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OPINION ABOUT TECHNOLOGY INTERACTIONINTERACTION A You think that new technologies are very important nowadays: Computers vs teachers Mobile phones vs telephone.

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Presentation on theme: "OPINION ABOUT TECHNOLOGY INTERACTIONINTERACTION A You think that new technologies are very important nowadays: Computers vs teachers Mobile phones vs telephone."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPINION ABOUT TECHNOLOGY INTERACTIONINTERACTION A You think that new technologies are very important nowadays: Computers vs teachers Mobile phones vs telephone The Internet vs the encyclopaedia Chat rooms, emails vs ordinary mail Tell B about some of the advantages. REMEMBER TO SOFTEN YOUR OPINIONS! B Listen to A talking about the advantages of new technologies. Persuade A that they are not so important, and that they´ve got many disadvantages. Computers vs teachers Mobile phones vs telephones The Internet vs encyclopaedia Chat rooms, emails vs ordinary mail REMEMBER TO SOFTEN YOUR OPINIONS!

2 WEDDINGS INTERACTIONINTERACTION A You are helping your friend prepare his / her wedding. There are many friends giving a hand. Check the things you all have already done and what you still have to do. B Your friend is helping you prepare your wedding. There are many friends giving a hand. Check the things you’ve already done and what you still have to do.

3 IDEAL SCHOOL MONOLOGUEMONOLOGUE What is the ideal school for you? Think of students’ rights and responsibilities. Think of facilities and teachers. Think of lessons, parties and other activities. Think of tests, marks, promotion conditions.

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