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Published byFreddy Bevel Modified over 10 years ago
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TRAINING For Safety Sensitive Employee’s
ABM PARKING DIVISION in compliance with The United States Department of Transportation DRUG AND ALCOHOL TRAINING For Safety Sensitive Employee’s
AMPCO SYSTEM Drug Testing Policy
It is Ampco System’s intent to comply with federal, state and local entities in regard to law and regulations on drug and alcohol misuse. Consistent with these regulations, the Company will administrate, as necessary and where required by law all tests which the Department of Transportation has mandated. OVERVIEW The financial cost of substance abuse is substantial’ however, the emotional impact of losing a friend, co-worker, or family member to drugs or alcohol is even greater. In fact, there is no way to calculate the enormity of this kind of loss. Each of us reacts differently to drugs and alcohol, but one thing is clear.... these substances affect our judgment and our ability to perform. The danger of abusing these substances becomes especially clear when you add a motor vehicle, airplane, ship or mass transit carrier to the picture. In an effort to prevent the effects of substance abuse in the transportation industry, the Federal Highway Administration of the Department of Transportation, the DOT, has expanded its current drug and alcohol regulations for federal motor carriers. The ruling is entitled, CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES AND ALCOHOL USE AND TESTING. Ampco System’s Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs are intended to identify substance abuse by safety-sensitive employee’s and to discourage future drug and or alcohol misuse. The procedures of these Federally mandated programs will help improve employee/passenger safety’ employee performance and morale, and help prevent accidents that can lead to injury and property damage. Ampco System will comply with all federal, state and local authorities in regard to laws and regulations regarding safety-sensitive personnel and commercial driver’s use of alcohol and drugs. Ampco System maintains a zero-tolerance for employee’s who perform safety-sensitive duties within the Company and hold all employees accountable to federal, state and local regulations.
DEFINITIONS Alcohol - the intoxicating agent in beverage, ethyl alcohol, or other low molecular weight alcohol’s. Alcohol use means the consumption of any beverage, mixture, or preparation, including any medication containing alcohol. Controlled Substances - any substances identified in the Federal Controlled Substances Act or CFR Part 40 including marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines and PCP. The term also applies to prescribed or over the counter medications that cause an individual to be impaired, drowsy or to act abnormally.
DEFINITIONS Safety-Sensitive Employee - those holders of Commercial Drivers Licensees who operate a commercial motor vehicles. In addition, those employees who perform safety-sensitive functions involving a mass transit vehicle including driving, maintenance and supervision in which there is FTA funding. Commercial Motor Vehicle - a vehicle that has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 or more lbs. or is desa vehicle that has a gross or more lbs. or is designed to transport 16 or more passengers (including the driver) or is 11 passengers or more (including the driver) in the State of California. igned to (including the driver) or is any size and used to transport hazardous materials requiring placards.
DEFINITIONS Mass Transit Vehicle - a vehicle used to transport
large numbers of passengers. This includes buses, vans, automobiles, rail cars, trolley cars or vessels receiving FTA funding. Medical Review Officer - a licensed physician designated by Ampco System who has knowledge and training to interpret and evaluate confirmed positive drug and alcohol test results.
Pre-employment Testing (controlled substances only) Post-Accident Testing Random Testing Testing for Reasonable Suspicion Follow-up Testing
All employees who perform safety-sensitive functions involving a mass transit vehicle under DOT definition will be tested for controlled substances prior to performing such duties. Pre-employment Tests-for drugs for final candidates in any safety-sensitive position within Ampco System, or for an employee who transfers from a non safety-sensitive position (from cashier to shuttle driver or maintenance man) within the company to a safety-sensitive position, prior to the individual assuming their new position.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE 90 Days or more– Pre-Employment Drug Testing
Following any type of leave of 90 Days or more including, but not limited to personal leaves, pregnancy leaves, medical leaves, workers’ compensation leaves and military leaves.
