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Responding to the Needs of Young People through Play Trish McLaughlin Parks Development Manager Parks and Open Spaces.

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Presentation on theme: "Responding to the Needs of Young People through Play Trish McLaughlin Parks Development Manager Parks and Open Spaces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responding to the Needs of Young People through Play Trish McLaughlin Parks Development Manager Parks and Open Spaces

2 Why is play important? Social integration and awareness Physical and mental wellbeing Learning opportunities Increase confidence Everyone benefits from having happier, healthier children

3 What is community engagement? Involving people in decisions that affect them - this includes informing, consulting, involving and empowering

4 So why do Parks do it? To inform local people and help them understand To understand what people want and what may be a problem To make decisions and act on those decisions with people To get it right!

5 How do we work with young people? Planning Establish the need – what are the issues? Be clear about the purpose Check what’s happened already Decide who to engage Decide how to engage

6 How do we do we work with young people? Events and activities Surveys/Questionnaires Photos/designs/drawings Open Forums/Meetings School Visits Adverts/Posters/Press Newsletters Social Networking Websites Help form new groups


8 What are the benefits of successful engagement? Council We can get it right We can learn We can save money We can save time Problems are less likely to occur Community New and/or improved facilities Feel a sense of ownership and pride Can gain experience Reduction in anti social issues

9 Valley Gardens town centre consultation for new children’s play area

10 Current projects Valley Gardens Skate/BMX Park Play Areas in Ripon, Masham and Bilton Ball games area in Pannal Working with New Park SNG to deliver improvements at Luchon Way

11 Proposed design for Valley Gardens Skate/BMX Park

12 Thank you for listening

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