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Monica Lam Stanford University with Dan Boneh, Jeff Heer, Hiroaki Kameyama, Ruven Chu, Ben Dodson, Bobby Georgescu, Sudheendra Hangal, Te-Yuan Huang, Diana.

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Presentation on theme: "Monica Lam Stanford University with Dan Boneh, Jeff Heer, Hiroaki Kameyama, Ruven Chu, Ben Dodson, Bobby Georgescu, Sudheendra Hangal, Te-Yuan Huang, Diana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monica Lam Stanford University with Dan Boneh, Jeff Heer, Hiroaki Kameyama, Ruven Chu, Ben Dodson, Bobby Georgescu, Sudheendra Hangal, Te-Yuan Huang, Diana MacLean, Byron Milligan, Chanh Nguyen, Debangsu Sengupta, Jiwon Seo, Seok-Won Seong, Chinmay Soman, Steven Soneff, Seng Keat Teh, Ian Vo, Kelvin Yue Reclaiming Data Ownership with the Tian-Di-Ren Architecture Part of POMI (Programmable Open Mobile Internet 2020), an NSF Expedition

2 Server-Client Architecture The Web log is ``monetisable, because it provides a form of surveillance which is attractive to both commercial and governmental social control.’’ ``surveillance becomes the hidden service wrapped inside everything we get for free.” Eben Moglen, Professor of Law, Columbia University Eben-Moglen-Freedom-vs-the-Cloud-Log- 955421.html Flicker Portal Loopt Portal Web Browser Web Browser Facebook Portal

3 The Omniscient Monopoly

4 Loss of Data Ownership

5 Tian-Di-Ren Architecture Personalize the generic PC, borrow the power, display, keyboard, memory (home) servers 天 Tian (Heaven) My key, cache, window into my digital cloud: ID, personality, assets, and the internet 人 Ren (Man) PC, TV at home, in the car, in hotels, on the plane 地 Di (Earth)

6 Personal Data Management TBs of personal data! Person-Cloud Butler 32 GB instantaneously. With you all the time, Even when not connected. Private. Pocket Butler Where is our data consumed?

7 Network of Personal Clouds Identities My Personal Cloud GPS Trace Credit card history Email Phone record Social Topology Calendar Social Network of Personal Clouds Social Topology 1 2 3 4

8 PrPl (Private-Public) Data System Social networking with true friends anywhere Active social interactions Sharing large volumes of data selectively Ownership, privacy, comfort  more data  new apps Personal data management Better monetization with local personalization API gives apps access to the network of personal clouds Easier to write and provision than facebook apps

9 Challenges Distributed, real-time P2P apps Junction Distributed computation on multi-databases Sharing with privacy Access control “Spam filter” User friendliness Social Network of Personal Clouds $

10 Sharing Personal Information Share With Catch up with

11 Programming API SociaLite: Location-agnostic query language based on Datalog FoaF(p) :- Friend(p) FoaF(p) :- FoaF(x), Friend [x] (p) FoaF-CurrLoc (p,l) :- FoaF(p), CurrLoc [p] (l) Personal Cloud Butler

12 Distributed Datalog Query Localization User-defined functions Aggregate functions Pipelined execution

13 Social Multi-Database Friend’s Butlers Friends’ Butlers imap facebook home server $ Personal-Cloud Butler Semantic Index OpenID Manager Data Steward API Data Manager Pocket Butler Authorization Authentication Communication Access Control SociaLite Database Query Language

14 Authentication Personal Cloud Butler Friends’ Butlers Friends’ Butlers Directory Data Stewards App directly fetches blob from a Steward. 1.Butler self-issues a session ticket 2.Friend verifies with public key 1.OpenID login 2.Get a session ticket from Butler. Butler grants a blob ticket per resource.

15 Social Flows: Facebook App Extract social topology from your Facebook and Email data

16 Mobile Applications Selected friends’ location history photos gps music play history

17 Web Applications Monica Lam

18 Set-Top Box Applications Share personal data from friends’ Butlers on a TV

19 Semantic Photo Finder Personal Cloud Butler Live feeds from your friends Search for similarly tagged photos from your friends’ Butlers


21 Future: Consult Your Social Network Ask Seok-Won Seong

22 Tian-Di-Ren Architecture Alternative: privacy-invading server-client architecture Collects personal data in the Personal Cloud Butler Friendly access control to allow easy sharing KEY: Common API and platform to encourage apps

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