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Investissez dans vos valeurs. CREDAL: OF CITIZEN ORIGIN « Action banque-apartheid »!  anti-apartheid activists discovered that Belgian banks invest in.

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Presentation on theme: "Investissez dans vos valeurs. CREDAL: OF CITIZEN ORIGIN « Action banque-apartheid »!  anti-apartheid activists discovered that Belgian banks invest in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investissez dans vos valeurs

2 CREDAL: OF CITIZEN ORIGIN « Action banque-apartheid »!  anti-apartheid activists discovered that Belgian banks invest in South Africa Création of Crédal (CREDit ALternatif) in 1984, a Cooperative society with social finality Values: transparency for investissors, investments with social and society profits

3 -Here, you give meaning to our money? -Yes, absolutely !

4 Administration

5 UN PLACEMENT SOLIDAIRE 25 millions funding By 2200 cooperators Around 1.000 crédits per year COOPERATIVE DE CREDIT ALTERNATIF

6 LES PARTS DE COOPÉRATEURS Dividend between 1,5 and 2,5 % (2012 : 2,17%) All cooperators invest their savings in shares of the cooperative


8 Portfolio credit


10 CREDAL: 1 cooperative and 3 non profit associations public subsidies 3 Associations = Social tools Citizen’s funding interest on credit Cooperative Financial tool Benefits Dividend

11 LE CRÉDIT SOLIDAIRE For Social Economy (social entreprises and associations) adaptability and flexibility –From 2.500 € to 600.000 € –During: 1 month to 20 years. –Rate: 3 à 6,5%.



14 PROFESSIONNAL MICROCREDIT Entrepreneurship development. No access to bank’s credit. Support for 2 years by volunteers Specificity: –15.000€. –During 4 years maximum. –Rate 6%. –The Sustainable Microcrédit.: 25.000 €

15 CRÉDIT IMPACT+ Creation or development of SMEs Engaged in a strong momentum around the 3 pillars of sustainable development: economic - social - environmental Spécificités: –From 15.000€ to 200.000 € –Variable rate based on social and environnemental performances NEW !

16 PERSONNAL MICROCRÉDIT Consumer credit whose objective is the realization of a life (job, marriage, family reunification migrants,...)  For people with low incomes, bank excluded.  Specificities: –Max 10.000€. –4 years max. –Rate 4,5% - 5 %.

17 GREEN MICROCREDIT Le Prêt Vert Bruxellois: -Max 20.000€ -Rate: 0% -For people who want to make energy-saving work in their home Le projet a été réalisé à l’initiative de Bruxelles Environnement, l’Administration de l’Energie et de l’Environnement en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.

18 MICROCRÉDIT: Live Well At Home Live Well At Home: -Max 10.000€ -Rate: 0% -For people 65 + losing autonomy wishing to carry out development for their home maintenance Le projet réalisé à l’initiative de La Ministre Tillieux, Ministre de la Santé, de l’Action Sociale et de l’Egalité des Chances. NEW !

19 L’ÉQUIPE DE CRÉDAL 40 employees and 70 volunteers. branches in all major cities (in the french part of Belgium): Louvain-la-Neuve Bruxelles Charleroi Liège Namur

20 Administration L’ÉQUIPE DE CRÉDAL

21 Administration Crédal est soutenu par :

22 Merci de votre attention Contact: 010/48.33.50

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