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TDMMU 407B UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to ensure compliance with international and Australian legislative requirements and measures to ensure the protection of the marine environment during operations of an ocean-going vessel, including preventive and precautionary procedures, checking of compliance and remedying non-compliance. Image from Tyne & Wear Archives Descriptor- page 1
The unit is consistent with the relevant sections of State and Territory marine regulations, NSCV, USL Code, STCW 95, the IMO MARPOL Convention and Marine Orders under the Australian Navigation Act 1912, describing requirements for prevention of pollution of the environment. Descriptor- page 2
Elements describe the essential outcomes of a unit of competency.
Maintain compliance with legislative requirements for protection of the marine environment. Relevant regulations and procedures for the protection of the marine environment procedures for the protection are identified. Appropriate action is taken in day-to-day work to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and procedures for the protection of the marine environment as required. Appropriate action is taken where incidences of non-compliance or potential non-compliance are identified in accordance with regulations and procedures. Any breach of regulations and procedures concerning protection of the marine environment is rectified and /or reported as required within the limits of the officer’s responsibility. Image from Library of Congress Element- page 2
2. Implement anti-pollution procedures.
Anti-pollution procedures applicable to vessel operations are followed in the course of day-to-day work. Appropriate preventative measures are implemented to prevent pollution of the marine environment in accordance with regulations and procedures. Image from US National Element- page 3
Image from US National
3. Maintain documentation related to legislative requirements for the protection of the environment.
Requirement for reports and other documentation related to the protection of the marine environment and any breaches of relevant regulations are identified and interpreted as required. All required documentation related to the protection of the marine environment and any breaches of environmental regulations is completed in a accordance with regulations and procedures. Image from US National Element- page 4
Emission control equipment Fuel management systems.
Items and equipment checked as part of anti-pollution measures include: Pumps and valves. Emission control equipment Fuel management systems. Water management equipment. Waste storage and recycling equipment. Ballast management equipment Image from US National Element- page 5
Preventative measures to protect the marine environment may include:
Prevention of spillage of cargo. Prevention of spillage of fuel and oil. Control of polluting emission of gas and smoke. Policies and practices to minimise the spread and carriage of marine pests. Effective management of waste pollution and recycling processes. Effective management of ballast operations. Shipboard housekeeping. Measures to prevent runoff during slipping operations. Pollution control instructions. Element- page 6
MARPOL Sources of pollution Annex (1): Prevention of pollution by OIL.
Is an international convection for the prevention of pollution from ships. Sources of pollution Annex (1): Prevention of pollution by OIL. Annex (2): Control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk. Annex (3): Prevention of pollution by harmful substances carried by sea in packaged form. Annex (4): Prevention of pollution by SEWAGE from ships. Annex (5): Prevention of pollution by GARBAGE from ship. Annex (6): Prevention of AIR pollution from ships. Image from US National Sources-page 7
Overflow during Bunkering. Spillage during Bunkering.
OIL POLLUTION Overflow during Bunkering. Spillage during Bunkering. Faulty bunkering connection. Deliberate bilge water discharge. Dumping of oily rags. Dumping of partially empty oil barrels. CHEMICAL POLLUTION Dumping of used Chemicals. Equipment with Chemicals thrown overboard. Pain, Thinner and other solvents. Image from US National Sources – page 8
Toilet waste directly discharged.
Pollution from SEWAGE Toilet waste directly discharged. Malfunction of the Sewage treatment plant. Pollution from Garbage Food waste. Dunnage. Oily rags. Engine room scrap. Plastic waste. Glass. Steel. Mooring ropes. Public domain image Sources page 9
Pollution due to Gasses
Carbon Monoxide. Carbon Dioxide. Noxious Gasses. Halogen Gasses. Sewer Gasses. Sulpher Dioxide. Freon Gasses. Image Wikimedia Sources page 10
CHEMICALS – Strict control of the use of chemicals and its discharge.
