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“T” Pronunciation. The letter T is pronounced several ways. First, let’s take a look at the “Regular T”. The regular T is aspirated. This means that we.

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Presentation on theme: "“T” Pronunciation. The letter T is pronounced several ways. First, let’s take a look at the “Regular T”. The regular T is aspirated. This means that we."— Presentation transcript:

1 “T” Pronunciation

2 The letter T is pronounced several ways. First, let’s take a look at the “Regular T”. The regular T is aspirated. This means that we release a puff of air when we say it.

3 When a word begins with T, the T is almost always aspirated. Take Time To Talk

4 “T” in the middle of a word can be pronounced in different ways. When two T’s are followed by “en”, “on”, etc., the tongue does not touch the roof of the mouth. Instead, the airstream is stopped at the vocal cords.

5 Listen to these examples: Button 扣子 Mutton 羊肉 Kitten 小猫 Written 写的 Mittens 连指手套 Notice that the last syllable in each word is spoken without pronouncing the vowel.

6 This is called a tongue flap, since the tongue makes a quick flapping motion to produce the soft D sound. A “T” in the middle of a word – whether single or double – is often pronounced like a quick, soft D.

7 Here are some examples of words with the tongue flap: Little (rhymes with middle) Butter Getting Pretty Water Beautiful

8 Exceptions! Flapped T Regular T forty fourteen matter master atom atomic

9 When a T comes at the end of a word, Americans often do not aspirate it. We still touch our tongues to the roof of the mouth. But the puff of air is not released.

10 Listen to the following examples: State Excite Unite Complete Repeat

11 Now listen to the same words when they are changed to the past tense. Stated Excited United Completed Repeated The T’s have been changed to flapped T’s.

12 In sentences, a word ending in T is connected to: 1. a word beginning with a vowel  by flapping the T 2. a word beginning with a consonant  merging the T with the consonant

13 Listen to the following examples: Put it down! Put some effort into it! Get out of here! Get to work!

14 Here are some other examples of when the T is flapped: GreaterGreatestGetting SmarterSmartestSitting WaiterActivity WriterAbility

15 Sometimes the T can be silent: often 1 soften listen whistle fasten castle Christmas 1 It is also acceptable to pronounce the T in “often”.

16 Sometimes the T is pronounced like the SH sound /ʃ/ Initial Partial Nation Function

17 Sometimes the T is pronounced like the CH sound / ʧ / Mature 1 Saturated Actually 2 Factual 1 This can also be pronounced with a regular T. 2 This can also be pronounced with the /ʃ/ sound.

18 Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet 1, Eating her curds and whey 2. Along came a spider, Who sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away. 1 A tuffet is a type of wooden stool / seat. (Not a commonly used word.) 2 Curds and whey are similar to tofu 豆腐, but come from milk.

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