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Прикладная Гидрогеология Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk, Russian Federation Spring Semester 2014 Yoram Eckstein, Ph.D. Fulbright Professor 2013/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Прикладная Гидрогеология Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk, Russian Federation Spring Semester 2014 Yoram Eckstein, Ph.D. Fulbright Professor 2013/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Прикладная Гидрогеология Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk, Russian Federation Spring Semester 2014 Yoram Eckstein, Ph.D. Fulbright Professor 2013/2014

2 Useful links       

3 II. Hydrologic Cycle

4 Qualitative Hydrologic Cycle

5 Phase diagram of water

6 inflow = outflow ± change in storage The principle of mass conservation Q in = Q out ± ΔSnon-steady state or transient conditions if ΔS = 0steady state conditions

7 Fluxes in Global Hydrologic Cycle

8 Storage in Global Hydrologic Cycle (in %)

9 Inventory of the World's water reservoirs RESERVOIR VOLUME (cubic kilometres) PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL Oceans1,370,000,00097.25 Glaciers and Ice Sheets 29,000,0002.05 Ground-water9,565,0000.685 Lakes125,0000.01 Rivers1,7000.0001 Atmosphere13,0000.001 Biosphere6000.00001 TOTAL1,408,705,300100

10 Inventory of the World's water reservoirs

11 Global values for the major fluxes between reservoirs. RESERVOIRSPROCESS FLUX (cubic kilometres per year) OCEANS-ATMOSPHEREEvaporation400,000 Precipitation370,000 LAND MASSES - ATMOSPHERE Evaporation60,000 Precipitation90,000 LAND MASSES - OCEANSRunoff30,000

12 Approximate residence time of water found in various reservoirs.

13 Approximate residence time of water in the Caspian Sea.

14 Nubian Sandstone Aquifer - the largest reservoir of “fossil” ground-water




18 Evaporation ers/english/original/WMO168_Ed2008_V ol_I_Ch4_Up2008_en.pdf ers/english/original/WMO168_Ed2008_V ol_I_Ch4_Up2008_en.pdf 271008.pdf 271008.pdf

19 Pan-Evaporation Pan evaporation is a measurement that combines or integrates the effects of several climate elements: temperature, humidity, rain fall, drought dispersion, solar radiation, and wind. Evaporation is greatest on hot, windy, dry, sunny days; and is greatly reduced when clouds block the sun and when air is cool, calm, and humid. Pan evaporation measurements enable farmers and ranchers to understand how much water their crops will need.

20 Pan-Evaporation An evaporation pan is used to hold water during observations for the determination of the quantity of evaporation at a given location. Such pans are of varying sizes and shapes, the most commonly used being circular or square. The best known of the pans are the "Class A" evaporation pan and the "Sunken Colorado Pan". In Europe, India and South Africa, a Symon's Pan (or sometimes Symon's Tank) is used. Often the evaporation pans are automated with water level sensors and a small weather station is located nearby.

21 Evapo-Transpiration Transpiration: The release of water from plant leaves Evapotranspiration is the sum of evaporation from the land surface plus transpiration from plants. Precipitation is the source of all water.

22 Evapo-Transpiration Weighing lysimeters

23 Evapo-Transpiration

24 Precipitation


26 Methods of measurements dry precipitation

27 Precipitation over a river basin cm/time What is the total volume of water that fell over the basin during the specified time period?

28 Precipitation over a river drainage basin cm/time If the rain gauge network would be of uniform density i.e. each gauge would be representative of the same area, then a simple arithmetic average of point-rainfall data for each station would be sufficient to determine the effective uniform depth of precipitation over the drainage basin area.

29 Precipitation over a river drainage basin Isohyetal method Isohyets – interpolated contour lines

30 Precipitation over a river drainage basin Isohyetal method Effective uniform depth of precipitation = EUDP

31 Precipitation over a river drainage basin Construction of Thiessen polygons (1) triangulation

32 Precipitation over a river drainage basin Construction of Thiessen polygons (2) bisecting the laterals of each triangle

33 Precipitation over a river drainage basin Construction of Thiessen polygons 3) Connecting the bisector into a network of polygons (3) Connecting the bisector into a network of polygons

34 publicaties/publicaties/Pub162/pub162-h4.0.pdf publicaties/publicaties/Pub162/pub162-h4.0.pdf Reading assignment

35 Watershed = drainage basin Major drainage basin Sub-basin (minor drainage basin)

36 Watershed = drainage basin

37 Stream gauging

38 Effluent (or gaining) stream – typical in humid climate zones

39 Perennial (effluent) stream hydrograph

40 Influent (or losing) stream – typical in arid climate zones

41 Ephemeral (influent) stream hydrograph

42 Stream – gaining during rainy season (e.g., monsoon) and loosing during dry season

43 Intermittent stream hydrograph

44 Storm hydrograph components

45 Direct precipitation on the stream channel

46 Storm hydrograph components Surface overland flow

47 Storm hydrograph components Interflow and throughflow

48 Storm hydrograph components Baseflow

49 Baseflow recession on stream hydrograph

50 Multi-year baseflow recession of one stream

51 V tp – total potential ground-water discharge Q o – baseflow discharge rate at the beginning of recession t 1 – time during which Q o  0.1 Q o

52 Multi-year baseflow recession of one stream V tp – total potential ground-water discharge Q o – baseflow discharge rate at the beginning of recession t 1 – time during which Q o  0.1 Q o The volume of potential baseflow, V t, remaining at some time, t, after the beginning of baseflow recession may be estimated by:

53 Multi-year baseflow recession of one stream The difference between the remaining potential ground-water discharge at the end of a given baseflow recession and the total potential ground-water discharge at the beginning of the next recession represents the recharge that takes place between the two recessions.

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