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 At the top write of your card write: DO NOT REMOVE TRANSCRIPT  What does your transcript look like? Rank? GPA?  Complete the demographic information.

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Presentation on theme: " At the top write of your card write: DO NOT REMOVE TRANSCRIPT  What does your transcript look like? Rank? GPA?  Complete the demographic information."— Presentation transcript:


2  At the top write of your card write: DO NOT REMOVE TRANSCRIPT  What does your transcript look like? Rank? GPA?  Complete the demographic information at the top  At the top of your card write: Return Date: _____________

3  4 English (Eng I, II, III, IV)  4 Math (Alg I, Geometry, Alg II, higher level math)  3 Science (Earth and Environ., Biology, a Physical Science)  3 Social Studies (World, Civics, US History)  Additional Science/Social Studies Elective  Health / PE 9  8 Electives (2 Foreign Lang/Art/CTE)

4  4 English (Eng I, II, III, IV)  4 Math (Alg I, Geometry, Alg II, higher level math)  3 Science (Earth and Environ., Biology, a Physical Science)  4 Social Studies (World, Civics, US History I and II)  Health / PE 9  8 Electives (2 Foreign Lang/Art/CTE)

5  9 th  10 th grade: 6 Credits  10 th  11 th grade: 12 credits (must have Algebra, English I and II)  11 th  12 th grade: 18 credits

6  4 English (I, II, III, IV)  4 Math (Alg I, Geomerty, Alg II, higher level math where Alg II is a pre-requisite)  3 Science (a physics or chemistry, Biology, EES)  4 Social Studies (World, Civics, US History, other)  2 language courses  1 Heath/PE  4 electives credits that create a “concentration”  3 higher level courses taken during 11 th /12 th grade which carry 5 or 6 quality points

7  A student who receives a 3 or higher on at least 3+ AP exams  AND……other AP recognitions listed as well

8  4 English (I, II, III, IV)  4 Math (Alg I, Geometry, Alg II, one math above Alg II)  4 Science (must include a second level/AP/college- level course)  4 Social Studies (World, Civics, US History, one second level/AP/college-level)  4 language courses (4 of the same, 2 levels of 2 diff)  1 Heath/PE  1 Arts Education  8 Electives Total-30 Credits, overall unweighted GPA=3.5 GPA

9 Does this apply to you????

10  Dual Enrollment in classes at BHS and CPCC  See Ms. King in the Career Center

11 Standard…..Honors….AP - p. 5 AP Course Expectations (highly motivated, great work ethic, strong reader…) - Ask your teachers…they can tell you more about the courses in their content area as well as help you make the best selection for YOU!

12  P. 24 Course Descriptions  English I  English II  English III  English IV

13  P. 28 Course Descriptions  Math Sequence:  Algebra I  Geometry  Algebra II  Additional Math Class Beyond Algebra II (PreCal, AFM, Discrete, AP Stat, AP Calc, Reg Stat-only if not college bound!)

14  P. 29 Course Description  Earth and Environmental or AP Environmental  Biology  A Physical Science (Physical Science, Chemistry, or Physics)  Optional Electives: Anatomy, Oceanography, Human Anatomy/Physiology Honors, AP Electives

15  P. 30 Course Descriptions  World History  Civics and Economics  US History I  US History II  Optional Electives: Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Law & Justice, AP Electives

16  P. 30 Course Descriptions  World History  Civics and Economics  US History  Optional Electives: Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Law & Justice, AP Electives

17  P. 26 Course Descriptions  Spanish, French, Latin, German  If you are college bound you MUST take 2 levels of the same language!!

18  P. 27 Course Descriptions  You MUST pass Health/PE 9 in order to graduate!!!!  Lots of Additional Electives!

19  JROTC I, II, III, IV  JROTC Lab: leadership skills class, students will work on team building, character education, role modeling, field training, and service learning projects.

20  P. 20-23 Course Descriptions  B eginning  I ntermediate  P roficient (extra quality point)  A dvanced (extra quality point) You must have a signature from the teacher for these courses unless you are taking them for the 1 st time!

21  P. 32-37 Course Descriptions  You are not required to have a concentration….but it’s a GREAT idea!  Prepare you for future college/career plans, Work Keys gives national recognition, looks great on your resume, you already have some training to possible jobs  See Ms. King or Ms. Lee for details

22  CIRCLE the Clusters!  To earn a concentration for graduation you must: take at least 4 CTE credits in a cluster (at least 3 from foundations courses- one must have a star and a 4 th foundation or enhancement course)

23  See Ms. Bucci in the Media Center for an application!

24  You must select 8 TOTAL Courses!  You MUST select two 4X4 and two A/B day alternate classes!

25  You and your parent/guardian must sign this card! Talk to them about your selections!  Did you write the return date on the front of your card???  Triumph Learning Program…do you use it?  ACT for Juniors March 5 th ! Do your best!

26  March 17 th, The Park, 12-4pm  For more information and to register go to: 


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