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FROM FARMS TO CATCHMENTS: Restoring the big picture.

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1 FROM FARMS TO CATCHMENTS: Restoring the big picture


3 706 km 2 Short steep river 72km 80% native forest, 16% agriculture, 3% scrub, 1% exotic forest 33 farms: 11,000 - 13,500 cows The river & surrounds

4 $15M shellfish industry E.Coli contamination Annual harvest low as 30% E.coli due to pasture runoff How to farm without preventing shellfish harvesting? Issues



7 Aorere Catchment Group Project management, facilitation, science coordination - NZLT Partners - Fonterra, Dairy NZ, AgResearch, TDC The project

8 Modeling nutrient & pathogen impacts from land use Results presented to marine farmers, dairy farmers and TDC E.coli = key contaminant Pathways

9 Plume model

10 Farm interviews “Handling the Wet” field-day BMPs for E.coli management Individual farm plans Actions


12 Successes 14 farm plans completed $1.4M of BMP improvements identified over next 5 years Shellfish harvesting 30% to 71%


14 Lake ~6ha, catchment 100ha Shallow (0.4 - 0.7m), hypertrophic Conservation & recreational values Private (33%) & DOC Wildlife Management Reserve (66%) The lake & surrounds

15 Peat shrinkage Loss of open water habitat Aquatic weeds & pest fish Damage from livestock Nutrient enrichment of lake Issues


17 Project coordination - NZLT Partners – Heritage Valley Farm & Whakatanga Farm, DOC, WRC (EW) Contractors - Alison Dewes (Whole Farm Plans), JP Praat (Catchment Plan) The project


19 Plans (1) Nutrient Budget Nutrient Mgt Plan Whole Farm Plan

20 What’s in a plan? NMPWFP Nutrient focus N, P, sediment & effluent use No Farm System changes/effects No Economics $2000-2500 System, whole farm effects & business profit N, P, sediment, effluent & receiving environment Farm System & profit changes $3500-$4000

21 Plans (2) Nutrient Budget Nutrient Mgt Plan Whole Farm Plan Catchment Plan

22 1.Matching landuse to underlying land capability 2.Understanding property resources 3.Identifying win-win approaches 4.Formalise long term business and land management goals Catchment Plan

23 Action plan map Action plan summaries Actions map


25 What are the key ingredients for success?

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