1. A human fatality, regardless of whether or not a citation was issued to the Safety-Sensitive Driver. 2. Bodily injury requiring immediate medical attention away from the scene and a citation was issued to the Safety-Sensitive Driver. 3. Disabling damage to any motor vehicle requiring either vehicle to be towed and a citation was issued to the Safety-Sensitive Driver. Post Accident Drug and Alcohol Tests -following an accident that involves a commercial or mass transit vehicle if the accident resulted in any of the following:
Must be completed on safety-sensitive drivers each year. Drivers are randomly selected from the Ampco System/ ABM employee pool. Drivers must be tested just before, during or immediately after performing a safety sensitive function. All random testing must be unannounced and employees must proceed immediately to the test site. Refusal to take a test will constitute a positive result.
Random Tests are determined by non-biased random selection and according to federal, state and local law. Ten (10) percent of the affected drivers must be tested for alcohol and fifty (50) percent of the affected drivers must be tested for controlled substances. Unannounced random alcohol and drug testing must be completed on a certain number of drivers each year. Drivers are randomly selected using a scientifically valid method. For example, a random number table or a computer generated system matched with social security numbers that ensures that each driver has an equal chance of being tested each time the selections are made. This means that one driver may theoretically selected many times, while another may not be selected at all during the same period, because of the random selection process. When ABM takes over the consortium (driver pool) it will involve more persons and therefore reduce the number of drivers being randomly selected because of the increased numbers in the safety-sensitive employee pool.
Reasonable Suspicion Drug and Alcohol Tests
As observed by a company official or supervisor who has received the training required by DOT and has specific clearly stated observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body orders of the safety sensitive driver. It is the obligation of every Ampco System Supervisor who receives training under the Department of Transportation guidelines for Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion to request a employee to proceed to a testing facility if that employee is involved in a safety-sensitive position and exhibits behavior or physical characteristics which would lead the supervisor to believe that they require a test. Reasonable Suspicion Testing is provided to employees for their protection and the protection of the general public. Many times illnesses exhibit themselves with the same physical and psychological symptoms of drug or alcohol use. An example of this is diabetes. In order to prevent a potential life threatening accident those supervisors at safety-sensitive locations MUST test employee’s displaying those symptoms.
Drivers who refuse to submit to required alcohol and /or controlled substance tests must be immediately removed from safety-sensitive positions and may not continue in their positions. 49CFR It’s the law. Should you refuse to submit to a federally mandated drug or alcohol test, you will be removed from duty, suspended and/or terminated.
Refusal to test also includes:
Failure to provide enough breath or saliva for alcohol testing. Or urine for controlled substances testing without a valid medical reason after being notified of the testing requirements, Or clearly obstruct the testing process, Or attempt to tamper and/or adulterate a urine sample for drug testing purposes.
All alcohol testing is done by a trained technician in a private setting where no one but you and the technician can see or hear the test results. A breath saliva testing device approved by the National Highway Safety Administration will be used.
The technician will ask for identification. A screening test is done first. If the reading is less than 0.02, you will sign the certification and fill in the date on the form. If the reading is 0.02 or greater, a confirmation test must be done using an evidential breath testing device (EBT). Supply the technician your driver’s license and social security card. If a breath testing device is used, you must blow forcefully into the mouthpiece of the device. If a saliva testing device is used, you or the technician will insert the swab into your mouth and allow it to saturate with saliva. After the saliva is collected, the sway will be inserted into the testing device. After signing the certification you may return to work. In this case the test must be done after 15 minutes but within 30 minutes of the first test. You will be asked not to eat, drink, belch, or put anything in your mouth. These steps prevent the build-up of mouth alcohol, which could lead to an artificially high result.
If the Screening Test and Confirmation Test results are not the same, the confirmation test result is used. If you refuse to be tested or sign the testing form, the technician will immediately notify the AMPCO SYSTEM DOT Administrator.
The employee will be prohibited from performing any safety-sensitive function for 24 hours, Ampco System supervision will be notified and the employee driver must be driven home from the collection sight. In addition, the employee will be suspended without pay and prohibited from performing any safety -sensitive functions until they have submitted to another alcohol test and have results below 0.02 0.04 or Greater The employee will be suspended from duty without pay, pending an investigation by Ampco System Management. A confirmed positive test of 0.04 or Greater will result in immediate termination. Should similar results by found on any future testing within the 12 month probationary period the employee will be subject to immediate termination after the confirmation test result.
