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Economy & Safety of using Ozone in Industrial applications The wonder allotrope of Oxygen Ozone Application Systems Investigation Society presents:

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Presentation on theme: "Economy & Safety of using Ozone in Industrial applications The wonder allotrope of Oxygen Ozone Application Systems Investigation Society presents:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economy & Safety of using Ozone in Industrial applications The wonder allotrope of Oxygen Ozone Application Systems Investigation Society presents:

2 The wonder allotrope Basics of Ozone Ozone is an unstable allotrope of oxygen with three atoms Available in gaseous form in the atmosphere It can be artificially produced by subjecting oxygen by high electrical discharge

3 The wonder allotrope The wonder properties The converted ozone is 3,157 times stronger disinfectant than chlorine Known to be the strongest oxidiser in nature, it is 5.5 times powerful as an oxidant than pure oxygen 37 times more bactericidal than formaldehyde.


5 The wonder allotrope Applications Can be very economically used to replace conventional biocides in cooling towers Used to replace chlorine based bleaching in paper and textile Efficient handling of BOD and COD in effluent treatment by super oxidation Aerial sterilisation, deodourisation and smoke suppression Mummification of herniated spinal disc or bio chemical sterilisation of infected blood

6 Bottomline What it actually contributes: Minimal on-site chemical inventory Little or no toxicant discharge Huge savings in power and chemical Unused ozone returns back to oxygen Reuse of waste water

7 The wonder allotrope Extra ordinary benefits: No cost of feed No requirement of storage Ideal for removal of pesticides from raw fruits and vegetables Ideal for prevention of cross infection and deodourisation of any public place Universal bleaching agent

8 The wonder allotrope Fears and confusions Myth: Ozone is harmful Ozone depletion is a threat Ozone saves our planet from UV rays at stratosphere The fact: Ozone is harmful only above a permissible level True. We should adopt processes that reduce release of CO 2

9 The wonder allotrope Safety Unstable ozone gets converted to oxygen after a half life of approximately 20 minutes At excess temperature and presence of UV, ozone is destroyed faster Additionally ozone destructor is installed in the ozone generator itself Generating excess ozone is not economically feasible International Labour Organisation and WHO have issued no statements against OSHA or EPA There is no permissible level published for ozone dissolved in water

10 The wonder allotrope The ACGIH guidelines Occupational Safety and Hazards Association (OSHA) as per ACGIH guidelines, recommends: Permissible level of ozone in workplace: 0.2 ppm for less than two hours exposure 0.1 ppm for up to 8 hours exposure

11 Ozone Applications Major known Applications US Government is strongly promoting ozonisation at all cooling towers and commercial laundries Chlorine free bleaching of fibers (both paper and textile) is very popular in Japan and Korea FDA has firmly asked to wash raw food products with ozone for removal of chemical pesticides and for ultimate sterilisatiion

12 Ozone Applications More applications Ozone is being used for disinfection of municipal supply water in France, Italy, Spain and UK, since 1893 In whole of Europe and America, the public swimming pool and aqua park water are essentially disinfected by ozone only As per strict guidelines from WHO, ozonisation of all the packaged drinking water is compulsory

13 Ozone Application Applications continued For smoke suppression and odour removal, ozone is very popularly used in community kitchens or large hotels For direct control of BOD and COD, removal of pesticides waste and heavy metals and for effective decolourisation of effluent, ozone is highly recommended

14 The Wonder Allotrope Reasons behind success of ozone use Low capital cost Low cost of production Advanced electronic technology ensure risk free operation Does not leave any toxic residue Cold process, no CO 2 released Phenomenal savings in chemical and power cost Low chemical inventory Quick action due to very high oxidising capacity

15 Savings Actual savings A large cooling tower saves 65% of biocide cost - A 30,000 tons/hr circulation system saves over Rs. 40 Lakhs in 5 years Swimming pool sterilisation cost reduces by 70% Municipal water disinfection cost reduces by 60%

16 Switch over to Green Technology. Situation at present Equipment available at standard cost Technology for application are globally circulated Case histories are regularly published for each industries Enormous contribution towards pollution abatement Significant monetary savings even at high cost of power Universities and research centres at different countries are continuously developing advanced protocols everyday All the developed Nations are sponsoring rsearch on Ozone Many international forums of scientists dedicatedly encourage application of ozone in Industries.

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