METHODS OF PREVENTION OIL – Oily Water Separator, discharge monitor, keeping bilge discharge valve locked in ports. CHEMICALS – Strict control of the use of chemicals and its discharge. GARBAGE – Separate collecting facilities, arranging shore reception facilities and using INCINERATOR. SEWAGE – Discharge only through the Sewage Treatment Plant. GAS – Proper Engine tuning and control. Image from US National Descriptor page 1
Summary of Discharge Standards for Ships and small er vessels operating in Australian waters: MARPOL and local requirements MARPOL contains the terms “ from the Nearest Land” which means from the baseline from which the territorial sea of the territory in question is established in accordance with international law, except off the east coast off the north-eastern coast of Australia where it is measured from a line drawn around the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) and part of the Torres Strait region. Within this area, generally no discharges are allowed under MARPOL does not state distance from the nearest land, certain discharges may be undertaken. This area is also a recognised as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area designated the International Maritime Organization. Image from US National Regulations page 12
Different discharge standards apply in MARPOL “Special Areas”
Different discharge standards apply in MARPOL “Special Areas”. The text of the Convention should be consulted if details are required. The only Special Area in Australian waters is the Antarctic Area being the sea area south of latitude 60 degree S. All ships and small vessels on international voyages into Australian waters will be subject to Australian Quarantine requirements and therefore additional restrictions will apply, particularly in relation to food waste and biosecurity issues. Image from US National Regulations page 13
TABLE 1 OIL MARPOLE Annex 1 – Applies to all vessels.
Vessel/Voyage type/Area Sub-Category Discharge Conditions Oil tankers All vessel Oily waste from cargo tanks More than 50Nm from the nearest land, and Tanker is proceeding en route; and Instantaneous rate of discharge <30 l/Nm; and Total quantity discharge does not exceed 1/15,000 or 1/30,000of the total cargo (depending on the age of the vessel); and Oil discharge monitoring and control system and slop tank arrangement to be operating. Regulations page 14
All vessels >=400 gross tons
Machinery space bilges Oil and oily mixtures retain onboard for on shore disposal OR Proceeding en route; and Oil content less than 15ppm; and Oil discharge monitoring and control system and filtering equipment to operating Note: 15ppm discharges can be anywhere at sea (not within port limits) including the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and Marine Protected Areas. Vessel must not be stationary when undertaking discharge. Regulations page 15
All vessels <400 gross tons
All waters Machinery space bilges Oil and all oily mixtures retain onboard for on shore disposal OR Proceeding en route; and Has in operation equipment of a design approved by the administration that ensures oil content less than 15 ppm . NOTE: 15 ppm discharges can be anywhere at sea (not within port) including the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and Marine protected Areas. Vessel must not be stationary when undertaking discharge. Vessels operating in Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Bunkering utilising ship to ship transfers A permit is required from GBRMPA under which certain conditions may be imposed. Regulations page 16
TABLE 2 MARPOL Annex II Noxxious Liquid Substances and MARPOL Annex III Harmful Package Substances
Vessel/Voyage Type/Areas Sub- Category Discharge Conditions Chemical and Product Tankers Category X Tanks to be prewashed before leaving unloading port, residues to be pumped ashore until the concentration of the substance in the effluent is 0.1% weight or less, as indicated by analysis of samples of the effluent taken by AMSA marine surveyor. When the required concentration level has been achieved, remaining tank washings to be discharged to the reception facility until the tank is empty. Appropriate entries to be made in the Cargo Record Book and endorsed by the AMSA marine Surveyor. Any water subsequently added may be discharged if: Ship is proceeding en route at a speed of at less 7knots; and Discharge below the waterline; and Ship is > 12 Nm from nearest land and depth of water is> 25m. Regulations page 17
High-viscosity or solidifying category Y
Prewash in accordance with Convention, residues to be pumped ashore until tank is empty. Any water subsequently added may b discharged if: Ship is proceeding en route at a speed of at least 7 knots; and Discharge below the waterline; and Ship is > 12 Nm from nearest land and depth of water is >25m Category Y Category Z Ship is proceeding en route at a speed of at least 7 knots ; and Concentration of substance in water of ship < 1 ppm; and Amount not to exceed 1m3 or 1/3,000 of tank capacity, whichever is greater; and Ship is > 12 Nm from nearest land and depth of water is >25m. MARPOL Annex III Harmful Package Substances Vessels carrying Harmful Packaged Substances Labeling requirements Jettisoning prohibited. Descriptor page 1
Vessels/Voyage type/Area Sub-Category Discharge Conditions Vessels on international voyages Comminuted and disinfected sewage using an approved system >3Nm from nearest land Sewage stored in holding tank( treated and untreated sewage ). >12 Nm from nearest land; and Discharged at a moderate rate*; and Ship proceeding en route at speed of at least 4 knots. * The rate of discharge must be approved by the Administration. Vessel on International voyages Treated sewage effluent discharged through an IMO approved Sewage Treatment plant (STP) . Also integrated system where the STP includes Grey water input Food processing input. Effluent not to produce visible floating solids nor cause discoloration of the surrounding water. When within port limits, check with port authority as permission may be required. All vessel should ensure that the STP is operating at optimum performance when in Australian waters. Food or biological waste removed from filtration unit is prohibited from discharge within 12Nm from land(Australian Quarantine requirements) Descriptor page 1