Drug testing is done by analyzing a urine sample, which is collected in a private location. Urine specimens are divided into two containers by the collection site technician in your presence. These two samples, called “primary” and “split”, are analyzed by a testing laboratory certified by the Department of Health and Human Services. At the laboratory a screening test is performed on the “primary” sample. If this test is positive for drugs, a confirmation test is required.
POSITIVE DRUG TESTS If an employee drug test comes back
positive, the employee will be notified by the clinics Medical Review Officer(MRO). The MRO will review the test results with the employee to determine alternative medical explanations for the positive test results. Employees with positive test results will be allowed 72 hours following notification of their positive test results to request a re-test of the original test sample by a government approved testing facility. Any re-test will be at the employee’s expense and the employee will be suspended without pay until the results are received by Ampco System. If an employee asks for a re-test it will be performed on the “original split sample” ALSO REALIZE THAT REMOVAL FROM SAFETY-SENSITIVE DUTY AS REQUIRED BY THE DOT FOLLOWING A POSITIVE DRUG TEST IS NOT DELAYED TO AWAIT THE RESULT OF THE SPLIT SPECIMEN TEST. If the results of the re-test are negative, initial test results will be canceled and the employee will be fully reinstated with back pay. If a re-test is not requested within the designated 72 hour time period or if re-test results are positive, the employee will be subject to immediate termination.
Ampco System is committed to providing a safe, healthy work environment for all employee’s and reducing the potential for accidents and injuries. Maintaining high standards for job performance, attendance, quality customer service and the highest level of passenger safety is the standard that has made Ampco System a trademark in the industry. Ampco does not condone drug or alcohol abuse. It is the individual employee’s responsibility to maintain a satisfactory performance level and to acknowledge any substance or alcohol abuse related problem. The Company will assist any employee by helping to understand the problem and correcting it before it impairs performance and jeopardizes employment. Ampco System will assist in coordinating access of all applicable insurance related benefits for its covered employees. A request for assistance on a controlled substance or alcohol abuse problem will not be a substitute for, or modify, any disciplinary action as referenced in our drug policy for Commercial Driver’s and Safety-Sensitive employees.
REHABILITATION Ampco System will not knowingly hire any person using illegal drugs or having a history of alcohol or drug dependency unless there is firm evidence of rehabilitation satisfactory to the Company. Department of Transportation Regulations regarding drug and alcohol abuse do no require the Company to provide rehabilitation benefits, hold an employee’s position open or pay an employee’s wages while the undergo treatment for drug and/or alcohol misuse.
The hazards of drug and alcohol misuse extend far beyond the individual user. Impaired employees endanger themselves, fellow employees and all people around them. Even moderate doses of drugs and/or alcohol can impair the judgment, coordination and reaction time needed to drive a vehicle. When combined, the effects can become deadly.
Those employee’s in safety-sensitive positions must realize that drug and alcohol abuse is a complex problem calling for specialized treatment. They must remain vigilant while performing their duties and intervene where they think a fellow employee may be endangering themselves, fellow employee’s or the general public.
SUMMARY Safety-sensitive employees, commercial driver
employees, and/or applicants for these positions, as regulated by the DOT are subject to per-employment, random, probable cause and post accident drug testing as prescribed by the Omnibus Transportation Act and parts 653 and 654 of the FTA alcohol and controlled substances testing regulations. As prescribed safety- sensitive employees, commercial driver employees and or applicants to these positions may not:
Refuse to take a federally mandated drug and/or alcohol test
Operate in a safety-sensitive capacity while under the influence of a controlled substance. Use alcohol while performing safety-sensitive functions. Report for or remain on duty performing a safety-sensitive function while having a breath alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater. Perform safety-sensitive functions within eight hours of using alcohol. Use alcohol for eight hours following an accident or until the employee has taken a post-accident test. Attempt to tamper and/or adulterate a sample for drug testing. Violation of any specific item above will result in disciplinary action including suspension and/or termination.
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