O2, TOC, HF 11. M/s. Tamilnadu Waste Management Lt, Gummidpoondi (Tamil Naidu) NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, O2, PM, HCl, HF, TOC 12. M/s Bharat Oil & Waste Management Ltd, Kumbhi Village, Kanpur-Dehat (U.P) CO, CO2, SO, SO2, NO, NO2, O2, Temperature, Excess Air, Draft 13. M/s Bharat Oil Company (India) Regd, Ghaziabad, (UP) O2, CO, CO2, SO, SO2, NO, NO2, Temperature 14. M/s Bharat Oil & Waste Management Ltd. Roorkee, Haridwar O2, CO, CO2, SOx, NOx and Temperature 15. M/s West Bengal Waste Management Ltd, Haldia, Distt-Purba Midnapore, West Bengal SOX, NOX, CO, CO2, O2, & PM(Dust)

16 Thank you


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