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The Civil War…Gettysburg 1 st Day of Battle—July 1, 1863—Good Ground US Cavalry (Gen. John Buford) shadowed Lee’s Army CSA forces were spread out—foraging.

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Presentation on theme: "The Civil War…Gettysburg 1 st Day of Battle—July 1, 1863—Good Ground US Cavalry (Gen. John Buford) shadowed Lee’s Army CSA forces were spread out—foraging."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Civil War…Gettysburg 1 st Day of Battle—July 1, 1863—Good Ground US Cavalry (Gen. John Buford) shadowed Lee’s Army CSA forces were spread out—foraging for supplies 1.Lost contact with Lee 2.Headed for Gettysburg—US warehouse—to get shoes/uniforms 3.Moved South toward the town Buford’s troopers and the local militia made a stand 1.Held off main body of Lee’s army at Oak Hill and Seminary Ridge 2.Kept the CSA occupied until Meade’s army could arrive and take the hills surrounding the area 3.Lee had ordered his forces not to attack until they were at full strength 4.Lee had no idea what he faced—Stuart was no longer in contact Meade deployed his forces to the hills north (Culp’s Hill) and south (Big Round Top and Little Round Top)

2 The Civil War…Gettysburg—Day 1 Map

3 The Civil War…Gettysburg The Second Day—July 2, 1863—Hold to the Last Lee planned to assault both ends, to draw strength from one end of Meade’s army to the other and vice versa 1.Gen. Ewell was in charge of Stonewall’s old army and delayed the attacks the day before and the day at Culp’s Hill 2.Gen. Hood was placed with Gen. Longstreet’s army and was ordered to take the Round Tops that afternoon 3.Longstreet asked Lee to redeploy the army away from Gettysburg, but Lee chose to stay and fight Union bravery on Little Round Top turned the tide of battle 1.Gen. Warren ordered the 20 th Maine up to defend Little Round Top 2.Col. Chamberlain (20 th Maine) held and counterattacked despite being outnumbered and out of ammunition—defeated the CSA forces 3.Constant attack by the CSA led to immense casualties

4 The Civil War…Gettysburg—Day 2 Map

5 20 th Maine on Little Round Top

6 The Civil War…Gettysburg The 3 rd Day—July 3, 1863—Pickett’s Charge Lee believed he could break the Union line in the center 1.Felt they had come close again the day before 2.The US was reinforcing on both ends 3.Had not brought up all his artillery in the fight so far—could pound the US center and assault there 4.Longstreet urged Lee to re-deploy to the South—around the US left Pickett’s Charge 1.Gen. George Pickett was ordered to lead a charge directly into the US center—12,000+ men marched across 2 miles of open field 2.Artillery was unable to soften up the US—Pickett’s Charge was destroyed 3.Lee met his retreating army and told them “It is all my fault.”—took full responsibility for the defeat CSA is never again able to go on an offensive campaign—too few soldiers

7 The Civil War…Gettysburg—Day 3 Map

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