Regulations page 20 Vessel on domestic voyages (all sizes)
Recommended to comply with MARPOL Annex IV Local laws may prohibit discharges in port. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Vessels on International voyages to and continuing in Australian waters All sewage discharges In accordance with Annex IV requirements and where applicable with any additional restrictions imposed as conditions of a GBRMP permit. Great Barrier reef Marine Park Vessels on domestic voyages. Or In accordance with requirements of part 3A of the GBRMP Regulations (93A-93B) for both treated and untreated Sewage Queensland State Waters (small vessels/State registered and recreational) If vessel does not have a sewage treatment system on board, options include: Using onshore toilet facilities wherever possible. Using a portable toilet to be later emptied to a sewerage/septic system. Retain sewage in onboard holding tank for pumping out to shore facilities. If a vessel has 16 or more persons on board, no discharge of untreated sewage is permitted anywhere in Queensland waters. If a vessel has 7 to 15 persons onboard, no discharge of untreated sewage is permitted within 1 Nm (1852m) of a reef or the mean low water mark of an island or the mainland. Regulations page 20
TABLE 4 : MARPOL Annex V - GARBAGE - Apply to all vessels
Vessel/Voyage Type/Areas Sub-Category Discharge Conditions All vessels Mixed garbage with different discharge requirements. ( eg: Food waste mixed with plastic prohibited). The most stringent requirement applies. Plastics This includes synthetic ropes, synthetic fishing nets, plastic garbage bags and incinerator ashes from plastic products, cigarette filters. Fiberglass/laminated structures piping, insulation, carpets, paints and finishes, electrical components, sheeting, floats fishing nets strapping band rope and line. Prohibited. Regulations page 21
All vessels within the nearest Land (MARPOL definition)
All garbage types ( including food waste) within the GBRMP and part of the Torres Strait (see MARPOL definition of “from the nearest land” ) ( Note: exception for small amounts of food waste associated with tourist and fishing activities. See Annex V Guidelines) Prohibited. All Vessels when alongside or within 500metre of a fixed or floating platform that is located more than 12 Nm from Nearest Land. All garbage type ( except food waste passed through a communiter or grinder). All vessels All waters Dunnage, lining and packing materials which will float ( eg: pallets, cardboard, plywood). >25 Nm from nearest land. Food waste and all other garbage. This includes domestic waste, cargo residues, maintenance and operational waste and incinerator ashes (except from plastic products, soot machinery deposits, scraped paint, deck sweeping, etc. This category includes cargo hold washing water. >12 Nm from nearest land Garbage that has been ground or comminuted to particles <25 mm >3 Nm from nearest land. Grey water (from showers, laundry, dishwasher) and swimming /spa pool waters. Discharge allowed at sea . When in port, check with port authority as permission may be required. Regulations page 22
Vessels at anchorages or stationary while waiting for a berth.
All waters Food waste and other garbage. Comply with all Annex V requirements. If the vessel is anchored or stationary more than 12 Nm from the nearest land, it is recommended that only food waste is discharged and all other garbage is retained offloading when alongside. Bulk Cargo vessels operating within the 12 Nm from nearest land limitation (including the GBRMP) Wash down of cargo residues on deck areas. Entry should be recorded in the Garbage Record Book (item 4.1 (d) for verification of a discharge under these specific circumstances. Only for Safety purposes wash down discharge allowed for: Safe operation of a helicopter within the landing area and its immediate vicinity to avoid dust being raised by the down-draft of the rotors; When there is a need to avoid navigational hazards such as dust being blown onto the wheelhouse or bridge wings; and Where residues may cause a serious safety hazard to personnel if spillages are not cleaned from deck areas, adjacent walkways and working areas. Bulk cargo vessels operating within the 12 Nm from the nearest land limitation (including the GBRMP ). Cargo bilge water. Entry should be recorded in the Garbage Record Book (item 4.1(d) for verification of a discharge under these specific circumstances. Only for safety purposes where the cargo hold bilge water generated through a loaded hold is required to be discharged through the vessel’s fixed piping bilge drainage system provided the cargo material is not classified as a marine pollutant in the IMDG Code. Vessels at anchorage for a period of time with empty holds may discharge hold bilge water as long as the water is not directly related to a hold washing /cleaning operation. Regulations page 23
All vessels operating in Australian Antarctic Territory (see area south latitude 60 degree S
All Plastics All other garbage (except food waste) Food waste Prohibited >12 Nm from nearest land. All vessels on International voyages to and continuing in Australian waters (Australian Quarantine requirements) All food waste including ground and commuted, grinder or extracted from a filtration system. >12 Nm from land (baselines). Offload to port facilities for Australian Quarantine approved contractor for autoclave/steam sterilization processing. All vessels on International voyages to and continuing in Australian waters (Australian Quarantine requirements). Recycled waste (eg; aluminum, tons, glass). Offload to port facilities if vessel has processed recycled waste onboard through a steam sterilizer. OR Offload to port facilities for Australian Quarantine approved contractor for autoclave / steam sterilization processing. Ashes from type approved incinerator ( IMO Resolution MEPC.76(40) Ashes from an incinerator ( not type approved). Accepted by port reception facilities. Offload to Australian Quarantine approved contractor but only acceptable for deep burial treatment. Regulations page 24
TABLE 5 MARPOL Annex VI - AIR EMISSIONS - Apply to all vessels.
