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Guess the topic (тема) - Family - Seasons - Animals the 21 st of January, Wednesday.

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Presentation on theme: "Guess the topic (тема) - Family - Seasons - Animals the 21 st of January, Wednesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guess the topic (тема) - Family - Seasons - Animals the 21 st of January, Wednesday.

2 Seasons Seasons Spring is greenSummer is bright Autumn is yellowWinter is white

3 Winter Snowman and ice Sledding Cold Hat and gloves Б.М. Кустодиев «Зима» Антонио Вивальди – Времена года – Зима (часть 2)

4 Spring [ı] [ı:] [ ʌ ] [ ɔ :] В. Петров «Первая зелень. Май» Антонио Вивальди – Времена года – Весна It rains Flowers Warm

5 Find Spring Words! Flower Leaf Sun Bird Tree Snowman Hat Christmas tree Антонио Вивальди – Времена года – Весна

6 Summer No school Sun Hot Pool С.Ю. Жуковский «Усадьба летом»

7 Autumn It rains Leaves are yellow, red, brown We go to school И. Левитан «В лесу осенью» Антонио Вивальди – Времена года – Осень

8 Present Simple he she it S Example: I swim in the river in summer. He swims in the river in summer. I jump and skip in spring. I read and write in autumn. I skate in winter. I play football in summer. Антонио Вивальди – Времена года – Осень

9 Prove it! Summer or Winter??? I can …

10 Home task: 5 sentences about any season

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