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Case Study Onsite Water Re-use. Horizontal Flow Wetlands BOD, TSS, & Nitrogen Removal.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Study Onsite Water Re-use. Horizontal Flow Wetlands BOD, TSS, & Nitrogen Removal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Study Onsite Water Re-use



4 Horizontal Flow Wetlands BOD, TSS, & Nitrogen Removal

5 Tidal Flow – Aerobic Nitrification

6 Northern Guilford High School Reuse Field

7 Lightening Protection Not optional

8 Radio linked control to fields

9 Surge suppression at Master PLC

10 Surge suppression at sensors

11 Water tight equipment vault

12 Water sensitive equipment

13 Cistern Water 2009 NC Plumbing Code Appendix C-1 Rain Water Recycling Systems. (080311 Item B6) APPENDIX C1 RAIN WATER RECYCLING SYSTEMS Do new water regulations make you blue?

14 2009 NC Plumbing Code C1-101.11 Filtration. Rain water entering the reservoir shall pass through an approved filter strainer, be disinfected and colored blue or green.


16 Subchapter 2L Standards (39) color: 15 color units

17 Fence & Cable Installation Onsite Public Enemy #1 The Fencing Guy is Larry’s brother.

18 User Education

19 WASTEWATER REGULATIONS Kitchen & Lunch Room Usage- Milk, ice cream, fruit juice, and soft drinks are prohibited from disposal into the wastewater system. No fryer oil or grease may be disposed of via the wastewater system. Quaternary ammonium cleaning compounds or other “anti- bacterial” compounds are forbidden with this system. If in doubt about the safe disposal of a particular material, obtain the material safety data sheet from the manufacturer and call me for advice.

20 WASTEWATER REGULATIONS Athletics Department Usage – Use of fabric softeners, soaps containing quaternary ammonium compounds, or other “anti-bacterial” compounds are forbidden with this system. Liquid fabric softeners typically are quaternary ammonium compounds, and may not be used. These compounds are actually toxic to our particular wastewater treatment system.

21 WASTEWATER REGULATIONS Custodian Department Usage – Use of soaps containing quaternary ammonium compounds, or other “anti-bacterial” compounds are forbidden with this system. Wax stripper chemical waste is forbidden for disposal in this system. Cut off all leaking toilets & urinals. Wax strippers may be listed as biodegradable, but they are very high in BOD, and may have toxic components.

22 Water Resource Needs



25 Field #3 Dosage Calculation Acre Inch / Month Acre Inch / Day Convert 1 Acre Inch to gal/ft 2 Field #3 Dose Gal / ft2 Field #3 Area ft 2 Field #3 Dose GPD 6.490.220.6230.134998,49613,283

26 Field #3 Irrigated at 0.061 gal/ft 2

27 Field #3 Irrigated at 0.1 gal/ft 2

28 Effluent Water Quality & Public Protection

29 Permitted Effluent Quality CBOD15 mg/l Total Suspended Solids15 mg/l Total Nitrogen<20 mg/l Ammonia Nitrogen<10 mg/l Fecal Coliforms<1000 CFU/100ml



32 Summary Items Lightening protection - not optional. Underground equipment - water proof. Cistern water color removal – have a plan. User education – trust but verify. Irrigation – flexible supply, & surface irrigation. Water Quality – excellent disinfection, and advanced nitrogen removal.

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