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Can you think of any words with the ‘in’ sound in?

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2 Can you think of any words with the ‘in’ sound in?

3 in la planète in

4 5 15 cinq lapin pain main quinze

5 Listen to this song. Touch your nose when you hear the ‘in’ sound or count how many times you hear it

6 Now listen to the song and read the words. Were you right? Rondin Picotin La Marie a fait son pain Pas plus haut que son levain Son levain était moisi Son pain n’a pas réussi Tant pis!!

7 Try saying this tongue twister in pairs. Verre plein je te bois, verre vide je te plains.

8 sapin vin prince sympa train impossible Can you pronounce these words?

9 Listen to the correct pronunciation now sapin vin prince sympa train impossible

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