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Production Water. PRODUCTION WATER TREATMENT  As previously discussed produce water is produced in large quantities particularly for aging wells. This.

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1 Production Water

2 PRODUCTION WATER TREATMENT  As previously discussed produce water is produced in large quantities particularly for aging wells. This means that the quantity of produce water will always be on the massage. The present management practice of produce water disposal, were it is piped with the crude oil to termined and discharge into surface waters after separation may not be possible. This is as a result of expected volume of present terminal facilities will not be able to handle. Also considering the current environmental regulation by government. Regonaling the disposal of the produced water.

3 COMPOSITION OF PRODUCE OF WATER.  This we already know that it varies from oil files to oil components.  Salts  Heavy metals  Residual oil.  Radionuclides  Dissolve oxygen  Reading chemicals  Composition of produced water from the Niger Delta are presented as shown in table---  Table IL, 2b.

4 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECT  Disposal of produce water into the environment will result in environmental pollution, hence.  Toxic to marine life  Direct effect on human (driving water)  can render farm rends un-suitable

5 GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION  Over the years law and degrees has been made to control environmental pollution. Such bodies as EBFA issue regulation.  Natural effluent limitation  install anti – pollution and pollution abatement equipment  Ristriction on release of toxic waste.  Management of harzardous waste.  treatment  waste  landfill  incineration

6 GOVERNMENT ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES  FEPA  Inspectorate division  Environmental auditing  U. P.R

7 TREATMENT.  Various treatment methods are in use. These include:-  Biological method  Chemical method  Physical method

8 CORROSION CONTROL  Corrosion is an elector chemical reaction between materials usually a metal at its environment. That produces a deterioration of the metal.  The extent to which a corrosion process will produce is determined by a number of factors. These factors could be abiotic or abiotic.  Abiotic  Scratches and abrasion  Differential oxygen  Presence of salts  Presence of corrosives

9 BIOTIC  Micro organism Auaerobic  Surface  Considring the corrosion experience in water injection system a lot of factor have been fomd to contribution to have corrosion problems an centered. These include.



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