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South Lakes High School F airfax County Public Schools Bruce Butler, Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "South Lakes High School F airfax County Public Schools Bruce Butler, Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Lakes High School F airfax County Public Schools Bruce Butler, Principal

2 Seahawk PBS Team Fran Walker, Coach Teresa Fennessy, Team Leader Marly Fullerton, Research Douglas Tyson, AP Bruce Butler, Principal

3 South Lakes High School: Demographics Asian 11.1% Black 19.2% Hispanic 17.5% White 45.4% Other 6.8%

4 South Lakes High School: Demographics Free and Reduced Lunch 34% ESOL 9.21% Special Education 19.18%

5 South Lakes Seahawks Our values have not changed, we have and will continue to increase our expectations, understanding, and accountability to improve as a school: 1.Timely Communication 2.Organized and Reflective Instructional Program 3.Positive and Constructive School Environment

6 Implementation Requirements Adminisitrative Team Support Strong Teacher Leadership Key Players on Staff PBS Training

7 Seeing the Need – Why PBS? Increase Instructional Time Consistent Policies Attendance Data Academic Achievement Decrease Discipline Issues As a school we knew we could do better!

8 Building the Team Strong Administrative Support Teacher Leaders Department Representation Other Staff, Students, and Parents

9 Building the Team Started with County Training and Support –Steering group of faculty went to learn about the program –Faculty returned with recommendation to move forward Paid PBS Work Days at South Lakes High School

10 South Lakes Seahawks 1.Timely Communication 2.Organized and Reflective Instructional Program 3.Positive and Constructive School Environment

11 Implementation Process SLHS faculty and staff engaged in an open and honest dialogue focusing on school wide performance and attendance data. Attendance, the primary correlate to academic success, became the first PBS school wide initiative!

12 The Road to Success Empower the Faculty to: Develop and Implement Consistent Policies Use Data to Influence Change Take Ownership of Process

13 PBS We eliminate the inconsistencies which induce students to logically question the validity of any rule Imagine playing a 7-inning high school baseball game in which the basic rules changed every inning? Eliminates frustration!

14 Consistent School-wide Policies Consistently Teach Core Values to Students/Staff Implement Attendance Procedures Limit Hallway Passes Understand Discipline Matrix


16 Teaching Core Values Engage Student Leadership Recognize Contributions through Success Passes Develop Monthly PBS Lessons

17 Leadership Class Guides the Way! Leadership Class is made of up elected student leaders and other students who desire to help others.

18 Taking Flight Mentors

19 SLHS Success Pass

20 SLHS Success Pass: Business Card Size

21 “Positive Behavior Support” (PBS) We reinforce quality/caring behaviors (perfect attendance/helping others) twice each month Success Pass Winners!

22 Teacher Recognition Teachers are recognized each time a student’s Success Pass is drawn Teachers/staff write Success Passes for each other and are recognized each and every time the faculty meets

23 Sample PBS Lesson Topics: Honor Code Cell phone use during tests Submitting other people’s work as your own –Homework –Papers

24 PBS Lesson Topic: Respect in Hallways Voice volume –respect learning time of other students Use appropriate language Keep hall pass visible


26 Consistent Schoolwide Policies Teach Core Values to Students/Staff Implement Attendance Procedures Limit Hallway Passes Understand Discipline Matrix

27 Implement Schoolwide Attendance Procedures Definition of Tardy: After the bell but fewer than 20 minutes late 1 st Tardy: Verbal warning 2 nd Tardy: Teacher discretion to assign detention 3 rd Tardy: Teacher notifies parent/administrator

28 Implement Schoolwide Attendance Procedures

29 Consistent Schoolwide Policies Teach Core Values to Students/Staff Implement Attendance Procedures Limit Hallway Passes Understand Discipline Matrix

30 Academic Environment

31 Limit Hallway Passes Increase Instructional Time Decrease Classroom Interruptions Decrease Inappropriate Behavior

32 Consistent Schoolwide Policies Teach Core Values to Students/Staff Implement Attendance Procedures Limit Hallway Passes Understand Discipline Matrix

33 Classroom vs Office Managed Behavior

34 Levels of Discipline

35 Data We have the findings, now what? How can we improve? How do we know if our solution is effective?

36 Using Data to Drive Decisions Research Team Yearly Data Monthly Data SET (School-wide Evaluation Tool) and Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ) Analysis

37 All Day Unexcused Absences

38 Individual Period Unexcused Absences

39 Total Unexcused Tardies

40 Honors Level Participation at South Lakes High School Participation in Honors Classes (% of students taking one or more Pre – IB or IB course) 2008 - 2009: 9th Grade 65% 10th Grade 59% 11th Grade 49% 12th Grade 49% 25 freshman have pupil placed in for IB this year

41 SOL Improvement





46 South Lakes High School PBS is not stagnant. It is a process. We learn from our data.

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