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10 - 1 Business Communication: Process and Product, Mary Ellen Guffey, South-Western.

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Presentation on theme: "10 - 1 Business Communication: Process and Product, Mary Ellen Guffey, South-Western."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 - 1 Business Communication: Process and Product, Mary Ellen Guffey, South-Western.

2 10 - 2 Goals in Communicating Bad News u To make the reader understand and accept the bad news u To promote and maintain a good image of the writer and the writer’s organization u To make the message so clear that additional correspondence is unnecessary u To avoid legal liability

3 10 - 7 The Indirect Pattern u BUFFER – a neutral or positive opening that does not reveal the bad news u REASONS – an explanation of the causes for the bad news u BAD NEWS – a clear but understated announcement of the bad news that may include an alternative or compromise u CLOSE – a personalizing, fo rward- looking, pleasant statement


5 10 - 14 Buffer u Pay a compliment, show appreciation for past action, or refer to something mutually understood. u Avoid raising false hopes. u Avoid thanking the receiver for something you are about to refuse.

6 10 - 15 Reasons u Explain why the request must be denied, without revealing the refusal. u Avoid negativity (unfortunately, impossible). u Show how your decision benefits the receiver or others, if possible.

7 10 - 16 Bad News u Soften the bad news by (1) subordinating it (although we can’t loan our equipment, we can……) (2) embedding it in a long sentence or paragraph.

8 10 - 17 Bad News u Consider implying the refusal, but be certain it is clear. u Suggest an alternative, if one exists.

9 10 - 18 Close u Supply more information about an alternative, if one is offered. u Look forward to future relations. u Offer good wishes and compliments. u Avoid referring to the refusal.


11 10 - 20 Buffer u Express appreciation for the customer’s patronage or for his or her writing. u Show agreement on some point, review the facts, or show understanding.

12 10 - 21 Reasons u Justify the bad news with objective reasons (except in credit denials). u Avoid blaming the customer or hiding behind company policy. u Look for reader benefits.

13 10 - 22 Bad News u State the bad news objectively or imply it.

14 10 - 23 Close u Suggest an action or an alternative. u Look forward to future business, offer best wishes, refer to gifts. u Don’t mention the bad news.


16 10 - 25 Buffer u Provide some good news (if possible), praise, appreciation, agreement, or understanding. u Discuss facts leading to the reasons section.

17 10 - 26 Reasons u Explain what caused the decision necessitating the bad news. u Use objective, nonjudgmental, and nondiscriminatory language. u Show empathy and fairness.

18 10 - 27 Bad News u Explain the bad news clearly, but don’t accentuate it. u Avoid negative language.

19 10 - 28 Close u End on a positive, friendly note. u For job refusals, extend good wishes.

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