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Patterns in Genesis Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well, 1655-57, by Carlo Maratti.

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Presentation on theme: "Patterns in Genesis Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well, 1655-57, by Carlo Maratti."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patterns in Genesis Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well, 1655-57, by Carlo Maratti.

2 Sibling Rivalry Cain & Abel Ishmael & Isaac Esau & Jacob Rachel & Leah Joseph & his brothers

3 Wrestling with God Can we connect the struggling siblings with Jacob’s wrestling with the angel of God at Bethel? Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Gustav Dore

4 Sarah Rebekah Rachel Tamar Barren/Childless Wife Sarah Hears and Laughs by J. James Tissot

5 Trickery/Craft (by women) Rebekah tricked Leah tricked Rachel tricked tricked Judah w/ prostitute disguise Lot’s daughters tricked Isaac by disguising Jacob Tamar Jacob w/ bed-trick Laban w/ teraphim their drunken father

6 Tricker/Craft (by men) Abraham tricked _____ Jacob tricked ______ and he tricked _______ Laban tricked ______ Simeon & Levi tricked ______ Pharaoh & Abimalech w/ sister story Jacob w/ wrong daughter Father Isaac with Esau disguise men of Shechem’s city to avenge Dinah’s rape Laban w/ speckled sticks

7 _______ and Abraham’s chief servant, Eliezer Rachel and _____ Hagar and _____ Zipporah and _____ Meetings at Wells & Springs Rebekah Jacob Moses God

8 Ultimogeniture Isaac over _____ Jacob over ______ Rachel over _____ _____ & _____ over Jacob’s 10 other sons (They are favored by father, although Davidic dynasty descends from Judah) Ephraim over Menashe (Joseph’s sons blessed by Jacob) Perez & Zerah, sons of _____&____ Ishmael Esau Leah (?) Joseph & Benjamin Tamar & Judah


10 Bibliography of Images Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well, 1655-57, by Carlo Maratti. Oil on canvas, 47 x 62 cm. Museum of Art, Indianapolis html/m/maratti/ html/m/maratti/ Dante’s Vision of Rachel and Leah by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1855 from Olga’s Gallery: Sarah Hears and Laughs and Jacob Deceives Isaac by J. James Tissot Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Gustav Dore. From dorian/D/Dore/ dorian/D/Dore/Dore.htm “Rebecca & Isaac” [sic] images/religious/ images/religious/

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