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Ben Chapman, PhD Audrey Kreske, PhD

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Presentation on theme: "Ben Chapman, PhD Audrey Kreske, PhD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ben Chapman, PhD Audrey Kreske, PhD
HACCP In Your School Ben Chapman, PhD Audrey Kreske, PhD

2 Before the training Talk with Child Nutrition Director about training status of substitutes They may need a separate training Answers in the manual to application exercises Think of personal stories

3 During training Groups (meet new people and encourage discussion) #1-8 on back of manuals Separate into groups 1-8 Use large notepad to draw refrigerator after groups have completed the exercise Organize this refrigerator page 19

4 To highlight in the manual
Time/temperature control for safety Instead of potentially hazardous foods Temperature danger zone Change 140 to 135°F When you get sick Storage Date marking Service Application exercises

5 To highlight in the presentation
At the end of each section Asks employees to go to workbook charts and application exercises Infosheet Summary slide

6 Date Marking Pre-prepared foods Leftovers Pre-prepared Name of Food
Can be frozen for up to 4 weeks Cooked ground beef, spaghetti sauce Pre-prepared Name of Food Amount Date and time item was prepared Can be refrigerated for up to 3 days Pot of soup, hot dog chili, pre- portioned cheese containers Leftover Name of Food Amount Date to be used by OR the date of preparation

7 Shelf-life for Opened Commercially Processed Foods
Date Marking Shelf-life for Opened Commercially Processed Foods Cottage cheese 1 week Processed cheese 1 month Mayonnaise 2 months Salad dressing 3 months Margarine 4-5 months Mustard 6-8 months Catsup 12 months

8 Sanitation

9 How this process works Washing helps loosen soils and other organic matter from the surface Detergent and scrubbing also helps break the adhesion of microorganisms to the surface Iowa State University Extension, June 2011

10 How this process works Rinsing removes loosened soil and detergent from the surface This step is important because organic material and detergent can bind up sanitizer making it less effective Iowa State University Extension, June 2011

11 How this process works Applying the sanitizer to clean surfaces actually provides a ‘kill’ step for reducing the number of microorganisms Iowa State University Extension, June 2011

12 How this process works The surface is not completely free of microorganisms, but the number is greatly reduced Iowa State University Extension, June 2011

13 Hot topics

14 Handwashing Vs. hand sanitizer

15 Handwashing Vs. hand sanitizer

16 Cooking temperatures 2009 Food Code Scrambled eggs 3-401.11
Plant food Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) instead of potentially hazardous foods

17 Cross contamination Washing chicken in sink contributes to cross contamination events

18 Sanitation Procedures for cleaning/sanitizing Read labels
Do not spray directly into drain FCS versus Non-FCS Read labels Ingredients Clorox Wipes = BLEACH FREE Follow directions More is not always better How to clean or sanitize (Formula 409)

19 Other topics Lotion application after handwashing Storage
Cans with dents Wooden shelves Pest Management How flies eat

20 This is What Happens When a Fly Lands on Your Food
Flies can’t eat solid food, so to soften it up they vomit on it Next they stamp the vomit until it’s a liquid, usually stamping in a few germs for good measure Next when it’s good and runny, they suck it all back again, probably dropping some excrement at the same time Finally when they have finished eating, it’s YOUR TURN!!

21 Activities Glo-germ and blacklight required
2 people from each group volunteer to use the special lotion (wrapped glo-germ bottle in Christmas wrapping paper) One person goes to wash their hands Then go around with your blacklight to show before and after hands in each group Unwrap Glo-germ bottle and pass around

22 Activities Take temperature of certain food items Canned foods
Lettuce head, deli meat, etc. Canned foods Description and integrity issues Glove use Quat solutions Proper preparation and test strips Glucose Spotcheck Cross contamination Sanitation

23 After training Each group reports on three things they learned that they did not know before Collect evaluations Give contact information and resources on food safety

24 Thank you

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