Vessel/Voyage Type/Area Sub-Category Discharge conditions All vessels Ozone-depleting substances. Prohibited. Nitrogen Oxides Operation of diesel engines>130 kW prohibited unless engine is certified to meet prescribed emission standards. NEW ENGINES: Tier I – 17 g/kW from 1 January 2000 Tier II – 14.4 g/kW from 1 January 2011 Tier III – 3.4 g/kW from January 2016 ( in Emission Control Areas ( ECA) Existing Engines ( installed on ship on or between 1 January 1990 to 1 January 2000). 17 g/kW for diesel engine with power output >500 kW and displacement per cylinder =>90 liters Approved method by Administration. Sulphur Oxides Sulphur content of fuel oil not to exceed 4.5% ** From 1 January 2012, sulphur content of fuel oil not to exceed 3.5% ** From 1 January 2020 sulphur content if fuel oil not to exceed 0.5% ** ** Fuel oil to be purchased from a registered suplier. Note: a feasibility review to be completed 2018. Incinerators Incinerators installed after 1January 2000 must be type approved and certified to meet prescribed emission standards. Do not use within port limits. Regulations page 25
Ships outside special areas Ships within special areas
Simplified overview of the discharge provisions of the revised MARPOL Annex V (resolution MEPC.201 (62) which will enter into force on 1 January 2013 (for more detailed guidance regarding the respective discharge requirements, please refer to the text of MARPOL Annex V or to the 2012 Guidelines for the Implementation of MARPOL Annex V ) Type of garbage Ships outside special areas Ships within special areas Offshore platforms (more than 12Nm from land) and all ships within 500 m of such platforms. Food waste comminuted or ground Discharge permitted. ≥3Nm from the nearest land, en route and as far as practicable. ≥12nm from the nearest land, en route and as far as practicable. Food waste not comminuted or ground ≥12 Nm from the nearest land, en route and as far as practicable. Discharge prohibited. Regulations page 26
Cargo residues* not contained in wash water.
Discharge permitted. Discharge prohibited. Discharge prohibited Cargo residues* contained in wash water. ≥12Nm from the nearest land, en route and as far as practicable ≥12Nm from the nearest land, en route, as far as practicable and subject to two additional conditions+. Cleaning agents and additives* contained in cargo hold wash water. ≥12Nm from the nearest land, en route, as far as practicable and subject to two additional conditions.** Cleaning agents and additives* in deck and external surfaces wash water. Carcasses of animals carried on board as cargo and which died during the voyage. Regulations page 27
All other garbage including plastics, synthetic ropes, fishing gear, plastic garbage bags, incinerator ashes, clinkers, cooking oil, floating dunnage, lining and packing materials, paper, rags, glass, metal, bottles, crockery and similar refuse. Discharge prohibited. Discharge prohibited Mixed garbage. When garbage is mixed with or contaminated by other substances prohibited from discharge or having different discharge requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply. * These substances must not be harmful to the marine environment. ** According to regulation6.12 of MARPOL Annex V the discharge shall only be allowed if: (a) both the port of departure and the next port of destination are with the special area and the ship will not transit outside the special area between these ports (regulation ); and (b) if no adequate reception facilities are available at these ports ( regulation ). Regulations page 28
END Regulations page 29
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