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T HE D IGESTIVE S YSTEM Lesson Plan. W HAT IS THE D IGESTIVE S YSTEM ? The digestive system is a series of connected organs from mouth to anus whose purpose.

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2 W HAT IS THE D IGESTIVE S YSTEM ? The digestive system is a series of connected organs from mouth to anus whose purpose is to break down, digest and excrete wastes from the food we eat.

3 T HE O RGANS OF THE D IGESTIVE S YSTEM Your Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Rectum/Colon Other Organs: -Pancreas -Liver -Gallbladder

4 Y OUR M OUTH Your mouth is the first place your food will go to start the digestive process. In your mouth the food is grinded with your teeth along with the help of saliva. Your saliva and teeth together break your food down into tiny pieces.

5 T HE E SOPHAGUS The Esophagus is the second organ of your digestive track. Your esophagus is like a long pipe. It connects your mouth to your stomach and moves food down by the use of muscles in the walls of the esophagus.

6 T HE S TOMACH Your stomach is connected to your esophagus. The stomach is shaped like the letter “J” and is a small sack-like figure. Your stomach stores the food you have eaten, breaks down the food into a liquid mixture, and slowly empties that mixture into the small intestine.

7 T HE S MALL I NTESTINE The small intestine is a tube that is about 1.5 to 2 inches around and is beneath your stomach. Inside the small intestine food is broken down even more so your body can absorb vitamins and minerals.

8 T HE L ARGE INTESTINE The large intestine is about 3 to 4 inches around. It is almost the last stop of the digestive track and would be about 5 feet long if it were to be removed from the human body.

9 R ECTUM /C OLON The rectum and colon work together as the last stop of the digestive track. The rectum serves as a warehouse for the waste material after leaving the colon. The rectum is about 8 inches long.

10 O THER O RGANS Pancreas- Contains digestive enzymes that help further break down carbohydrates, fat, and protein Liver- Production of biochemical's needed for digestion. Gallbladder- Production of bile. It is not needed for digestion. gallbladder liver pancreas

11 Y OUR SALIVA AIDS IN DIGESTION IN WHAT ORGAN OF THE SYSTEM ? Large Intestine Small Intestine Mouth Esophagus

12 TRY AGAIN!!!!! To Question: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.1234

13 THAT IS CORRECT! To Question: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.1234

14 N AME ONE OF THE PURPOSES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM -Digest and excrete wastes from the food we eat - To get food into your body - To hold protein - To aid in homeostasis

15 W HAT IS THE NAME OF THE ORGAN THAT IS SHAPED LIKE A “ J ”? - Esophagus - Stomach - Large Intestine - Rectum

16 W HAT ORGAN WOULD BE ABOUT 5 FEET LONG IF REMOVED FROM THE BODY ? - Small Intestine - Esophagus - Large Intestine - Rectum


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