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Eric Swain Managing Director. Businesses need an Internet presence if The Internet is increasingly social and Businesses must have a social element then.

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Presentation on theme: "Eric Swain Managing Director. Businesses need an Internet presence if The Internet is increasingly social and Businesses must have a social element then."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eric Swain Managing Director

2 Businesses need an Internet presence if The Internet is increasingly social and Businesses must have a social element then David Gillespie




6 LURKER PRINCIPLE 6 “In social groups, some people actively participate more than others… Social participation tends to follow a 90-9-1 rule:”

7 unsocial advertise attention target televised one to many impressions campaigns control social entertain participation content friended one to one, many to many expressions movements leverage Unsocial / Social

8 B2B Content Expert Show (not) Tell Relationships Trust Soften & Support Network Connections Knowledge base Story Tools Framework

9 “My customers don’t use social networks”

10 A recommendation from a friend would make 71% of people more comfortable with a product or service – more so than advertising (15%) or even personal experience (63%) MediaLab

11 CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES “The Social Web is distributing influence beyond the customer landscape, allocating authority amongst stakeholders, prospects, and peers.” – Brian Solis Customer Lifetime Value Social Landscape Customer Referral Value Customer Social Customer

12 HOW 1. Listen 2. Strategise 3. Implement 4. Manage5. Measure

13 Socialgraphics 1.Where are your customers online? 2.What are your customers’ social behaviors online? 3.What social information or people do your customers rely on? 4.What is your customers’ social influence? Who trusts them? 5.Are they talking about you, your products, your competition, your industry? Altimeter Group LISTEN

14 STRATEGISE Align social with strategic business goals Set measureable objectives (measure the right things) Create strategic plan and financial model Develop tactics to achieve strategy Refer to what you learned monitoring Who? What? When? Where?

15 HOW 1. Listen 2. Strategise 3. Implement 4. Manage5. Measure

16 FRESHBOOKS Userbase up 300% in 2 years Customer-centric approach Twitter engagement key

17 Thank you! Eric Swain +44 7773 798259 @ericswain

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